Wednesday, June 20, 2012


This Friday is going to be great and here's the info you need to know. Please bring $7.25 ($5.25 + a toonie). You'll need the toonie for the ridiculous part of the night, $5.25 (exact change for this part is not necessary) for the putting part of the night. There is also an ice cream place across the street from Super Putt so if you want ice cream then bring money along for it. Miniputt actually costs $7/person, but if you go to this website: then you can print off a coupon that will bring the cost for you and 1 other person down to $5.25. You can only print 1/person so please take initiative and print it off. We might end up with extras, but better to have more than not enough. We'll meet at Scott St. MB at 7 pm. Be prepared to be outside for the night. Until then, good luck with your exams and I'll see you Friday!!!

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