Friday, December 15, 2006

Click here to listen to a great song!

Master Bookmark Cutter Robert Mason here.

I have taken a brief sabbatical from my endless chopping and slicing of paper in order to provide you with this message:

Where's Waldo will occur tonight.

Figure 1-A, a North American Waldo (Waldo Americanus) in it's natural environment.

"How?" and "Why?" are totally natural questions for yourselves to have at this point. THEY ARE ALSO QUESTIONS THAT WILL GO UNANSWERED.

The questions "When?" and "Where?" are totally natural questions as well; the answers to which are: "Seven Thirty" and "Meet at the church, then we'll go to the Pen Centre"

The most important (or not) questions is "What?" Curse you internally for that question! I must return to my cutting of bookmarks! I will humour you, however. Where's Waldo involves a number of Waldo's (People dressed and disguised) that will be hiding out in the Pen Center. We, in groups, will have to find said Waldo's and get them to sign a paper. The group with the most signatures wins, and consequently will not recieve any promised prize for at least a year.


Anonymous said...

i'll be there!

but walking won't be my strong point. i'm a little malnourished and fatigued.

Anonymous said...

sorry i can't make it :(
i'm going to my friends house and i haven't seen her in like...a month

Anonymous said...

this soundslike weeeeh to much fun...i would hate to miss this...that is "why" i am taking a break from my long and boring ISU!!! to come and join LOL..
see you all there