Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Holidays

Wow, it feels like a while since we've been together. I hope that everyone had a good Christmas and is having a great break from school.

Our next youth event won't be next week - Bible Study next Tuesday night at 7:00 pm at my house (169 Lake St.). Fairview youth members are welcome to join us since you're Monday night Bible study isn't going to be happening anymore. We've been going through the book of Luke, so if you've got time then read through the first 4 chapters of Luke to get caught up to where we are.

Then next Friday (January 8th) we'll be having an ugly Christmas sweater party. We'll start at 6:30 that night because we'll be having supper together potluck style (that means everyone has to bring something).

Stay tuned for more details, but start looking through your closet (or your mom, dad, or grandparents closet) for a Christmas sweater.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Babysitting

Scott St. youth members remember that we're meeting at the church tomorrow at 3:30 and we'll be having our choir practice from 3:30-5:30 and then getting pizza. Bring $3 to cover supper. Also remember that this Sunday after church is the run through of the Christmas Eve program so plan on staying for lunch and then attending that practice.

For youth tomorrow we're going to be blessing the young families in our churches by doing some Christmas babysitting...don't worry, I don't even like small children and yet I think this is a fun youth event. There are going to be different activities that we'll be doing with them and it's going to be a packed evening. Although it will be a great event, keep in mind that it will be about us babysitting and entertaining the kids, not us entertaining ourselves, so if you come then be ready to help and play with children.

We'll be meeting at the church at 6:00pm (that's an hour earlier than we normally meet). AND BE ON TIME. I don't want to scramble around to explain things to you once the kids arrive...we need to be ready for them when they come.

See you tomorrow.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where's Waldo?

First off, we'll be having our youth choir practice tomorrow at 5:30. If you are a part of the Scott St. portion of our youth group then this means you should be at the church tomorrow at 5:30. Please be on time.

If you are not a part of the choir then meet us at the church at 7:00 pm. We will be heading to the Pen Centre from there. No, we will not be shopping. Christmas is hanging in the balance and we have some culprits to find in order to save Christmas! Hm...that either sounds exhilarating and exiting or lame, but trust me it'll be fun!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Extra Youth Choir Practice

Christmas Eve is coming quickly and the youth choir definitely needs some more practice...AND MORE PEOPLE! So, I'm calling out to all SSMBY members and asking you to come out to our practices. You're going to be at the Christmas Eve program anyhow and you'll look pretty silly sitting in the audience while we're up there singing, so you may as well join us.

We're going to start meeting on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm at Scott St. instead of Bible study. So, come to the church tonight, not to my house.

If you read this message, then text it to all your friends and tell them to come.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Stuff for this week

The youth choir is meeting at the church at 5:30 on Friday for their 2nd practice. Whether you came last week or not, come out tomorrow. We are meeting earlier for youth so there won't be time to get pizza this week...make sure you eat supper before coming to choir practice.

We're going to an Ice Dogs game for youth tomorrow. Here is a list of the people I bought tickets for:
Amy Browett
Marissa Peacock
Aaron Giesbrecht
Nathan Schafer
Jesslyn Duerrstein
Christina Braoun
Patrick Bartley
Josh Mason
Kristen Kort
Carmen Mortley
Kevin & Nikki Klassen
Suzanne Wilson

If your name is not on this list then I do not have a ticket for you and therefore do not come to the church tomorrow night. If your name is on this list, then come to the church at 6:45 tomorrow night (BE ON TIME) and bring $14 to pay for your ticket (I fronted the money for the tickets and I definitely need it back).

Sunday is our youth Christmas. It's going to be at Fairview, after church. It's not to late to come, even if you haven't talked to me or Suzanne yet, so let us know. Tickets are now $12.

There will be a re-gift exchange, so dig through your draws and closets and find something that you no longer use to wrap up for the gift exchange...do not go out and buy something - find something that you already own, but no longer use (approx. value $10).

Let me know if you've got questions.