It's a bit later in the month than usual, but tomorrow night (Friday) is our November Youth Worship Night!!! We'll meet at Grantham MB Church at 7 pm. We will worship God through singing (lead by Mark and our amazing youth worship team) and sharing.
Remember that we decided to raise money to make Christmas stockings for some of the youth that go to YFC's The Deck. So far we've been passing the money frog around to collect spare change, but it's going to take a lot more than some spare change for us to put together some decent stockings. I'm not sure how many of you have jobs, or get an allowance from your parents, or have any source of income but I really want to encourage you to think about what you're spending your money on in the next few weeks and perhaps hold off on getting something from Tim's or McDonalds, or buying that game you've been waiting for, or that new album that just got released and save that money for our Christmas project instead. The more money we collect, the better we can make these stockings. Last year we collected $400 and we were able to make sweet stockings...let's try to do even better this year! If even just 30 of us are able to give $20 each that'll bring us up to $600! Do you think we can do it? I'm not sure, but let's give it a shot! So, start saving and let's do this!
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