Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Week (Youth Events for Thursday, Friday & Sunday)

Alright everyone,

This is the week that we in the Christian community comemorate the last events of Jesus' life and his death.

Tonight (in lieu of Bible Study this week) we are meeting at Charity and my place (2A Water St. click for map) at 6:30pm sharp!
We will then be going to Grace Anglican Church just down the road from my place to join them for their Maundy Thursday service. A service that remembers Jesus' last supper with his disciples and how he taught them what it is to follow him by washing their feet.

Grace is a small elderly congregation where I've gotten to know their pastor as a friend. We went last year and apparently the congregation still talks about it and are looking forward to our return!

Then tommorow morning at 10:45am we are at Scott St. MB for our Good Friday Service. Good Friday is the day when the church remember the crucifixtion and death of Jesus. Our former youth leader Mike Klassen will be preaching the sermon for this service and Matt Klassen (who shared with us a couple weeks ago) is the worship leader. You won't want to miss this service!

Then tommorow night for our youth event, back by popular demand, we will be going to St. Barnabas for their Tenebre service.
We'll meet at Scott St. at 7:30pm to go their.

The service is marked by the extinguishing of candles one by one after various readings from the Bible. The last candle is is taken out of sigh (not extinguished), leaving the sanctuary in total darkness. Then there's a loud noise symbolizing the earthquake that followed Christ's death. Following the noise everyone bangs on their pew until the candle is returned. This candle sybolizes Jesus death and when it's returned signifies the return of Christ to the world with the resurrection. All in all it's a really different and cool worship time!

Then on Sunday we are joining Grantham and Cornerstone for a sunrise service! We will rise early in the morning just like the ladies did 2000+ years ago, but not with sadness, with joy knowing that Jesus is alive!

We're meeting at Scott St. at 6:30am for rides and then heading to the gazebo in NOTL and well worship together starting at 7am to watch the sun rise.

Then we're going to go out for breakfast together (so bring some monies).

Lastly we're back at Scott St. that same morning at 10:45am for our Worship Service. There's going to be a special Easter choir and it's going to be great.

This is the most sacred time for Christians and I look forward to it every year. I am excited to worship with you all over the next couple days!

Pastor Tom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
