Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lounge Night!

Alright everyone,

Find your favorite lounging chair (see photo for example), bring your favourite board games (click here for example) and come prepared to relax and have a great night.

It's exam time, it's stressfull and we want you to be able to kick back and relax...

So that's right it's lounge night!

(click on the pic for some real live lounging)

There will likely be a fooseball tournament, various video game machines, whatever board games you bring (provided you bring board games)...
all the regular lounge night stuff.

It'll be good!

Also, my friend Brian Garden is going to come and share with us a little and I'll be handing out forms for our winter retreat, so be excited!

See ya tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rancho Relaxo

Hey everybody,

So this Friday our young adults are going to have a weekend of relaxation at Rancho Relaxo*. What that means is that you will be missing almost all your adult leaders (including Charity and myself).

However, have no fear, youth is not I repeat NOT cancelled! Pastor Pat and Val have so graciously agreed to open up their home to our group for the evening! (For a map, click here). So bring games ("Dance Dance Revolution" err, I mean "Movement Movement Orderly Movement" will I'm sure be an option) and come for a great time at Pastor Pat's**

Feel free to use this night while your youth leaders are away to write cards and come up with other ways of heralding your appreciation to them!

Anyways, hope you have a great time...also don't forget our own retreat at Crossroads is comming up too...Feb. 22-24! Plan for it, it'll be great!

*by Rancho Relaxo I mean Camp Crossroads

**Also known as the home of Pat Jr. & Heidi

Friday, January 04, 2008

Yippee, YOUTH!

We're goiong swimming tonight!

Meet here (Scott St. MB Church) at 6:30pm.

Bring $6 to cover your swimming and your drivers parking.

Be prepared to wear appropriate swimwear and have appropriate fun!

Also, the Jr. Youth will be joining us, so that will make things doubly fun!

*Note: These are all examples of Appropriate swimwear...

**Note: Don't let the cross this man is wearing fool you, this is NOT appropriate swimwear...

But seriously guys, DON'T wear speedo's..."if I can see your thighs it's bad for my eye's"

As well ladies please wear 1 piece suits or a dark shirt with your 2 piece...

I realize that you may think that this is stone aged mentality (the guys in particular), but I really appreciate you making an old man happy by respecting my wishes.

Thanks and see you tonight!!!