Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stuff for this week...

Tonight we've got youth Bible study! Meet me at Jesslyn's house (1515 5th St.) at 7:00 pm. Last week we started our study on Christian Theology (what we believe) and we started by talking about who God is. Come out tonight for part 2.

This weekend is Harvest Missions Fest at Scott St. MB Church so we're going to be joining the church for this on Friday. There will be a time of worship singing, and Richard Martens will be the speaker for the night. Please meet me at the church at 7:00 pm.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Get ready for a night of awe and amazement. Do you have any odd or spectacular abilities or physical traits...perhaps you can fit an amazing number of marshmallows in your mouth at once, or have a ridiculously long tongue, maybe you can hoola-hoop with the best of them, or spit a sunflower seed further than anyone you know. Well, tonight you will see and have the chance to break records and have your name added to the SMAIRVIEW Book of Records.

We'll be meeting at Scott St. MB Church at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bible Study.

Just a reminder that we've got Bible study tonight. We're going to be starting our study on theology and apologetics...sounds boring, but come out tonight to find out what those words mean. We're going to start by talking about who God is.

We're meeting at Jesslyn's house (1515 5th St.) at 7:00 pm. See you there!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stuff for this Weekend

This Friday, we're going to be doing a photo scavenger hunt around St. Catharines. Please meet at Scott St. at 7:00 pm and please be on time because we won't be waiting around for long. There are a few things that I need you to bring for our photo scavenger hunt...a camera (with the cables to hook it up to a tv), and $2 to help cover the gas costs. Each group needs a camera, so if you've got one at home then please bring it and MAKE SURE YOU BRING THE CABLES FOR IT.

Also, this Saturday is the VBS follow-up, so we've got a load of kids & parents coming to the church and we were asked to help run some of the games. If you're available to come out for this then please come to Scott St. at 4:00 pm on Saturday

And, last but not least (this weekend is a busy one) this Sunday is our Spaghetti Lunch fundraiser at Fairview. The money we raise at this lunch goes to cover the costs for our youth events, helps us keep the cost down for retreats and mission trips and basically helps us run a great youth program. I know that we all go to different churches, but as part of SSMAIRVIEW I'm asking you to come out and help with this.

Please meet me at Fairview MB Church (455 Geneva St.) on Sunday morning at 9:30. At that time we'll need to set up the tables & chairs, set tables, and make the salad & garlic bread...there's a lot that needs to be done, so please, please, please, come out and help.

Thanks for being so great!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Youth Bible Study

That's right, youth Bible study is starting up again and tonight is the night. Jesslyn has very graciously offered to host us for this, so we'll be meeting at her house (1515 5th Street) at 7:00 pm.

In case you're wondering what youth Bible study is all about...it's a time for us to come together, share things that are going on in our lives, study the Bible or a Christian book or discuss various topics in order to figure out who God is and what it means for us to follow him.

Because tonight is the first Bible study of the new year, we'll take some time to talk about what we're hoping to get out of Bible study, where we're at in our lives & relationship with God, and hopefully figure out what would be most beneficial for us to start our new year of youth Bible study.

See you tonight.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Youth Worship Night

A new year of youth is about to begin and I'm not going to lie, I've got a good feeling about this year. We're going to be meeting tonight at Scott St. at 7:00 pm. We'll be in the gym tonight and we're going to be doing something new...having a worship night. So, we'll be worshiping God tonight through singing and sharing and being together.

Friday, September 03, 2010


Remember that we're meeting at Kevin's parents' house tonight (3 Glencairn Dr.) at 7:00 pm and BE HUNGRY because we're having a bbq...also please bring $3 to help cover the cost.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

End of the Summer :(

Can you believe that the summer is coming to end and September is already here!?! Well, tomorrow night we're going to end the summer with a bang. We'll be having an end of the summer/long weekend bbq at Kevin's parents' house. We'll MEET AT THEIR HOUSE (3 Glencairn Dr.) NOT AT THE CHURCH at 7:00 pm. Be hungry because the grill be going and the food will be delicious. Please bring $3 to help cover the cost of the food. We're going to be outside all evening, so dress appropriately and there is a pool there, so if you want to go swimming then bring your swimsuit and towel (girls remember to bring a dark tank top for over your bikini).

See you tomorrow.