Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bible Study and More...

Bible study tonight will be at the usual time (7:00 pm) and at the usual place (my house, 169 Lake Street). I've been really excited about the conversations that we've been having at Bible study and I know that it's really challenged my own thinking regarding who God is and what it means for me to live my life in relationship with him. I hope that those of you who have been coming out have enjoyed it as well and I'm excited to see what discussions we're going to have tonight.

I'm also going to give you the info for Friday night right now!!!

This weekend is the Harvest/Mission Fest at our church (Scott St MB Church), so we're going to be joining the church for it. Some friends of mine, Doug and Deanna Hiebert, are going to be speaking for it and they're going to be talking their experience in Burundi, Africa.

Last Friday I told you that it starts at 7:00 and I stressed that you need to be on time for it, but it actually starts at 7:30, so we'll be meeting at our usual time (7:00) in the youth room and then we can head down together.

I'm really excited for the weekend and if you're free then come on Saturday too. It'll be starting at 7:00 on Saturday. Doug and Deanna's topic title for Saturday is Report: Rewanda 14 years later? and they're going to be showing pictures and telling stories from their time out there. I'm excited to hear what they have to say. If you've seen the movie Hotel Rawanda or heard about the terrible things that happened there then I think you'll want to be here.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

SSMBY Amazing Race!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is HOT off the press,
This friday, at SSMBY, is THE AMAZING RACE!
That's right folks, a night with fun filled adventure racing across the vast and wonderful area of southern Ontario. You won't want to miss this event.
Now, realize youth starts at 7 o'clock, and the RACE will begin at 7:30, so get ready for some fun.

Now, onto some practical things that you should bring...
Clothes - Possibly warm, be flexible in, and run around in
Shoes - Running
Small Flashlight? Yes, it will be dark, so if a few people bring small flashlights that won't hinder gameplay, that would be good.
A Good Attitude - ALWAYS!
A Competitive Attitude - Just this event...

Signing off,
Jordan Duerrstein

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bible Study...

Bible study is tonight at my house (169 Lake St) at 7:00pm Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

SSMBY Records!!!

This Friday you have the opportunity to become a part of a very prestigious group...the SSMBY Record holders. This opportunity only comes once a year, so mark it on your calendars and start practicing. There will be judges and stop-watches and we're counting on you making your way into the SSMBY Book of Records which will be coming out later this Fall.

Just to get your imagination going I've come up with a short list of record setting options. Do not feel limited to this list, but if you're having a hard time coming up with a record to set or break then feel free to go for one of these records or modify them to come up with your own. I'd really like to see everyone participating, so try to come up with something.

• most people on one couch
• most words said in a minute
• most words texted in 30 sec.
• longest time hanging from a beam
• most books balanced on head
• lowest limbo
• longest head stand
• most consecutive cartwheels
• most consecutive summersaults
• longest monologue
• most cans of pop drunken in a minute
• longest spin before falling
• tallest member of SSMBY
• shortest member of SSMBY
• fastest time to eat a can of spam (or any other gross food)
• longest slide across the floor in socks
• fastest time to eat an apple
• biggest head
• smallest head
• fastest time to drink 5 glasses of chocolate milk

Make sure that you let me know the record that you want to break and if I'm going to need to get any supplies in order for you to do it. You can either write a comment on this blog entry or if you want it to be a bit more secretive then email me at sabrinawiens@bellnet.ca

One record that I came across is the greatest distance moon-walked in an hour, so use your imagination and as long as your record can be measured and judged you've got a shot at become a SSMBY Record-holder!

p.s. click on the title of this post to see a record being broken.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bible Study...

Bible Study is going to be back at my house (169 Lake St.) tonight. I'll see you at 7:00!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where's Waldo?

What: Where's Waldo?
Where: Meet at the church
When: Friday, September 12th at 7:00 pm*

*Call me at the church (905.937.6900) and let me know if you're going to be late so that you don't have to miss out on the fun...and seriously, you don't want to miss out on the fun!


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Volunteering at Salvation Army...

Tuesday nights are usually Bible Study nights, but tonight we're going to be doing something a bit different... we're going to be volunteering at the Salvation Army. We'll be meeting at the church at 7:00 pm and then heading over there. We'll be sorting food (something that is much needed!) and probably doing some cleaning, but I'm not entirely sure what they'll need us to do, so wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty.

See you tonight!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Photos from the girls sleepover...

SSMBY girls are hard-core!!!

Rachel, Christina, Hannah and Heidi looking cute in their hair-nets

Christina and Rachel tearing up the track... in their family go-cart?

Sleeping at a sleep-over?

It's a new year people!!!

Well, I hope you've all had a great first week of school and are ready to start off a new year of SSMBY! We're going to be meeting at church at the usual time (7:00pm) for a night of games and humiliation (only for a few and you know who you are). So, come out and have fun.

If you can, please remember our Serbian Kindergarten class and bring any change that you can spare.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Girls? Guys?

I hope your questions are in because tonight is your chance to better understand the opposite sex! We're going to be meeting at the church tonight (not my house) at 7:00 and we'll have a chance to answer and discuss the questions that we came up with on Friday. See you tonight!