Hey Everyone,
If you haven't noticed then I've royally wasted my time...but I've spruced up this here SSMBY blog a bit. Hopefully it looks as good on your computer as it does on mine. I've tried to work out some kinks and give some fresh flair at the same time.
So, make sure you Rock the Vote over on the side bar, come regularly to see what's going on and let's get that counter to 5000 in no time (it was at four thousand and something when I started to flair things up).
Also, go to the Ontario MB Conf. Link over there on the side bar. I'm in charge of the Youth section of the site there. I'd love to get feed back from you all as to what you think of it.
Next up:
B.S. That's right tonight is Bibile Study! Char and Tom's place (click the cookie for a map). Start time is 7pm end time is whenever the Atari or I get tired.
Friday we're meeting early for youth this week in celebration of Daylight Savings Time kicking in this weekend and also because we need to be at Southridge for 7:30pm. So either meet at Scott St. at 7pm or you can go straight to Southridge for 7:30pm. At Southridge we're going to be watching a movie called Invisible Children (click the cookie to see the trailer). I've not been told of any cost, so I don't believe there is any.
Stay tuned to this site to be finding out what exciting things your Student Leaders have planned for you!
Hope you also enjoy this weeks cookies. Also, why not use the comment section here more often. I'd love to hear feedback.
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