Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Stuff

We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church at 7:00 pm for some classic Easter celebrations. Easter!? What the?! Isn't Easter over already? The answer to that, my friend, is yes, but in classic NEMBY style, we waited until the holiday passed to celebrate. There will be eggs, there will be chocolate, the Easter bunny might even make an appearance. Seriously, you do not want to miss this!

See you at 7.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bible Study


So for bible study tonight we will be meeting at Fairview at 7:00. We will be continuing our series called Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. We will be looking at the third chapter of the book. We always have some good discussions going on at bible study, so if you want to come and discuss with us, please feel free to come tonight. It doesn't matter if its your first time coming, you're always welcome.

See you tonight!

Love, Colin

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Weekend

So, this weekend is a big one...EASTER!!! It means that you guys have a crazy long weekend and that there are a ton of church things! Here's an outline of all the Easter goodness that you can come to.

1. Good Friday Service: 10:45 am on Friday at Fairview MB's going to be all 3 of churches coming together for a service...let's see if our churches can come together as well as we have.

2. Sunrise Service: 6:00 am on Sunday at the Welland Canal Lock 1. I realize that this is CRAZY EARLY and I've got kind of a love/hate relationship with the Sunrise Service because it's so early, but I'm always glad that I go because there's something amazing about seeing the sunrise and thinking about the reality of what we're celebrating on Easter morning. I know you probably don't want to come to this, but I'm really going to encourage you to do it! Mark will be leading some singing, we'll read some scripture and I'll be doing a short Easter devo. It's going to be good AND WE'RE GOING OUT FOR BREAKFAST AFTER. Bring some money along for breakfast.

Okay, I think that's it, but let me know if you've got any questions. And SERIOUSLY, COME TO THE SUNRISE SERVICE!!! Remember that you can sleep in on Friday, Saturday, and Monday, so really, what's the big deal about getting up early on Sunday?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bible Study

Bible Study. Tonight. 7 pm. Fairview MB Church.

We're going to be talking about Easter, sharing about our lives, and praying for each other. It's going to be good.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Murder Mystery...


There has been a murder in Nembyshire! The king has been killed!
The funeral will be taking place at Scott St. church at 7:00 tonight and the queen would greatly appreciate you're attendance at her husbands funeral.

Please come and show your respect please!

Don't forget that we're meeting at Scott St. NOT FAIRVIEW.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bible Study Tonight/Election Debates


So tonight we will be meeting at Sabrina's house to watch the Election Debates! I know it sounds lame, but we both think its really important to know what is going on in the country and to think about what sort of issues that we can see and try to talk about different ways in which we can help resolves these issues.

i know politics are lame but it really is an important thing to think about, even if you're not old enough to vote right now, its still good to think about issues and all that jazz.

So Sabrina's address is: 169 Lake St. The debates start at 7, so if you want to come a bit earlier thats cool. There will be snacks.

Love, Colin

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Swimming at Brock

We're going swimming tomorrow!!! We'll be meeting at Fairview at 7:00 pm and then heading to Brock. Swimming will cost $4.75 per person so please be sure to bring your money. Girls please make sure to either wear a one-piece or bring a dark tank top to wear over your bikini.

Also, if you're thinking of coming on Mission360 this year then please email me or talk to me on Friday...that way we can start talking about fundraising and whatnot.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Bible Study

Yo dudes!

Bible study tonight will be at Fairview again, at 7!
We'll be looking at the 2nd video on our new series Crazy Love by Francis Chan! Its pretty sweet so y'all should come for some good talks n such.

K. So: Bible Study. Fairview. 7:00.

Be there


Love, Colin