The youth of Scott St and Fairview Mennonite Brethren Churches make up North End MB Youth (a.k.a. NEMBY). Here is where you can find out what's going on. Make comments on events. Ask questions. *We typically meet on Fridays at 7 pm at Fairview MB Church.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
BBQ; B-Ball; Be-There
Yep so Thursday (tommorrow as I write this) is a BBQ for the Basketball drop-in. It's gonna be at Grantham MB at 6:30pm. It'd be really cool if you could make it out!
Friday June 2nd
I hope though that it will not curtail (take away) posts from this site...I really do wanna see your comments. Here's an idea, after a youth event comment on what you thought of it here!
Anyway, to get to the forum Robert made, just click on the word Forum (i.e. the heading of this post).
Friday, May 26, 2006
June Calandar
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Video Cameras
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
MCC Relief Sale
This coming Saturday is the annual MCC Releif Sale in New Hamburg. Charity and I will once again be going. If you would like to join us, there are 3 extra seats in the back of my car that will go to the first 3 ppl. to get to me. Well be meeting at the church at 7am so that we can get to New Hamburg for 9am for breakfast and we'll leave before 1pm. Bring plenty of cash for foodstuff as you'll regret it if you don't.
If anyone else is willing to drive could you comment that so ppl. know.
We're inviting the Jr. Youth to join us! So, if you have a younger sibling or friend in Jr. High, bring em' out. Let's show the Jr. Youthers a good time and not crush them too bad ;)
Meeting is at regular time (7:30pm)...please come on time. We'll be going across the street to play and afterwards there'll be a snacky for us at the church!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Summer Camping Weekend Form!
Hey everyone, now you can print your retreat form off of our site...that's right, no more "I lost mine" excuses are acceptable. So, if you lost the form that I gave (actually I'll be giving it out tonight...but this will perhaps be read by you in the future...o.k. I'm getting confused) you then you'll have to print one up yourself! Here it is, get it in on or before July 7th and see you at the retreat!
Monday, May 15, 2006
If you haven't figured out how to can do that by clicking on "comments" underneath this (or any of the posts on the blog), then write your comment in the comment box and then finally click on the appropriate button for yourself (blogger if you're a member of blogger, or other if you're not...don't use annonymous, because I'd like to know who it is that's posting). Then do the "word varification" and your post will be posted!
Mission Trip Meeting!
So we're going to begin meeting with the team going to North Carolina/Tennessee Tuesday's at 7pm (starting THIS Tuesday). So, if you got your form in, be there! If you want to come and haven't got your form in yet, be there WITH YOUR FORM! If you're still not sure, BE THERE ANYWAYS. This first meeting we're going to outline the trip and what we'll be doing over the next several Tuesday's leading up to the trip. So bring your questions and hopefully things will be less foggy for you after Tuesday night.
I'm getting quite stoaked about this trip!
*Again, the Scott St. church bulletin was wrong...we're meeting at 7pm, not 6:30
Thursday, May 11, 2006
This Friday
Come out this Friday, rain or shine, to see what it's all about. If it's raining you may want to bring an umbrella.
we start meeting on Tuesday, so get them in!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
Favorite Youth Sunday Moments
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Tom Moments
So, in the comments feel free to tell any sort of memories or comments you would like about yours trully me. Plus as some ppl. come on here that know me from other contexts it'll give you a chance to hear about other sides of me. Note, to my college friends, please don't get me fired.
Now That's Sports Entertainment!
So, what are your thoughts for the NBA playoffs? I tend to want to cheer for the East and I like Detroit. If I had to pick a Western team to cheer for, I guess it'd be Dallas, but I hate that owner of theirs!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
How's everyone else feeling about the playoff's?
*not exactly, I left with 20 seconds left in the game after the empty netter was scored to make it 3-0, I couldn't stomach any more. Poor Darryl Sutter!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Youth Sunday!
Here's where you come in. You need to write a short paragraph telling a bit about yourself. If you're having trouble thinking of what to say, you can tell about some of your interests, if you have a job, what you're doing this summer... etc. So do your write up and send it to me at as soon as possible. Also, be ready cuz on Friday I'll be snapping quick pics of you guys so they can put a name to your face.
To summarize... write up some a short paragraph about yourself and send it to ASAP!
T-Shirt...time for a final decision
It's round two of voting...we've narrowed things down to two of the neuveau designs and I'm going to give everyone who voted for the retro design (or other designs) to cast their lot with one of the remaining neuveau designs...The votes have been cleared and everyone can cast their ballots again.
So, this is your last chance to have your say on what our youth wear will look like.
A question I would like answered here is would you buy a retro design red polo shirt as well as a new design hoodie or shirt?
*Note: If you would, comment with your name as we need at least 10 individuals willing to buy to make it worthwhile.
By Friday the design question will be closed and made up so vote before then and tell your friends to as well...The next question will be hoodies, T-shirts or both...and finally colour. If you want to comment rather than wait for a poll on those, do so and it will mean that I will make a decision sooner!