Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Girl/Guy Bible Study

Ladies! Tonight is our Girls Night!!! We're going to meet at 7 pm at my house (169 Lake St.)...because it's cozier than meeting at the church. Even if you don't normally come out to our regular Bible Study/Awesome Time you're welcome to come out to our Girls Night. The night is going to involve being together, chatting, eating some great food, and perhaps even a little crafting...what the!? Seriously though, I'm really excited about it and I hope you can come!

*Note: there is some construction happening on Lake St...just have your parents drop you off in front of my house and come in the front door.

Guys! Tonight is your Guys Night!!! You're going to be meeting Sam & Josh at Scott St MB Church at 7 pm. I'm not really sure what they've got planned for you (because I'm not a guy :), but I'm sure it'll be good...perhaps even a little manly, but who can say :)

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