Christmas time is here and we’re going to celebrate it SSMBY style! We’re going to meet at 6:00 pm on Friday and we’re going to have a potluck supper, so that means that each person needs to bring something to share with group. Here’s a list of ideas, but you can really bring anything, so if you’ve got a specialty then feel free to bring it or if your mom makes a super awesome dish that you love then ask her for the recipe and make it.
- fruit platter
- veggie platter
- meatballs
- hashbrown casserole (or some other sort of casserole)
- nacho dip
- cheese and crackers
- dips
- rice
- chicken wings
- cooked veggies
- soup
- chilli
- salad (green salad, Caesar salad, Greek salad, fruit salad)
- garlic bread
- desserts
We’re also going to enjoy some Christmas festivities after supper and the theme of the festivities is going to be “Tacky Christmas”, so everyone needs to find a tacky Christmas sweater (whatever that means to you) and we’re going to do a gift exchange game, but think tacky…it doesn’t get tackier than re-gifting, so instead of going out and buying something for the gift exchange you need to bring something that you already own, but don’t use and have either never used or haven’t used in a long time…I’m talking dig deep into your closet and dust off whatever you find, wrap it up and give it away. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure, right?
Since we’re not spending money on the presents, I’m going to suggest that you bring $5 along and we’re going to donate the money somewhere.
There you have it. I’m pumped and think this Friday is going to be awesome! Once you’ve decided what you want to bring for the potluck please post it so that people don’t bring the same things.
See you Friday!
Im bringing "perogies". . .home made specialty =P
Ashley and Heidi also let me know that they will be bringing dessert and a casserole
I am going to bring some meatballs and they are going to taste delicious!
I will be bringing a salad.
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