Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Potluck...take 2

Okay, let's try this again.  This Friday we're going to have our Christmas potluck/cheesy Christmas party.  We're going to meet at 6:00 pm at the church and we're going to have supper together potluck-style.  That means that each person needs to bring a dish to share with the group.  Here's a list of suggestions, but you can really bring anything that you want to, so if you have a favourite dish then feel free to bring it.

- veggie platter
- fruit platter
- meatballs
- pasta or potato salad
- some sort of casserole
- stew
- chili
- perogies
- soup
- crackers & dips or cheese
- garlic bread
- dinner rolls
- salad of any kind
- dessert

Again, if you want to make something that's not on the list then go ahead and make it.  Please post what you are going to make so that everyone can see...that way they won't make the same thing as you.

After dinner we're going to have some Christmas festivities, so please wear your Christmas sweaters, if you have one.  We're also going to do the re-gift exchange, so find something that you already own, but don't use, wrap it up and bring it along.

See you Friday!  

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tim is getting baptized...

Tim is getting baptized this Sunday (the 28th) at Southridge Community Church and I thought I'd let everyone know, so you can figure out if you can make it. I'll be going and I can definitely give some people a ride. The service starts at 11:00, so let me know if you want a ride and we can figure that out. I probably won't have internet access before then, so give me a call or talk to me at the Christmas Eve service.

Friday, December 19, 2008


I am writing with a very sad heart because I am writing to say that I am canceling youth tonight. The roads are terrible right now and they will just be getting worse as the day/night goes on. I was super pumped about the Christmas potluck tonight, but I know that I would feel terrible if any of you got in an accident on the way to church tonight and I think this will put your parents at ease as well.

The good news is that we're still going to do our Christmas potluck/tacky Christmas party, but I'm rescheduling it for January 2nd...our first youth in the new year. And seriously, it kind of goes with the theme of the party because it once again does not get much tackier than having a Christmas party so far after Christmas.

So, halt all potluck prep. I really hope this doesn't put you out too much. And if you haven't thought of what to make yet then you've got another two weeks to think about it!

Also, PASS THIS MESSAGE ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS!  I want to make sure that everyone gets the message that we are not meeting tonight.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tacky Christmas...

Christmas time is here and we’re going to celebrate it SSMBY style! We’re going to meet at 6:00 pm on Friday and we’re going to have a potluck supper, so that means that each person needs to bring something to share with group. Here’s a list of ideas, but you can really bring anything, so if you’ve got a specialty then feel free to bring it or if your mom makes a super awesome dish that you love then ask her for the recipe and make it.

- fruit platter
- veggie platter
- meatballs
- hashbrown casserole (or some other sort of casserole)
- nacho dip
- cheese and crackers
- dips
- rice
- chicken wings
- cooked veggies
- soup
- chilli
- salad (green salad, Caesar salad, Greek salad, fruit salad)
- garlic bread
- desserts

We’re also going to enjoy some Christmas festivities after supper and the theme of the festivities is going to be “Tacky Christmas”, so everyone needs to find a tacky Christmas sweater (whatever that means to you) and we’re going to do a gift exchange game, but think tacky…it doesn’t get tackier than re-gifting, so instead of going out and buying something for the gift exchange you need to bring something that you already own, but don’t use and have either never used or haven’t used in a long time…I’m talking dig deep into your closet and dust off whatever you find, wrap it up and give it away. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure, right?

Since we’re not spending money on the presents, I’m going to suggest that you bring $5 along and we’re going to donate the money somewhere.

There you have it. I’m pumped and think this Friday is going to be awesome! Once you’ve decided what you want to bring for the potluck please post it so that people don’t bring the same things.

See you Friday!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Volunteering at Salvation Army...

We're volunteering at the Salvation Army again tonight.  We'll meet at the church at 7:00 pm and then head over there.  I haven't been able to get a hold of them yet, so please come to the church because it's likely that we'll go straight to the warehouse, but I'm not sure yet.  

Friday, December 12, 2008

German Choir Concert...

Remember that we're going to the German service on Sunday instead of Sunday school because they are doing their German Choir Christmas Concert.  It starts at 9:30 and it's important that you're on time because unlike youth Sunday school they will not wait for late comers and it will be quite embarrassing to show up late.  Mr. Eitzen assured me that they will speak some English to make us feel included, but remember that it is the German service so a lot of it will be in German and all the songs will probably be in German.  This is just one more way that we can show that we are a part of the church and care about what is going on, plus it'll be really good to hear the choir sing.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

SSMBY Christmas Babysitting

For the past while we’ve been trying to find ways to connect with the church and the games night with seniors that we had a while ago was a huge hit and loads of fun! Well, this week we’ve invited children ages 3-10 to join us in order to give their parents a break or a chance to do any last minute Christmas shopping.

We (members of SSMBY) are going to meet at the church at 6:00 pm in order to get things ready for the night and then the kids are going to be coming at 6:30 pm. We’ve got some different activities planned for the night and it’s going to be great!

We are going to be at the church until approx. 10:00 pm because I've asked parents to pick their children up by 9:30 and then we will have to clean up, so I am not going to find a house for afterwards.  If you want to offer your house or want to find one then let me know.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Bible Study...

There seems to be a bit of confusion regarding Bible study tonight.  We're  having regular Bible study tonight at 7:00 pm at my house and we're volunteering at the Salvation Army next week.  

Also, if you've looked at your SSMBY calendar for December you'll notice that on Sunday we won't be having Sunday school, but you should still come at 9:30 because the German choir is going to be doing a Christmas concert, so we're going to the German service to join them for that. 

See you tonight.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Ice Dogs Game...

This Friday we are going to an Ice Dogs game! They will be playing Sarnia and the arena is packed out, so there will be excitement and adrenalin in the air! They will be doing a “teddy bear toss” at the game for underprivileged children, so bring a new or gently-used teddy bear along, if you can, and when the first goal is scored everyone will throw their teddy bear onto the ice.

We’re going to be meeting at the church at 6:45 to make sure we get there on time, so please be at the church on time and make sure that all you’re friends know that we’re meeting early.

The tickets are $14 and if you haven’t paid yet then make sure you bring the money on Friday.

On an entirely different note, Southridge is hosting a Ten Thousand Villages Sale and tonight (Wednesday) is the last night. It’s at Southridge church and it’s from 6:30-9:00 pm.  Ten Thousand Villages works with people around the world to promote fair trade and community development.  They help people in underdeveloped countries learn to make different artisan crafts and then sell them at a fair wage in developed countries.  This sale would be a great place to find Christmas presents.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Guy/Girl Bible Study...

It's the first Tuesday of the month and you should know the drill by now...girls come to my house at 7:00 pm and guys meet Mark at the church at 7:00 pm.

Also, remember that if you haven't paid me for your Ice Dogs ticket then bring $14 along with you.  Tim will be collecting money from the guys, so please remember!  I've already ordered the tickets and I ordered 6 extra, so if you want to go, but have not told me then let me know a.s.a.p. so you can get one.