Thursday, July 24, 2008

Capture the Flag...

‘Capture the Flag’ is a big game for two teams of players. Both teams have a flag and the aim of the game is to capture the other team’s flag and defend your own.

Tomorrow we'll be meeting at the usual time (7:00 pm) in the usual place (Scott St MB Church) and then we'll be heading to Queenston Heights for a few games of Capture the Flag! We'll be at the church for a bit, but we'll be spending most of the evening outside so be prepared for that... i.e. bring bug spray, a sweater, proper footwear. It's going to be a lot of fun!

p.s. I've noticed that there is a lot of hugging going on at youth and I love it, but thought it might be a bit unnerving for new comers, so I've added a video to this post (click on the title to see it) that will explain how to give the perfect man hug. Seriously, men can hug and SSMBY is making that known!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bible Study at Church...

Just reminder that Bible study tonight is going to be at the church. Mark will be leading it so meet him there at 7:00 tonight.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I've heard it said that SSMBY isn't very athletic...well, we'll just have to see about that won't we! This week we're going to be playing ultimate. It's going to be a lot of fun and even if you aren't athletic and don't really like the thought of running around and catching a frisbee, come out anyhow to hang out and cheer.

We'll be meeting at the church at the usual time (7:00) and then heading over to the park across the street from Laura Secord.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bible study...

Man, one week away and I really miss you guys. I hope that you all had a great time at Jay & Tammy's on Friday and I can't wait to hear about it.

Bible study is tonight at 7:00 pm at my house (169 Lake St.) I really hope to see all of you there.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Pool Party!!

This week we're going to be having a pool party at Jay and Tammy's house. You can thank all of the youth Sunday school's because of their sweet Bible memory skills that Jay and Tammy have offered to host this. So we'll be meeting at the church at 7:00 and then heading over to their house. Bring your bathing suits (girls remember that if you only have bikinis then bring a dark tank top to wear over top) and make sure to remember to bring towels. We'll be outside for the evening and if you remember last week, it does get cold once the sun goes down, so please make sure to bring warm clothes and possibly a blanket. Also, if you've got UNO or any fun games to play then bring those along too. There'll be a fire and hotdogs and marshmellows and it really will be a great time. If you're going to be late then just meet us there. Jay and Tammy live at 42 Old Coach Rd.


Oh, and I've finally figured out how to add video links, so click on the title and take a look!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Guys & Girls Night


That's's me, Tom Friesen posting!!!

Tonight is guy/girl night and Char and I are coming out of hiding for it!

So...guys, come to the church for 7pm and girls go to Beans for 7pm. I hope you all come (and maybe some new faces too). Char and I are missing our peops and we're looking forward to seeing you all!!!

So see you tonight!


Friday, July 04, 2008

Outdoor Fun...

I hope that you're all able to make it out tonight, because it is going to be good!!! We're going to spend the evening playing various lawn games (who said bocce ball is for old people?) and then once it gets dark we're going to have our very own drive-in theatre...well, sort of. We're going to watch a movie outside. Yeah, it's going to be good. So, here are the details:

Where: meet at the church

When: 7:00pm (regular time) - if you're going to be late then please let me know, so I can tell you where to meet us

What to bring: warm clothes (it gets pretty cold once the sun goes down) and a lawn chair or blanket to sit on

Movie: it's a surprise! All I'll tell you is that in my books it's a classic and it involves adventure, romance and so much more.

Hope to see you tonight.


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Canada Day!!!

Just a quick reminder that there is no Bible study tonight. I hope you're enjoying the beautiful day and that you see some crazy fireworks tonight.
