Friday, October 29, 2010


Wow, I can't believe how late I'm posting this. HAYRIDE TONIGHT. Meet at the church at 7:00 pm. Dress warm and be ready for fun. There are three other youth groups joining us and Mark will be hosting us in a little game...tonight will be AMAZING!!!

If you're getting picked up early, then have your ride pick you up at 278 Line 5 Niagara-on-the-Lake.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bible Study

Just a reminder that we've got Bible study tonight at Jesslyn's house (1515 5th St.) at 7:00 pm. Come on out for a great night of discussion, Bible study, and being together.

If the only thing stopping you from coming to this is a ride then talk to each other and carpool or if that doesn't work then let me or Mark know and we can pick you up.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fun with Pat & Josh!!!

This weekend is the youth leadership retreat, up at Camp Crossroads. That means that our student & adult leaders will be joining other youth leadership teams from all over Ontario for a great weekend of team building, fun, and planning. But don't fret, that doesn't mean we're leaving you guys will be having fun with Pat & Josh while we're away.

Come out this Friday for a youth extravaganza...more accurately known as: make-a-movie-night, with Pat & Josh. It's going to be creative, fun, and hilarious, so you do not want to miss this.

Come to the church at 7:00 pm and bring a video camera if you've got one! We'll need 4-5 video cameras, so seriously, if your family owns one then please ask if you can bring it along. Also, make sure you bring the cables for it along as well or else no one will be able to see the cinematic masterpiece that your group creates.

Have fun!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bible Study

This is your weekly reminder that we've got youth Bible study tonight! Come on out for a great night of sharing life and good discussion on what we (Christians) believe and why.

We'll be meeting tonight at 7:00 pm at Jesslyn's house (1515 5th St.).

See you there!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Youth Worship Night

Tonight is our 2nd youth worship night. It's going to be a night of worshiping God through singing, sharing, and fun...and our very own youth worship band will be leading the singing. What's that? We have our own youth worship band? The answer is, yes! We do have a worship band, so let's support them tonight as they lead us in worshiping God.

Also, remember that we do our worship nights with the jr. youth, so I encourage you to remember back to when you were that age, and thought the sr. youth were so to them. Make them feel welcome!

And the jr. youth aren't the only ones joining us tonight. This will also be our first, trial event with Grantham Youth. Whoa, this is a big night. So again, talk to them. Make them feel welcome. Remember what it was like a year ago for our two groups as we were becoming one and let's do what we can to make this good.

We're going to be meeting at FAIRVIEW MB CHURCH (455 Geneva St.) at 7:00 pm...NOT at Scott St.

See you tonight!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Bible Study & Community Thanksgiving Dinner

First off, we've got Bible study tonight at 7:00 pm at Jesslyn's house (1515 5th St.). Come on out for some good discussion.

Secondly, this Friday is our Community Thanksgiving Dinner, so I'm going to need a bunch of help at different times this week. This dinner is something that our youth group has done for pretty much forever now (I think it's been 14ish years). With the help of some ladies at our church we will be hosting the community for Thanksgiving Dinner. Not only does this promote community in our area, but it also provides a turkey dinner and a place of belonging for people who might not have family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving with. Personally, I think this is my favourite thing that our church and youth group does all year, so please take a look at the times I need help and let me know when you can come.

Times I need help:
Wednesday at 3:45pm (just come to the church after school) - posting flyers

Friday at 10am - helping the ladies with the meal prep (peeling potatoes, cutting bread for stuffing, etc.)

Friday at 3:30pm - EVERYONE NEEDS TO COME to help set up the tables & chairs, set the tables, get the last food stuff read & be ready to welcome our guests. Please wear black (or dark) pants & a white (or light coloured) top

Please email me ( or facebook message me to let me know what you can help with.