Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bible Study

We're re-starting Bible study tonight and I want to invite all of you to come out (that includes all of you in grades 9 and 10). Last year it was mostly the older students coming on Tuesday nights, but Bible study is in fact for everyone, so whether you've ever come before or not, know that you are invited and welcome to join us.

I'm not sure about you, but I know that for myself, growing up in the church and hearing the stories of Jesus since I was a small child in Sunday school, although good, has sort of made me disillusioned to the reality of who Chirst is and the message that he came to bring. I was reading through the gospels this summer and was amazed at how many times I'd come to a familiar story, and after reading it and reflecting on it, would come away amazed and having learned something new about God, or myself, or the what it means to live my life for him, etc. So, we're going to start this year off by looking at the life of Jesus and some of our misconceptions of who he is and what it means for us to be in relationship with him.

See you tonight at 7:00 pm at my house (169 Lake St.)

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