Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2nd Annual Barn Party!!!

Dust off your cowboy boots because we're going to a square dance! That's right! This Friday is our 2nd annual barn dance hosted by our dear friends Cornerstone Youth. Don't worry if you've never been to a square dance before and have no idea what it means to "do-sa-do". There'll be a professional caller who'll tell us exactly what to do and how and even if you don't pick it up super quick, it's all part of the fun!

All the info is on the poster. We'll be meeting at the barn at 7:30pm so you're responsible for finding your own ride there. And make sure you bring $5...there will be people collecting money at the door.

And remember that TONIGHT we're meeting at GMB at 5:30pm for part 2 of the Community Care Food Drive...see Mark's post below for all the details.

Community Care Food Drive (Part 2)

This message is brought to you by: Mark D.


Tonight we will be collecting food for Community Care from the houses we gave bags to last week! Here's how it's gonna go down...

We'll meet at Grantham MB Church at 5:30 and eat delicious pizza. Then we'll collect the food even if it's raining (so wear appropriate gear/footware). Finally, we'll join other youth groups at Bethany Community Church and celebrate with them :D

Sabrina has also mentioned that if missing out on candy is a big deal for you, she will GIVE you candy if you come! Can you think of any reason not to help out with this wonderful project? I sure can't. Hope to see you there :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Worship Night

Youth tomorrow! Worship night at 7pm at Grantham MB followed by Mark Danger's mixtape release party at 9pm also at Grantham MB!!! Two super great things in one night!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This Thursday...

Tomorrow we're going to be meeting at Grantham MB at 3:15 pm to distribute the Community Care food drive bags! Please wear comfy shoes for walking, and weather appropriate outerwear. Remember that this counts as community service hours and it'll go super quick if we all come and help out.

I am able to come to Eden at 3pm to pick people up and I'm pretty sure that Mark & Josh are going to be coming to help so perhaps they'd be willing to pick people up as well if people need rides...i.e. if all the Secord people want to come and need a ride then comment on here and we'll see what we can do. Maybe there'll even be a treat for those who come...just saying :) We're aiming to be finished at 5pm.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bible Study: postponed until Thursday

Tonight was going to be our first youth bible study service event...distributing the Community Care food drive bags.  But...if you've looked outside it's gloomy, wet, and just not nice, so instead we're going to postpone youth bible study until Thursday after school when it's supposed to be beautiful and sunshiney outside!

So, just to be clear, we are NOT meeting tonight.  Instead we'll meet on Thursday from 3:15-5pm.  I'll post the info again on Thursday, but the key thing to remember here is to not come to the church tonight, but to plan on coming after school on Thursday.

Also, as you're making Halloween plans, make sure you plan on coming to youth to help with the food drive.  We'll be going around the community picking up the bags we distributed and then joining a ton of other youth groups for a worship night.  It'll be awesome!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Youth Bible Study

Youth bible study/awesome time is tonight!!!  We're going to be looking at Mark chapter 3 so make sure you take some time and read it won't take much time out of your day and yet it will help prepare you for our discussion.  PLEASE TAKE NOTE that we are MEETING AT SCOTT ST MB tonight at 7pm instead of meeting at Fairview.  Pass this info on to others you know are coming.  See you tonight!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Worship Night

Youth this Friday!!! We're going to be meeting at Scott St at 7 pm (the actual service starts at 7:30, but we can hang out in the youth room before hand...MAKE SURE YOU ARE AT THE CHURCH BEFORE 7:30!) and we're going to be joining 2 of our churches for a night of worship. Mark & the youth worship team will be leading the singing and a well-known author and theologian will be speaking about what it looks like to live out nonviolence in todays culture & world. I'm really looking forward to it!

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Bible Study

Awesome Time/Bible Study is tonight at Fairview MB at 7 pm.  We're going to be looking at the 2nd chapter of the Gospel of Mark & I strongly encourage you to read the chapter.  It really won't take a lot of time to read it, but it'll help you come into the night understanding what we're going to talk about.  Also, make sure you bring your bible!  See you tonight!

Thursday, October 04, 2012


Tomorrow night we'll be meeting at Scott St. MB Church at 7 pm for some great games in the youth room!  See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Girl/Guy Bible Study

Ladies! Tonight is our Girls Night!!! We're going to meet at 7 pm at my house (169 Lake St.)...because it's cozier than meeting at the church. Even if you don't normally come out to our regular Bible Study/Awesome Time you're welcome to come out to our Girls Night. The night is going to involve being together, chatting, eating some great food, and perhaps even a little crafting...what the!? Seriously though, I'm really excited about it and I hope you can come!

*Note: there is some construction happening on Lake St...just have your parents drop you off in front of my house and come in the front door.

Guys! Tonight is your Guys Night!!! You're going to be meeting Sam & Josh at Scott St MB Church at 7 pm. I'm not really sure what they've got planned for you (because I'm not a guy :), but I'm sure it'll be good...perhaps even a little manly, but who can say :)