Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hooray!!! Exams are over!!! Freedom is least for a few days!!!

Here's what's happening in NEMBY this week:

1. We will be having an unofficial youth night this Friday. We'll be having a "Toy Story" movie marathon! Wear cozy clothes and bring cozy blankets. We'll be starting "Toy Story 1" at 6:00 pm and working our way through...taking breaks as needed. We'll be ordering pizza at some point so if you want pizza then bring $5 along.

2. The reason Friday night is unofficial is because our official youth event is happening on Saturday at 7:00 pm at Southridge Community Church (201 Glenridge Ave.). We'll be joining a bunch of youth groups from all over the Niagara Region for a night of worship and prayer. I'm really looking forward to it and I hope you come out and join us for it. Let me know if you need a ride.

3. Fill out your retreat form and bring it to me!!! Our winter retreat is at the end of February (25-27) and the deadline for the forms is February 4th...but early forms are definitely welcome and encouraged.

See you soon!

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