Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thursday, Friday, Infinity and Beyond

Hello Everyone...First off for those reading along The Irresistible Revolution for bible study, I failed to mention what chapter we'll be looking at/discussing this week. So, I'll do that now...we're going to be looking at chpt. 5...that's right, only one chapter this week. So read chpt. 5 and come prepared for a great discussion! James and Mark will be sharing their stories at the start of the night, followed by a wonderful discussion. So if you normally don't come, come and even if you're not reading along come anyways (although the book is amazing and you'd be a better person for reading it)...I'd love to see EVERYONE in youth coming to bible study and even bringing all your friends...let's start changing the world!!

Next up...FRIDAY! We're going to be working on our Kub Cars, so I hope you got your block of wood in to Vic & Kev last week or have arranged another way to get it cut out. I'm looking forward to seeing the genious creativity of you all! Regular youth time, regular youth place!

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