Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Church picnic...

If you've looked at your June SSMBY calendar recently, you'll notice that this Sunday is our church picnic at Burgoyne Woods and you are all invited to come.

One of the things that we do at the church picnic is have an actual picnic lunch. Usually people eat with their families which if you don't actually have family attending Scott St. it can be a bit awkward (don't worry, I'm in the same situation). So, last night at Bible study Pat mentioned this to me and he suggested we do a potluck or try to figure something out for lunch. Are you interested in this? If so, then please get back to me as soon as possible to let me know so I can start working on something for it. And if you know of other SSMBY members who will probably be coming to the picnic and might want in on this, but don't have facebook can you please call them (or text them) and then let me know. I need to know numbers.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bible Study!!!

Just a quick reminder that there's Bible study at 7:00 pm tonight at my house (169 Lake St). We're going through the gospel of John right now and we'll be looking at John 13:18-38. It should be good and I hope to see you there.


Oh, and if you live near someone else who comes to SSMBY then why not give them a call and see if you can car pool?

Friday, June 20, 2008

End of Exams!!!

Congratulations!!!! You're finished your exams!!!! After a week of cramming information into your head we are going to spend the night relaxing and unwinding. We will be meeting at the regular time (7:00pm) in the youth room. There will be games (Wii and GH) set up and snacks. It is going to be great!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Take a break...

How're your exams going? I realize that you are probably a little bit stressed right now and have been busy cramming as much information into your brain as you can, so I'm going to go out on a limb and make a suggestion...come to Bible study tonight. Take a short break and come hang out with other people who totally get what you're going through. I've decided that because you're probably sick of learning or have just had too much of it recently, we will not actually be studying the Bible tonight, but rather just having fun and relaxing together. We'll still take a bit of time to pray for each other at the begining, but after that we are just going to be.

If you're planning on coming then can you please email or call me to let me know, so that I'm not waiting around if no one is actually coming? My email address is: or you can call me at the church (905) 937-6900

Hope to see you tonight, Bean

***Remember that we're meeting at my house tonight...169 Lake St....DO NOT GO TO THE CHURCH!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


This week at SSMBY...


As always at 7pm we'll be meeting at Scott Street for a night of a fun filled, high speed, and the best Pine Car derby you ever did see.

Be ready for these racers to have a full pit crew, and loud cheering, as they compete for the "ultimate speed" trophy, and "best looking" car plaque.

(If you have not yet made a car, and wish to enter a car, get working on it very quickly.)
(For those I haven’t spoken with, let me know if your building a car.)


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tonight, Bible study!

Tonight, at 7. Bible study at SSMBC (scott street mb church), in the youth room.
Be ready for a good discussion, and studying the bible :)

This is beans first night leading the bible study, so lets make her feel welcome.

(this is sent out by the short term co-op student, jordan)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

614 St.Jamestown

Hello SSMBY!!!!

This weekend is our mission/service trip/retreat (it sounds a bit oonfusing, but I'm not really sure what to call the weekend) in Toronto with 614 St.Jamestown. There are only 7 of you going, but trust me those 7 are in for a treat and it's really too bad that more of you couldn't make it.

Anyhow, here are the details for the people going on the trip/retreat: Be at the church on Friday (tomorrow) at 4:00pm with all of your stuff (clothes, toiletries, sleeping bag, pillow, Bible, etc.). Tom will meet you at the church and then you'll head out for an awesome weekend.

Details for those of you not going on the trip/retreat: DO NOT COME TO THE CHURCH ON FRIDAY. The trip/retreat is what we have planned for the week, so there won't be anything going on at the church since we're going to be in Toronto. Please pass this on to others if you know that they won't be reading this...that way their parents don't have to drive them to church just to take them home again and so they aren't disappointed when they arrive and find out nothing is happening.

Oh, and if you actually read this then can you please take the few seconds it will take to write a comment to let me know that you use this to find out about youth. I'm trying to figure out the most effective way to pass the info on, so if people aren't actually reading this then...