Thursday, November 20, 2014

Worship Night


Tomorrow (Friday) night is our monthly worship night!!!  Cameron will lead us in some singing and Emily will be sharing a bit of her testimony/life story (what God's been doing in her life).  It's going to be good!  There will also be an open time of sharing so be thinking about what God has been doing in your life lately...things that have been going in your life, things God's been showing you, etc...seriously...don't just ignore this, think about the past few months of your life and whether or not there's something you can share tomorrow.

Also, remember that for the next 4 Fridays we are NOT going to McDonalds after youth...BUT STILL BRING THE $ YOU WOULD HAVE SPENT because we're going to be collecting money to make Christmas stockings for some of the youth from The Deck (a drop-in centre for at risk youth).  This is one small (although it might feel big to some of you) sacrifice that we can intentionally make in order to share God's love in a practical way with others.

Now you might be wondering, "What are we going to do after youth then?"  Well, I'm glad you asked!  Tomorrow night we'll be staying at the church to watch a movie!  There'll be snacks and drinks so you don't even have to worry about being hungry.  If you want to stay for the movie then arrange for you ride to pick you up at around 10:30...although that'll depend on when we start the movie so tell them you'll text them by 9:15 to let them know the exact time you need to be picked up.

7pm.  Scott St MB Church.

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