Wednesday, November 07, 2007

This Friday

Alright everyone,

We're meeting at 6pm this week...not 7pm! Also, were going to leave pretty much that might mean for some of you that you should aim to be here for 5:45pm or for some of you 5pm even depending on how much you struggle with punctuality*
So...why are we meeting so early you ask?

Well, because we're going to be driving up to Oakville to a church called The Meeting Place to attend an MCC Youth event (it's part of their annual meeting and there will be students from all across Ontario)...It'll be big.

"So, what else?!?" you ask...
Well here it is, straight from the MCC website:

Friday, November 9 "The Underground" at The Meeting House
God is calling you into lives of compassion in a world with AIDS, Refugees and War. Join Bruxy Cavey and others in this interactive event for high school age youth.

It should be a great event!

Also, if anyone wants Charity and I are going to go again on Saturday for the MCC Ontario annual conference...there will be worship, speakers and some great break-out sessions...we've gone the last couple years just because we love it so let us know if you want to come...the first 3 people to contact me will have a spot with us!

*If you struggle in this area as I do, I'd suggest trying out a wrist watch with alarm features on it...Charity made me get one and I've hardly been late coming home since!

Now here is another example of television programming that fed into making me the person I am...

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