Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hooray!!! Exams are over!!! Freedom is least for a few days!!!

Here's what's happening in NEMBY this week:

1. We will be having an unofficial youth night this Friday. We'll be having a "Toy Story" movie marathon! Wear cozy clothes and bring cozy blankets. We'll be starting "Toy Story 1" at 6:00 pm and working our way through...taking breaks as needed. We'll be ordering pizza at some point so if you want pizza then bring $5 along.

2. The reason Friday night is unofficial is because our official youth event is happening on Saturday at 7:00 pm at Southridge Community Church (201 Glenridge Ave.). We'll be joining a bunch of youth groups from all over the Niagara Region for a night of worship and prayer. I'm really looking forward to it and I hope you come out and join us for it. Let me know if you need a ride.

3. Fill out your retreat form and bring it to me!!! Our winter retreat is at the end of February (25-27) and the deadline for the forms is February 4th...but early forms are definitely welcome and encouraged.

See you soon!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Exam Week Stuff

Hello NEMBY!!!

I hope all of you are surviving your exams! I'm just writing to remind you that we are NOT having Bible study tonight. Hang in there exams are almost finished!

If you're a member of Grantham MB Church then know that I'm going to be sharing a bit about NEMBY at the membership meeting tonight and the church is going to have an official vote on it. If at all possible, study ahead and come out to give support to NEMBY...I get that your in the midst of exams though. The meeting is at Grantham MB Church at 7:00 pm.

We don't have anything official planned for youth this Friday since our youth event is the joint worship night on Saturday, but if you're interested then come to Fairview MB at 6:00 pm for a Toy Story movie marathon!!! That's right, we are going to enjoy Pixar's best back to'll be awesome and it'll be a test of endurance!

We'll be ordering pizza somewhere in the mix, so bring $5 along if you want some.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Exam Lounge Night

Well, if you're head is not full yet, then it will be soon, eh. Exams are starting tomorrow!!!

Come on out tomorrow night for a night of relaxing and NO THINKING!

We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church at 7:00 pm. There will be games, video games, movies, food, hanging out, and fun.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bible Study

Just a reminder that we're going to be meeting tonight at 7:00 pm at Jesslyn's house (1515 5th St.). We're doing Session 2 of our new study and I've got the books for everyone who asked me to get one for them...if that's you then please bring $10 to help cover the cost of your book.

See you tonight!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Change of Plans...Tobogganing!!!

I'm not sure if you've looked outside recently, but there's snow outside!!! And lots of it! So, we're going to take advantage of it and go tobogganing tomorrow night!!!

We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church at 7:00 pm and then we'll be heading to Lock 4. Wear warm clothes...snow pants, winter coat, scarf, toque, mittens, boots, etc. because we'll be outside all night...or until we're sufficiently exhausted. Oh, and bring a sled, crazy carpet, toboggan, etc. if you've got one.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bible Study

Hey Guys!

Just a reminder that we've got youth Bible study tonight! 7:00 pm at Jesslyn's house (1515 5th St.).

We're going to be starting a new Bible study series, so if you've never come before then maybe this is a good time to start!

See you there!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Cheesy Christmas Potluck

So, here are the details for our Cheesy Christmas Potluck on Friday. First off, WE'RE GOING TO MEET AT 6:30 PM at Fairview MB Church where we'll be having a night of classic Christmas fun. This Christmas fun may include (but should not be limited to) a potluck supper, an ugly Christmas sweater competition, Christmas stories with Uncle Gary, a re-gift exchange, and watching a classicly horrible Christmas movie.

The things to bring are:
1. A food item to contribute to our potluck (and a huge appetite since there will be a ton of food for us to enjoy)
2. An ugly Christmas sweater (or just any festive-wear)
3. A gift for the re-gift exchange (the emphasis being on the RE...please do not go out and buy something for this, just wrap up something you've got at home that you no longer use)

Here are some suggestions for the potluck, but really you can bring anything that you love to eat. Please do not just make your mom make your dish for least help her out and make sure you tell her about this asap so that she doesn't find out about it on Friday and get stressed about having to make something quickly.
• Veggie platter
• Fruit platter
• Meatballs
• Pasta or potato salad
• Some sort of casserole
• Stew
• Chili
• Perogies
• Soup
• Crackers & dip or cheese
• Garlic bread
• Dinner rolls
• Salad of any kind
• Dessert
• Anything that you like to eat

Let me know if you've got any questions.