Wednesday, November 05, 2008

SSMBY + seniors + games = AWESOME!!!!

This Friday is our first ever games night with seniors!  We've invited people from our church who are 60+ to join us for a games night and they're going to be bringing some of their favourites, so get ready for some rousing rounds of 11-heraus, skipbo, dominoes and crokinole...don't worry, I don't know how to play some of those either.  It's going to be a great opportunity for us to get to know some of the older people in our church and have fun while we're at it.

We (the members of SSMBY) are going to be meeting at the church at 7:00 pm to set up the gym for the night and for some quick announcements and then the seniors will be joining us at 7:30.  Feel free to invite your grandparents (even if they don't go to Scott St.).

Oh, and we're hoping to have some squares and cookies to serve throughout the night, so let me know if you can bring something.

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