Here's all the info you need for THE RETREAT!!!
1. We are meeting at Vineland MB Church (3970 Glendale Ave.) at 5 pm...BE ON TIME...perhaps even 5 minutes early, NOT half an hour early!
2. Tell your parents to pick you up on Sunday from the same location at 4 pm...if we'll be significantly later then we will give them a call, but we should be back around 4.
3. We will be stopping on the way to Camp Crossroads for a bathroom/supper break. If you want to have supper there then you need to bring some money along for it.
4. Although we have yet to see significant snow in the Niagara Region there is A LOT of snow up at Camp so bring your snow gear & warm clothes. If you want to play hockey then bring your skates & stick (you don't need full gear). Camp does have some skates & sticks, but likely you'll do better with your own.
5. Although we originally said that all the guys were going to be sleeping in the "bring it on" cabins, only one cabin of guys will actually have to...sorry guys. If you did not receive a separate message from me about this then that means you're in a regular cabin and can bring regular camp sleeping stuff. If you got a separate message from me then READ IT and bring what I suggested.
6. Woo hoo!!! Winter retreat!!!!
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