Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Aids. Care Now.

Hey all, I'm not sure how many of you got my email or not, but either way I want to draw your attention to a new link in our links section. It is for a new MCC website that is trying to cast light on the work they are involved in for the aids crisis affecting our world (esp. Africa). You can also get to the site by clicking on the heading of this post or go to:

I just came back from a leadership summit where one of the sessions was an interview between Bill Hybels and Bono and it again drove home for me the urgency of the need for Christians to take action to work to stop this crisis!

I would be EXTREMELY interested to hear any suggestions and idea's how our youth group or church could engage this issue in any way shape or form...please, pray, think and if you can, GIVE.

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