Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Mike Moments

Well some time ago I put up a post called "Tom Moments"* under the auspices of the thought that it'd be nice to hear stories about us as youth leaders. I said I'd put up a different leader each month (but I missed last month) so, this month's leader is Micheal Klassen.

Now then you [yes you!] are to write a story about him the comment section. Feel free to tell any sort of memories or comments you would like about Mike. Well, get cracking!

*Tom Moments are archived May4 if you'd still like to put in a punch there.


Tom (Youth Leader Emeritus) said...

Well, I'll begin...Mike and I have been leading youth together for some 8 years now and have seen a lot. As you probably know he and Lauren are retiring as of August this year and I will miss them both a ton. I don't know youth without Mike. He's been a huge help to me and a good sounding board. It's been a great ride Mike!

As to stories...I have trouble pin-pointing one specific "Mike Moment"...I do know that anytime we get to act together makes my life. The first and perhaps greatest memory of this was back in the day when we got to be hicks with Carey Wiens (our old youth leader) and Wes Wiens (Gar's brother, former youth leader).

Then there's Small Changeboy...
The intro of Saturday Night live to Winter Retreats...

Thems was good times! I'll miss the acting!

Oh and the introduction of Iron Chef...genious!

Gary Wiens said...

Well, I haven't had as much experience with Mike as Tom has I do concur that Mike has done well with the youth. I know that when I entered youth as a sponsor my respect for Mike grew quite a bit. As to stories involving Mike, my fondest moments revolve around meat and the numerous occasions that we teamed up for some fine outdoor open coal cooking often at teh unholy hours of the night. I will forver be your meat brother Mike which was solidified this new years before I left. I look forward to more grilling with you. Until then remember to keep the coals hot and the beef bloody.