Tonight at midnight we begin our fast for the Aids pandemic. I would encourage you all to take time to pray and reflect on the crisis that is facing our world as you feel hungry over the next day and a bit. Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness". Tonight we begin a fast to declare that our hunger and our thirst is to see justice break into our world.
Every single day, 9500 African contract AIDS. The daily death toll is 6500.
Those numbers are worth praying about. Those numbers are worth giving up a couple meals.
Currently we are about $700 away from our goal of $ praying that the money that people will bring in tomorrow will push us over our goal! With that money we will be making 20 Aids Care Kits for MCC!
I've planned a bunch of things for tomorrow night that I hope will be meaningful for us...tell all your friends and family to come to the worship service at 8:30pm! Even if they can't stay for the night, tell them to come!
Bellow is a prayer I found online (it comes from the Diakonia Council of Churches, based in Durban, South Africa). Feel free to use it throughout our fast:
Dear God, we ask you to walk with us in our HIV and AIDS filled world.
We pray expecting Your presence among us!
Be with all who live with the effects of this disease.
Be with those who wait to die because they have no access to medication.
Be with children who received HIV as a legacy from their parents.
Be with orphans and families who have lost loved ones.
Be with countries who have millions of citizens with HIV/AIDS.
Be with all who are stigmatised and ignored because they have HIV or AIDS.
Be with politicians and corporate executives who control access to affordable medications.
Be with researchers and scientists who work to find a cure.
Be with healthcare workers and caregivers who comfort and encourage.
Be with all who have lost hope because of HIV and AIDS.
Lord, we hear the angel's song of peace!
Fill the hearts of people around the world with good will
so that together we can work for justice and healing
for all who suffer from HIV and AIDS.
See you tomorrow and I hope that seeing people eating around you won't be too rough on you all!
God bless us as we do this together!
Let's DO this!! And I appreciate what you wrote, Tom. Thank you.
Hey Jenna...WE DID THAT!!!
Thanks for letting me know you appreciated what I wrote...I appreciate that!
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