NEMBY!!! Easter weekend is almost here!!! Here's all the info you need to make sure you don't miss out on any of our Easter activities.
Friday morning at 10:30 am we'll be meeting at Grantham MB Church for a Good Friday service. This is together with all 3 of our churches so it's going to be a more formal church service (not a youth only event). If you're planning on coming then please be on fact, come at 10:25 am so that you have time to take your coat off, chat a bit, and find a seat before the service starts. Invite your family if you like. And don't worry if you don't normally come to one of our 3 churches and are nervous about who you're going to sit with and whatnot, look for me and we can all sit together. You don't need to dress super fancy for this, but I'd recommend something a bit nicer than your jeans & hoodie...I usually wear jeans & a nice shirt. If you don't have a family thing to go to after the service then who ever wants to can come out for lunch, bring $ for that if you want to come.
Sunday morning at 6:45 am we'll be meeting at Lock 1 on the canal for our annual sunrise service. This will be a time to be together, read scripture, sing songs of praise to God, and reflecting on what we're actually celebrating on Easter morning...Christ beating death for us all and making a way for us to be in relationship with God!!! I know it's early (although it really isn't that early this year), but there really is something great about watching the sunrise on Easter morning. Sam & Nigel will be leading the singing for us. Again, anyone who wants to, we'll be going out for breakfast afterward so bring some $ for that.
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