Wednesday, August 28, 2013

End of the Summer BBQ & Potluck


It's been a good summer, but boy, it's gone by quickly!!!  This Friday is going to be a bittersweet occasion.  We're going to party out the summer with our end of the summer BBQ & potluck.  We'll celebrate a great year of youth and some great member of our NEMBY family who will be moving on to bigger and better things.

Here are the details:
Where: My parents house (1178 Concession 6, NOTL)
When: Friday from 7-10 PM
What: BBQ & Potluck (I'll have burgers, but talk to your parents and let me know if you're able to bring a salad or dessert), swimming (girls, remember to bring a dark tank top to wear over your bikini), bonfire (bring warm clothes to wear when it gets dark).

I already said it, but PLEASE talk to your parents and let me know if you're able to bring food for the'll make my day so much easier if others help out.

See you on Friday!!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Mediocre Race


Are you ready for mediocrity at it's best?  I hope so because tomorrow is The Mediocre Race!  We'll be meeting at 7 pm AT the carousel at Port Dalhousie.  Things to bring: nothing'll be walking around a bit so you might want to wear comfy shoes and it's been kind of cool out this week so make sure you dress for the weather.

Danielle is going to meet you at the carousel at 7...don't panic if you don't see me or the other leaders there :)

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Youtube Re-Makes


Here are the basic details for Friday: we'll be meeting at Grantham MB Church at 7pm for a night of movie magic...we're going to be re-making youtube videos.  Go ahead and think of your favourite or the funniest or the most overdone video you know (make sure they are youth appropriate).  Feel free to bring props along.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, August 02, 2013

Outdoor Movie Night

Sorry for not posting info sooner...I've was on vacation this week and just got home from the cottage.

We're meeting AT Damon & Dana's house (8 Green Leaf Crt) tonight at 7 pm for a pool party, worship & sharing, and an outdoor movie.

Things to bring: swimsuit (girls, bring a dark tank top to wear over your bikini), towel, warm clothes for when the sun goes down, a lawn chair and/or a blanket for the movie.

We can't start the movie until the sun goes down which means that tonight will be a later night.  If you want to stay for the movie then have your parents ready to come pick you up at around can call or text them once we're starting the movie to tell them a definite time.

See you tonight!