Saturday June 30-Sunday July 8
Mark Durksen & Tom Friesen are looking for a few good youth!
Alright everyone, so just like we did 2 years ago, this summer we are going to be going to Montreal. Some of the fun we'll have there will be taking in some of the Montreal Jazz Festival and Symphony of Fire which are amazing! It's a cultural experience not to be missed and for me would be a major drawing card to living in Montreal.
We'll also experience the diversity that is the city of Montreal. It is a city steeped in religion (as can be seen in one of many huge, beautiful cathedrals...including one that Celine Dion got married in :) ). Yet it is also a city far from God. We will also work in some capacity with the poverty that is all too prevelant in every major city in North America.
The program that we will be a part of is Mennonite Central Committe's Learning Thru Service program which is described as "A service/learning opportunity for youth groups to understand cultural diversity and the circumstances of poverty." MCC has a house that we'll live in as a group. Each day we will be involved in serving alongside of one of the many agencies that MCC conects with (Last year we worked at a soup kitchen in the mornings and with a home that help people with various mentall illnesses be able to live on their own-as opposed to be in some institution). It was challenging and enriching. It will be an experience that you won't soon forget!
Information packets with everything you need to know are now available...Just ask Pastor Tom
Also, if you want to be part of the 2007 Mission Team let Pastor Tom know ASAP (but no later than April 27)...we're going to start meeting on the first Thursday in May...see Irresistible Bible Study
i've already let you know tom, but ill say it again, "I am interested in going to this wicked awesome thing thats going down in the summer with you and mark and jazz and montreal, so i encourage you all to come out and have lots of fun and do meaningfull things for people in montreal."
i am so going.
meeting after april 20th will prove difficult for me as i will not be in town until mid May. after that, though, look out! I'm here! I'm gone!
i'd love to go
but i would like to know how much it costs since i'd be paying for this myself (and then a trip to Alberta soon afterwards)
The cost will be $275
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