Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This Friday, in accordance with our religious beliefs, we will be celebrating the Feast Day of St. Patrick.

Brief Lesson in Historica:

It is not certain that St. Patrick is in fact Irish, all that can be confirmed is that he was taken to Ireland to be a slave, escaped, joined the church, and came back to teach them about Jesus. St Patrick it seems, was never actually canonized by a pope, and is not really a saint. March 17th is claimed as the date of his death, although no record exists to confirm it. He is the patron saint of Ireland.

And because we can't celebrate in the tradition manner (imbibing copious amounts of alcohol) we are going to celebrate in a very similar manner: wearing green, eating green, and playing board games! I know I took part in a very exciting game of risk this past Sunday and I'm all geared up for more board games.
If there are any games you have (Risk, Monopoly, Stock Ticker, Diplomacy, Ultimatum, Candyland, etc.) that you want to play on Friday bring them with you. Additionally, do not forget to festively dress all in green, which must have been dear old St Patty's favorite colour.


Tom (Youth Leader Emeritus) said...

Well I'll kiss the blarny stone if I don't play either scatergories, scrabble or Taboo!

Anonymous said...

i found that the word it may me type, "herht", to show that im not a robot followed this night's theme well, cause it was in green.