Wednesday, September 20, 2006

you know who is dis?

Hey, alright people, seems the last one was too easy. Hopefully this one will be a little more challenging for you.


Anonymous said...

im gonna go out on a whim(is that spelt right?) and say that this is tom.

Tom (Youth Leader Emeritus) said...

Well Grumpy, I'll help ya out clearly didn't pay attention to the last eye which was in fact my eye (you'll note the brown hue as opposed to this grey-green colour) as well as the dry skin by my eyebrow that so afflicts I'm going to have to say, no, that is not my eye...and yes, you spelled 'whim' correctly. Keep guessing all...and "San Andres High School Rocks!!!"

Anonymous said...

i have no clue...
(i didn't even know it was possible to have green-brown eyes)

Anonymous said...

This one is super hard and I'm once again going to go out on a limb with a guess that I'm really not all that confident about (I was right last time though, so heck, why not give it a shot again). My guess is that, Vic, its your eye.

Anonymous said...

heck why not. I'll guess vic too. cause I have absolutly no idea.

Anonymous said...

that seems to be more of a green eye and i think vic has blue, so im gonna say kevin