Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cheesy Christmas/Almost New Year's Party!!!

I hope your Christmas has been good so far and that you're ready for the festivity to continue because here are the details for our Cheesy Christmas Potluck on Friday. First off, WE'RE GOING TO MEET AT 6:00 PM at Fairview MB Church where we'll be having a night of classic Christmas fun. This Christmas fun may include (but should not be limited to) a potluck supper, an ugly Christmas sweater competition, a reading of a classic Christmas story, a re-gift exchange, and watching a classically horrible Christmas movie.

The things to bring are:
1. A food item to contribute to our potluck (and a huge appetite since there will be a ton of food for us to enjoy)
2. An ugly Christmas sweater (or just any festive-wear..think red & green)
3. A gift for the re-gift exchange (the emphasis being on the RE...please do not go out and buy something for this, just wrap up something you've got at home that you no longer use but think someone else might)

Here are some suggestions for the potluck, but really you can bring anything that you love to eat. Please do not just make your mom make your dish for least help her out and make sure you tell her about this asap so that she doesn't find out about it on Friday and get stressed about having to make something quickly.
• Veggie platter
• Fruit platter
• Meatballs
• Pasta or potato salad
• Some sort of casserole
• Stew
• Chili
• Perogies
• Crackers & dip or cheese
• Garlic bread
• Dinner rolls
• Salad of any kind
• Dessert
• Anything that you like to eat

Once you talk to your mom or know what you're going to make then post it on here so that we don't end up with tons of doubles. Let me know if you've got any questions

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ice Dogs Tickets

On Friday, January 6th we're going to be going to an Ice Dogs game...actually, we'll be the musical attraction since we're going to be singing the anthem before the game...can you say awesome!? I need to order the tickets next Wednesday (Dec. 28th), so I need to know who wants to come by then. The tickets are $11 each...$8 off of the regular ticket price! I've been announcing this at youth for the past couple of weeks and now is when I NEED to hear back from you. If you want to come, but have not yet told me please email, call, or text me immediately to tell me to order a ticket for you.

Have a Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

NO YOUTH...Merry Christmas!

Good job on the stockings and goody bags everyone! They look awesome and we finished assembling them in record time!

Just a reminder that there is NO YOUTH this Friday. Have fun with your Christmas celebrations and I'll see you on Friday, January 30th for our Cheesy Christmas/Almost New Year's Party!!! Stay tuned for more info.

Hopefully you & your family have a Christmas Eve service to go to at your own church but if not, you're welcome to join us on December 24 at 7 pm at Scott St. MB (339 Scott St). Mark & some guys from our youth are going to be doing a skit, Nigel will be singing in a quartet, Mark is narrating, it'll be great!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Awesome Time/Bible Study

MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS!!! Awesome Time is going to be SCOTT ST. MB CHURCH (339 Scott St.) tonight. We'll meet there at 7 pm. Instead of our usual Bible study we're going to be assembling the Christmas stockings for The Deck...the ones that we've been collecting money for. We're also going to assemble the Christmas Eve goody bags for Scott St. and Josh Harder is going to be joining us to share about his time on Outtatown this past semester. Wow! So much great stuff packed into one night! I know that a lot of you will be at Eden's Christmas banquet, but everyone else, please come tonight! It's assembling all of our stuff is going to be lots of fun, but it'll be more fun if we have a lot of people to help with it. See you tonight!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Awesome time tonight! Meet at Fairview at 7pm.

Love, your coop student, Sam

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Worship Night: Christmas Edition

This Friday is our NEMBY Worship Night: Christmas Edition. I'm not sure if you've looked outside recently, but it's snowing!!! Mark and the worship team have been practicing their favourite Christmas carols and we'll have some Christmas sharing. It'll be great!

We'll meet at Grantham MB Church at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bible Study/Christmas Project

Bible study/awesome time is tonight at Fairview at 7 pm.

We've collected about $130 for our Christmas project so far and we have a lot more that we'll need to do this project well. Please keep thinking about ways that you can save money in your own life in order to help make someone else's life better. We only have about 2 weeks left before we need to buy the stuff and bring it to the deck and we need to raise at least another $300 to do this well.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

tomorrow night we'll be playing gargon...yea gargon!!!! we'll meet at fairview at 7. its gonna be an awesome night and make sure you wear clothes you can run in and get a bit sweaty and running shoes that wont fall off so you can actually run around.

also we'll be collecting money for our christmas project, so far we've raised just over $80!!!!! so let's keep that going and raise as much as possible!

love, sam (your coop student)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bible Study

We've got Bible study/Awesome Time tonight at Fairview MB at 7 pm. See you there!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Youth Worship Night

It's a bit later in the month than usual, but tomorrow night (Friday) is our November Youth Worship Night!!! We'll meet at Grantham MB Church at 7 pm. We will worship God through singing (lead by Mark and our amazing youth worship team) and sharing.

Remember that we decided to raise money to make Christmas stockings for some of the youth that go to YFC's The Deck. So far we've been passing the money frog around to collect spare change, but it's going to take a lot more than some spare change for us to put together some decent stockings. I'm not sure how many of you have jobs, or get an allowance from your parents, or have any source of income but I really want to encourage you to think about what you're spending your money on in the next few weeks and perhaps hold off on getting something from Tim's or McDonalds, or buying that game you've been waiting for, or that new album that just got released and save that money for our Christmas project instead. The more money we collect, the better we can make these stockings. Last year we collected $400 and we were able to make sweet stockings...let's try to do even better this year! If even just 30 of us are able to give $20 each that'll bring us up to $600! Do you think we can do it? I'm not sure, but let's give it a shot! So, start saving and let's do this!

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

1st Annual Youth Barn Dance!!!

Come one, come all to the 1st Annual Youth Fall Barn Dance! We will have a professional caller lead us in a night of Square Dancing and there will be a plethora of pies, snacks, tea and coffee! Knowing how to square dance is NOT a requirement. Everyone will be taught as if this is their first time square dancing.

Here's the details:

Where: Froese Family Farm (280, Niven Road, Niagara-On-The-Lake) - take the driveway past the house to the back barn.

Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Cost: $5 (money goes to pay for the Caller and snacks)

Bring: Country attire is encouraged, a few friends

Square dancing is good clean fun! Partners switch throughout the night and you don't need to dance with the opposite gender.

See you all on Friday night!

Bible Study

Bible Study is tonight at 7 pm at Fairview MB Church.

Friday, November 04, 2011

NEMBY Records

NEMBY RECORDS TONIGHT!!! It's going to be a sweet night of competition and fun! We're meeting at Fairview at 7pm tonight. Be sure to bring your game faces!

Love, your co-op student, Sam

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Bible Study

Just a reminder that Bible study/awesome time is tonight at Fairview at 7pm!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bible Study/Phase 1 of Trick or Eat!!!

Tonight is Youth Bible Study!!! All of you are invited to come every week, but whether you come or not, I particularly want to encourage you to come tonight because tonight is Phase 1 of our Community Care Trick or Eat event that is happening on Halloween. We're going to meet at Grantham MB Church (469 Grantham Ave.) at 7:00 pm and we're going to be handing out the food bags that we will then collect on Monday night. Don't worry, you won't have to talk to anyone, but there will be walking involved, so please wear comfortable shoes and weather appropriate clothing. You can get community service hours for this, but regardless the more of us there are the quicker we'll be finished so PLEASE COME OUT! Also, if you have not yet let me know if you can come on Monday, please go the group event and let me know so I know how much pizza to order :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Creative Photo Night with Colin & Rachel

Youth tomorrow night:

Creative Photo Night with Colin & Rachel!!!

You'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church at 7:00 pm. If you've got a camera then bring it along and make sure you bring the proper cables along to plug it into a tv or else people won't be able to see your photos.

Say a huge thank you to Colin & Rachel for leading youth tomorrow night. All of the adult and student leaders are going to be at Camp Crossroads for the Ontario MB Youth Leadership Retreat. Be good and have fun!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bible Study

Bible study is tonight at Fairview at 7:00 pm. All are welcome!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Tomorrow night is our annual hayride! We'll be joining 3 other youth groups for it and it'll be a blast! It costs $2 and we'll be meeting at 7:30 pm at the barns at 278 Line 5, NOTL. Make sure that you wear weather appropriate clothing that you don't mind getting dirty...we'll be doing the hayride rain or shine so be prepared!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bible Study

Bible Study/awesome time is tonight from 7-9ish at Fairview MB Church. See you there!

Thursday, October 06, 2011


Tomorrow night is our October worship night!! We're going to be meeting at Grantham MB at 7 pm. There is going to be a time for singing and dancing and all that fun stuff! Afterwards we'll be having a time of sharing what God's done if your life recently or just what you've been up to. Also, Thanksgiving is this weekend so maybe think about a few things you're thankful for in your life.

Love, your youth co-op student, Sam

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Bible Study

Bible Study is tonight at 7 pm at Fairview MB. See you there!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Girl & Guy Sleepovers

Here are the details for youth this week:

We are going to be having sleepovers!!! Now, I know that the guys always think that their sleepover is way better than the girls’ sleepover, but that's the beauty of the separate girl & guy sleepovers. The girls love doing what we do at our sleepover & the guys love doing what they do at theirs. Brilliant!

You will be meeting at 7:00 pm AT Josh's parents' house (1515 5th Street). You need to bring your sleeping stuff (it is a sleepover after all), a frisbee, some meat to grill for midnight meat, and some money for breakfast (you will meet up with the girls for breakfast on Saturday). You can let your parents know that we'll be finished between 10-10:30 on Saturday morning.

We will be meeting at 7:00 pm AT my parents’ house (1178 Concession 6). You need to bring your sleeping stuff, $7 for go-carting (weather permitting), swimsuits (bring a dark tank top to wear over bikinis) & towels, money for breakfast (we will meet up with the guys for breakfast on Saturday). You can let your parents know that we’ll be finished between 10-10:30 on Saturday morning. Since we’ll hopefully be leaving to go go-carting, please be on time and let me know if you know you’ll be late so you can either meet us there or we know to wait for you.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bible Study

Bible Study tonight at Fairview MB at 7 pm. See you there!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Ultimate Ultimate!!!

We're going to meet at 7 pm at Grantham MB (469 Grantham Ave.) tonight. We're going to be playing Night Ultimate a.k.a. Ultimate Ultimate!!! It will include night time, glow in the dark, and ultimate and it'll be the best! These are the things you need to bring: a flashlight, running shoes, weather appropriate clothing that you can run in.

Unfortunately there is an 80% chance of rain tonight, so if it rains then we can decide if we're still going to play Utimate Ultimate (perhaps this would add another "Ultimate" to the name...) or we can play some awesome youth room games (Kings Bowl, 4 on a couch, etc.). Either way, it'll be a blast!

See you tonight!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Youth Bible Study!!!

Youth Bible Study is starting up tonight!!! We'll be meeting at Fairview MB (455 Geneva St.) at 7 pm. I'll try to have some snacks there (Nigel D, that's for you). Once we see who the group is made up of, we can decide on what direction we want our time to go in, so make sure you come out tonight!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Youth Tomorrow!!!

Stuff for tomorrow!!!
1. It'll be CRAZY FUN!!!
2. We're meeting at Fairview MB Church (455 Geneva St.)
3. We're meeting at 7:00 pm
4. BE THERE!!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Youth Kick-Off/Ginormous Games

A new year of youth is here!!! That means that if you are in grade 9 and have not yet started coming to youth, NOW IS YOUR TIME!!!!

We'll be meeting on Friday, at 7 pm at Fairview MB Church (455 Geneva St). It may not feel like it yet, but by the end of this year, NEMBY will kind of feel like a family, so we're going to have a "family" game, that does NOT mean that your mom & dad or brothers and sisters are invited :) It means we're going to be playing family games at youth!!! Think Dutch Blitz, Jenga, Speed Scrabble, but there will be a twist! The games are going to be GINORMOUS!!!! Honestly, come out!!! It'll be a blast!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Worship Night

Wow, I've missed you guys! Here's the deal for Friday... We're having an end of the year worship night. We'll be meeting at 7 pm at Grantham MB (469 Grantham Ave.). It'll be a night of singing and sharing. A bunch of people are finally home from their summer adventures and some of them will be sharing what they've done and what God has taught them. There will also be an open time of sharing during which you can share what God has taught you this summer (think about it...) It's going to be a great way to end the summer! See you there.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

BBQ & Potluck

Youth this Friday!!! We’re going to have a BBQ & Potluck! Woo hoo! We’re going to meet at my parents’ house (1178 Concession 6, Niagara-on-the-Lake) at 7 pm. They have a pool, so bring a swimsuit & towel if you want to swim (girls, remember to bring a dark tank top to wear over bikinis). They also have a huge yard so we’ll also have Frisbees, soccer balls, bocce ball, etc. available to play & a bonfire once the sun goes down. And make sure you bring a sweater & bug spray along just in case.

Notice that it’s a POTLUCK. That means that you should NOT eat supper on Friday and everyone has to bring a food dish to share with the group. I will provide the burgers & toppings, but here’s a list of suggestions of what you can bring:

• Veggie Tray
• Fruit Tray
• Potato Salad
• Pasta Salad
• Broccoli Salad
• Green Salad
• Chips
• Watermelon
• Cup cakes
• Brownies
• Squares
• Cookies

This is just a list of suggestions, if you have a favourite BBQ dish that is not on this list then feel free to bring it. Also, please make sure that you think about this and talk to your mom about it asap and make sure you help her make whatever you’re bringing…you’re mom will be super stressed if you spring this on her on Friday, so PLEASE LEAVE WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND GO TALK TO YOUR MOM RIGHT NOW!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ultimate Frisbee: NEMBY vs. Cornerstone

NEMBY, are you ready for a little bit of friendly, inter-youth competition? I hope so, because we're going to be playing ultimate frisbee with Cornerstone Youth! We'll be meeting on Friday, at 7:00 pm, AT Lester B. Pearson Park (on the corner of Niagara St. & Carlton St., across from Laura Secord Secondary School). Please wear active wear & proper running shoes, and bring a water bottle. There is a chance of rain, but we're going to be playing rain or shine! Woot woot!!! Cause we're the PARTY PIRATES!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Final Canoe Trip Details

Here are some final reminders and packing tips for the trip tomorrow!!! I was talking to Ben (our canoe trip guide) last night and he reminded me that we can bring ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD along in our bags. I know that people usually bring snacks and whatnot, but when you’re camping in the actual wilderness (yeah, that’s right, we’re hardcore) all food needs to be safely and properly stored so that animals don’t come digging around in our tents…no joke. Please do not pack food in your bag. Even things like toothpaste and any toiletries need to be packed into a food safe container because they attract animals, so I’m actually going to bring one tube of toothpaste, some sunscreen, and bug spray that we can all use…that way we don’t have 15 of each to store in the food safe container every night. So don’t worry about packing those 3 items. This is mostly for the girls, but please do not pack body spray or perfume, makeup, hair products, even deodorant is discouraged (but if you really feel like you need it then bring it and we’ll store it). We’ll be hardcore and stinky together ☺.

On a more positive note, we’re going to be camping about 5 minutes from some awesome jumping cliffs, we’ll be able to fish, swim, and hang out ALL WEEKEND!!!

The meeting time is 7 am tomorrow morning, but please try to come at least 5 minutes before that so we can pack up and head out as quick as possible. I know it’s early, but at least you get to sleep the whole way to camp. We’ll be meeting at Fairview MB Church. And remember your permission forms & money!!! You seriously will not be allowed to come without them…no joke!

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Canoe Trip List

Here is the revised canoe trip list. I absolutely need this list to be finalized by the end of the day so that I can work out rides and let Camp Crossroads know how much food they need to buy. If you're coming, but don't have a copy of the registration forms & packing list then send me your email address and I'll mail them to you.

1. Brianne Block
2. Travis Braun
3. Lucas Froese
4. Trevor Hesp
5. Ryan Hines
6. Cameron Klassen
7. Kristen Kort
8. Nigel Mortley
9. Emma Terrio
10. Damon Wieler
11. Sam Willems
12. Bobby Braun
13. Mark Durksen
14. Sabrina Wiens

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Frolf & Bonfire

Hello NEMBY!!!

Tomorrow is Friday and you know what that means...WE HAVE YOUTH TOMORROW!!!

We're going to be meeting at Mark's house tomorrow night (1313 President Court - Googlemap the directions) at 7:00 pm. Be ready to be outside for the evening (bring a sweater & bug spray). We'll be playing some rounds of Frolf (a.k.a. frisbee golf) and then having a sweet bonfire. If you've got a frisbee at home then bring it along...we'll need a lot of them!

See you tomorrow.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Capture the Flag

Wow, it feels like it's been forever since we've had a proper youth.

Anyhow, here's what's going on this Friday. We're going to be playing Capture the Flag. We'll meet at Fairview MB at 7:00 pm, make our flags, wait for the sun to go down a bit and then head over to Queenston Heights where we'll play the game. We should be back at the church between 10 and 10:30.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Exams are over...almost!!!

Here's the deal for Friday. It's supposed to rain during the day and in the evening :( If this is the case then we'll have a good old movie night. It's been a while and I'm not sure about you, but I could use a good, relaxing evening. If it's not raining then we can go to the park for some ultimate/school yard games...4-square, skipping, etc.

Either way we'll meet at Fairview MB Church at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

No Bible Study

Good luck on your exams NEMBY! No Bible study tonight. Study hard!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fun & Fire with St. Ann's

PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL BE MEETING TOMORROW AT 6:30 pm at Fairview and PLEASE BE ON TIME. We will not be sticking around the church for long.

St. Ann's youth has invited us to join them for a night of fun & fire! What Yes, you read that right. They've got 25 old, dry Christmas trees that we're going to be lighting on fire! We'll also be starting the night with a friendly game or two of kickball. It's sure to be fun!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bible Study

Awesome time/Bible study is tonight at 7:00 pm at Fairview MB. It's our last official Bible study of the year and we'll be finishing up our book study on "Crazy Love" by going through chapter 10 of the book. See you there for an awesome time!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Bonfire at Colin's

Yo Nemby!

Tomorrow night for youth we're meeting at my house for a BONFIRE. Whaaaaa?! Awesome, i know right? Woo!

So yeah, my address is 1339 Line 5, Niagara on the Lake. Google Maps that. And there will be fire, and drinks, and fun fun fun. I got a rather large yard so if you want to bring something enjoyable to do (frisbee, footb...all, soccer, that kinda thing.) then that would be awesome. y'all are welcome anytime after 7:00 and can stay as long as you want.

Trust me, it'll be quite the party.

Love, Colin

Friday, June 03, 2011

Youth Sunday Run-Through

Tonight is our Youth Sunday practice run. We're putting on a worship service for our churches. This is a great way for us to show our churches how amazing NEMBY is and what God has been doing in our group. A bunch of you have signed up for things, but I still need a few more to help out with the audio/visual crew and as ushers. Please let me know if you can help. Even if you're not signed up for anything, please plan on coming to the service on Sunday at 7pm at Scott St. We know how awesome NEMBY is, but come out to show our churches!

We'll be meeting at Scott St. MB tonight at 7 pm for the practice run. It'll be a chance for us to make sure we know what's going on...who's doing what, when. It shouldn't take too long, so maybe we can go to Port for ice cream afterward...or I suppose we could go to McDonalds.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bible Study

Hey Nembyshire,

Its tuesday again, you know what that means! Bible study! Wooooo!
Crazy Love is a great series by Francis Chan. You should come. Its good times. We're on the 7th session and it should be good. We're meeting at 7:00 at Fairview, and there will be snacks! oh yea! good stuff. So, come on out!

Woop Woop.

Love, Colin

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dinner Around the World

Dinner Around the World is tomorrow!
We're meeting at *SCOTT ST* at 7:00!
I don't even know whats going on, but i do know there will be food, and lots of it, so make sure you come hungry!
Yeah, Be there!

Love, Colin

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bible Study

So bible study is going on tonight, at Fairview!
We'll be starting at 7:00 so if you're down for a night of chillen and chattin, come on out. We're currently working our way through the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan and will be watching the 6th segment from his series.
Even if you haven't come before, feel free to join us.
If you have the book, the please try to read the chapter for tonight, and if you want a copy of the book please let Sabrina know!
Also if you haven't given Bean money for the book yet, but you have the book, please try to bring that ASAP.
See y'all tonight!

Love, Colin

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Friday & Sunday

Tomorrow we're going to be having a make-a-movie night. We'll laugh, we'll cry, it'll be an all around good time. We'll meet at Fairview MB at 7:00 pm.

Emily Bowman, from Camp Crossroads is also going to be joining us, so let's make sure we're especially welcoming to her :)

On Sunday is our Spaghetti Dinner & Pie Auction: Grantham Edition. I still need at least 6 more pies, so seriously, let me know if you can make one....after all, we are doing this so that you can have an awesome youth group!

Please plan on being at Grantham MB Church (469 Grantham Ave.) at 9:30 am. If you're a member of NEMBY but usually go to a different church on Sundays then can you talk to your parents and see if you can come to Grantham for this one? We really need everyone to make this a success. We should be finished the whole thing by 2:30-3:00 pm.

I also still need one person to help Mark, Colin, and I make our amazing homemade spaghetti sauce. We'll be doing it on Saturday at 1:00 pm at Grantham. Let me know if you can help.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bible Study & Pie Auction

First of all, we've got Bible study tonight! We'll be meeting at Fairview MB at 7:00 pm. We're on chapter 5 of the book "Crazy Love" I'll have a few more books to give out, so if you want one then please bring $10 along...or if I gave you one last week. If you've already got the book then make sure to read chapter 5.

Secondly, this Sunday is our Spaghetti Dinner & Pie Auction: Grantham edition. These fundraisers are super important for NEMBY since they provide us with the funding we need to be the awesome group that we are. That being said, I need 2 things from you to make it great!

1. Please talk your parents and plan on being at Grantham MB Church this Sunday at 9:30 am to help set up and do food prep. The meal will start after church and there is a lot to do to get ready for it. Please try to come even if you don't normally attend Grantham.

2. Let me know if you're able to bake a pie for the auction. Some of the ladies from the church have offered to bake some, so we don't need quite as many as we normally do, but we still need at least 15 pies.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Love in Motion

Just a reminder that there is NO YOUTH tonight. Sad, I know, but the amazing thing is that we'll be having youth ALL DAY TOMORROW!!!

Love in Motion is tomorrow! We'll be meeting at Scott St. MB Church at 10 am, along with about 120 other young people, from all over the Niagara Region, for a day a loving God and loving the community. We talk about living out our faith all the time in youth so here's our chance to actually do it! To put action to our put love in motion, if you will.

NEMBY will be participating in 2 different service projects: baking cookies for Women4Women (a drop-in program for sex-trade workers in St. Catharines) and spring yard work for Bathesda (a group home for people with disabilities).

The day will end with a bbq, a worship time (lead by Tim), sharing, a great speaker...Mark will also be rapping at some point and JD will be dancing.

So, here's the important info for the day:
Time: 10-5:30ish
What to bring: Clothes you don't mind getting dirty and a BAG LUNCH...maybe bring a change of clothes as well in case we get a bit muddy

Please let me know if you can make it and let me know if you've got any questions.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Bible Study

Hey There Nemby!

Tonight we will be having bible study at Fairview Church at 7. It should be pretty sweet. We're continuing our series on Crazy Love by Francis Chan, this week we will be looking at the 4th video in the series. Come prepared for some good chats, and a good night with friends.

See ya there!

Love, Colin

Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Stuff

We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church at 7:00 pm for some classic Easter celebrations. Easter!? What the?! Isn't Easter over already? The answer to that, my friend, is yes, but in classic NEMBY style, we waited until the holiday passed to celebrate. There will be eggs, there will be chocolate, the Easter bunny might even make an appearance. Seriously, you do not want to miss this!

See you at 7.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bible Study


So for bible study tonight we will be meeting at Fairview at 7:00. We will be continuing our series called Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. We will be looking at the third chapter of the book. We always have some good discussions going on at bible study, so if you want to come and discuss with us, please feel free to come tonight. It doesn't matter if its your first time coming, you're always welcome.

See you tonight!

Love, Colin

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Weekend

So, this weekend is a big one...EASTER!!! It means that you guys have a crazy long weekend and that there are a ton of church things! Here's an outline of all the Easter goodness that you can come to.

1. Good Friday Service: 10:45 am on Friday at Fairview MB's going to be all 3 of churches coming together for a service...let's see if our churches can come together as well as we have.

2. Sunrise Service: 6:00 am on Sunday at the Welland Canal Lock 1. I realize that this is CRAZY EARLY and I've got kind of a love/hate relationship with the Sunrise Service because it's so early, but I'm always glad that I go because there's something amazing about seeing the sunrise and thinking about the reality of what we're celebrating on Easter morning. I know you probably don't want to come to this, but I'm really going to encourage you to do it! Mark will be leading some singing, we'll read some scripture and I'll be doing a short Easter devo. It's going to be good AND WE'RE GOING OUT FOR BREAKFAST AFTER. Bring some money along for breakfast.

Okay, I think that's it, but let me know if you've got any questions. And SERIOUSLY, COME TO THE SUNRISE SERVICE!!! Remember that you can sleep in on Friday, Saturday, and Monday, so really, what's the big deal about getting up early on Sunday?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bible Study

Bible Study. Tonight. 7 pm. Fairview MB Church.

We're going to be talking about Easter, sharing about our lives, and praying for each other. It's going to be good.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Murder Mystery...


There has been a murder in Nembyshire! The king has been killed!
The funeral will be taking place at Scott St. church at 7:00 tonight and the queen would greatly appreciate you're attendance at her husbands funeral.

Please come and show your respect please!

Don't forget that we're meeting at Scott St. NOT FAIRVIEW.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bible Study Tonight/Election Debates


So tonight we will be meeting at Sabrina's house to watch the Election Debates! I know it sounds lame, but we both think its really important to know what is going on in the country and to think about what sort of issues that we can see and try to talk about different ways in which we can help resolves these issues.

i know politics are lame but it really is an important thing to think about, even if you're not old enough to vote right now, its still good to think about issues and all that jazz.

So Sabrina's address is: 169 Lake St. The debates start at 7, so if you want to come a bit earlier thats cool. There will be snacks.

Love, Colin

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Swimming at Brock

We're going swimming tomorrow!!! We'll be meeting at Fairview at 7:00 pm and then heading to Brock. Swimming will cost $4.75 per person so please be sure to bring your money. Girls please make sure to either wear a one-piece or bring a dark tank top to wear over your bikini.

Also, if you're thinking of coming on Mission360 this year then please email me or talk to me on Friday...that way we can start talking about fundraising and whatnot.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Bible Study

Yo dudes!

Bible study tonight will be at Fairview again, at 7!
We'll be looking at the 2nd video on our new series Crazy Love by Francis Chan! Its pretty sweet so y'all should come for some good talks n such.

K. So: Bible Study. Fairview. 7:00.

Be there


Love, Colin

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

We're in for a night of theatrical delight! We're going to see some of our very own NEMBY members in Eden's performance of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" WE'LL MEET AT EDEN HIGH SCHOOL on Friday at 6:30 pm to get our tickets (it's always a bit confusing in a big group) and make sure we have good seats. If you're a high school student then you're ticket costs $7 (please bring proper change because I won't have change to break everyone's bills) and if you're not in high school then your ticket costs $10. Please bring your money along to pay for the ticket. If you're not sure if I got a ticket for you then take a look at the list I sent yesterday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bible Study, Friday & More

I've got a few things for you here:

1. Bible study tonight will be at Fairview MB Church at 7:00 pm. We're on Chapter 2 of "Crazy Love".

2. We will be going to Eden High School on Friday to enjoy "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" There are a number of members of NEMBY acting in the play and it'll be great to support them. I've ordered tickets for it I've posted the list of people I ordered tickets for below. Take a look at the list and make sure it's right. Adult tickets (for non-high school students) are $10 and student tickets are $7.

Willow Harder
Amy Browett
Ryan Hines
Travis Braun
Ashley Schuender
Tracey Neufeld
Marcus Tuttle
Darren Klassen
Colin Fast
Matt Willms
Kristen Kort
Katie Hines
Cameron Klassen
Emma Terrio
Janelle Siemens
Brianne Block
Nigel Mortley
Nicole Thiessen
Jesslyn Duerrstein
Christina Braoun
Mark Durksen
Tim Durksen
Gary Wiens
Suzanne Wilson

If you're on that list then that means I've ordered a ticket for you. They said they had a few more open seats so if you want to be added then let me know asap.

3. I've been talking about Mission360 for the past few weeks now. If you're interested in going or if you've go questions about it then please let me know so we can start working on stuff for it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Worship Night & Pie Auction

So this FRIDAY for youth we will be having a Worship Night at Grantham! It should be prettty sweet, there'll be singin, talking, and chillin. Sound good? i think it sounds pretty good. Here's the deets: 7:00 at Gratham church we will be meeting and then worshiping. Kay? Cool.

Also this SUNDAY we will be having our annual SPAGHETTI Dinner and PIE auction! Its our way of showing the church our group and also for us to fund-raise so that we as youth can have more fun together in the upcoming months.

These are the people who signed up to make a pie for the auction:

Carmen Mortley –Apple Pie

Joanna Albers –Strawberry Rhubarb Pie (x2)

Kelsey –Cherry Pie

Bob/Travis Braun –Apple or Rhubarb

Ryan & Katie Hines –Lemon Meringue

Emma Terrio–Raspberry Rhubarb

Kevin & Nikki Klassen –Unknown (x2)

Mark Durksen –Unknown

Nicole Thiessen –Apple

Rachel Hewitt –Mystery

Colin Fast – Strawberry Pie
--Banana Cream Pie

BUT if you still want to make a pie and you're not on this list then you can contact Sabrina or I (Colin) via message to let us know that you are going to make a pie.

We are asking that you come to Scott St Church this Sunday at 9:30 to help us get ready for the lunch. Even if you don't come to Scott St Church usually, it would be really helpful if you could come this one Sunday.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bible Study at Fairview


Bible Study tonight is gonna be at Fairview Church at 7:00

Its gonna be sweet, the room looks fantastic so it'll be nice to check it out and see what it looks like.

We're gonna be starting our NEW Bible Study on the book Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. Should be awesome!



Love, Colin

Friday, March 18, 2011

Movie Night

We've been painting in the youth room for the past two days and it's looking good. That's right, a brand new room, all for us! However, unless you've been helping paint, you won't be seeing the room until next week because we're going to be having our movie night at GRANTHAM MB tonight.

We'll be meeting at Grantham MB Church (469 Grantham Ave.) at 7:00 pm and then we'll be watching a Disney classic. There will be laughter. There will be tears. It'll be an all around good time.

7:00 pm. Grantham MB. Tonight.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stuff for this week

MARCH BREAK!!! I hope you're all having a great week and enjoying the spring-like weather.

I just want to remind you that we are NOT having Bible study tonight. We will however be painting the youth room this week (Thursday & Friday & possibly Saturday if we haven't finished yet). Let me know if you're available to help and get ready for an amazing new room!!!

The NEMBY logo competition is officially over and we got some great entries, but if you've been working on one and forgot to get it to me then email it to me or bring it to youth on Friday and we'll consider including it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Minute to Win it


So this Friday we are going to be playing Minute to Win it games. That's right, the epic TV show with games done in a minute, that's what we're doing. Get stoked, cause i know i sure am!
So here's the deets, Meet at Fairview Church at 7:00 tomorrow night and you're mind will be BLOWN with the awesomeness that is youth.
Its bound to be a party, like usual, so don't forget.

Party party party.

Be There.

Also y'all know Janelle Siemens, she's prettttttty cool.
Anyways, she's totally having a skating show TONIGHT. From 6:00 until 8:00 at Jordan Arena. Its 5 dolla at the door and Janelle is going to be in it, should be pretty sweet. So if you get the chance to, go support her.

And, just a reminder that tomorrow i...s the LAST day to hand in logo designs for the NEMBY Group so if you have them done, remember to bring them. Sweet.

Love, Colin

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Youth this Friday


so we're supposed to be going skating tomorrow for youth, but check the weather, its sunny, ergo skating is a no go. how sad, i know, but i think you'll get over it cause friday is still gonna be pretty sweeeet

we're planning on playin some Youth Room Games, yep you heard me correct, YOUTH ROOM GAMES, its gonna be legendary.

so be there, and by there i mean Fairview church. we're meeing at 7, obvs, so don't be late cause its gonna be awesome

so, in summary. Fairview Church. 7PM. YOUTH ROOM GAMES.

p.s. don't forget about the Logo Competition, we got some sweet ones so make sure you put your best effort into making it the awesomest logo ever.


Love Colin (posted by Sabrina)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Youth Retreat!!!

Tomorrow is the start of our youth retreat!!! Here's the thing though, I'm not sure if you've looked at the weather forecast but we're supposed to get loads of snow tomorrow. Not really bad news, BUT if it's a snow day and they cancel the buses then we won't be able to leave tomorrow! I doubt that you've ever done this before but please pray that tomorrow is NOT a snow day.

I'm going to assume that the buses will not be canceled. If everything goes according to plan, we will be meeting at Fairview MB Church at 4:45 pm tomorrow. Please bring all your stuff along (see the list packing list below).

We will be stopping at a service centre on the way for supper, so bring some $ along for that. Let your parents know that we are hoping to be back in St. Catharines at around 4:00 pm. You'll be able to give them a call once we're back...that way they don't need to wait around if we end up being late.

What to Bring:
• Sleeping bag, pillow
• Warm clothing
• Towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, etc.
• Winter boots, warm jacket, snow pants, gloves, scarf, toque
• Flashlight
• Bible, notebook, pen

If it does end up being a snow day and the buses are canceled then I'll send a message with the new information.

See you tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Birthday Party

We're having a birthday party for Ruthie tonight!!!! Whether you usually come to Bible study or not, you're invited to join us to celebrate Ruthie's birthday. We'll be meeting at Fairview at 7:00 pm. It's a surprise party so please don't be late or you might ruin the surprise.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Winter Retreat Info...

Woo hoo!!! The winter retreat is next weekend!!!

Here's a bit of info for it:
We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church next Friday at 4:45 pm. There will be a bus waiting for us, so we'll load her up and our weekend adventure will begin! We will be making a bathroom/supper stop on the way so bring some money along for that.

The weekend will be filled with outdoor fun (sledding!), relaxing, being together, and worshiping God. Mark & I will be leading our sessions and Sam Willems will be leading the singing portion of our worship times. It is going to be a great weekend!

We will be leaving to come home again at noon on Sunday so we should be back around 4:00ish. Let you parents know that you'll call them once we're back...that way they don't need to wait around for us if we're a bit late.

If you have not signed up for the retreat and you're seeing the error of this and really want to come (which is understandable because this is going to be great) then let me know, be really nice to me and I'll think about letting you come :) Also, if you haven't gotten your form to me yet then MAKE SURE YOU BRING IT. You will not be allowed on the bus if I don't have your form (and I'm really not joking about this).

Let me know if you've got any other questions about it.

NEMBY goes to Waterloo

I've already sent out all the info for tonight, so this is really just a reminder of the details. We're going to Waterloo tonight for the Ontario MB Conference: Youth Track. We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church at 5:15 pm. Please eat supper before you come because we won't have time for a supper stop...although I think there will some snacks after the conference.

Here's the revised list of people coming. I've got enough rides for these people and we've got 3 extra seats so if you're name is not on this list and you want to come then just let me know.

Colin Fast
Carmen Mortley
Ashley Schuender
Katie Hines
Josh Harder
Marcus Tuttle
Joanna Albers
Travis Braun
Nigel Mortley
Jesslyn Duerrstein
Amy Browett
Nicole Thiessen
Kelsey Schuender
Darren Klassen
Rachel Hewitt
Natasha Hesp
Kristen Kort
Mark Durksen
Tim Durksen
Kevin Klassen
Mel Neufeld
Sabrina Wiens

If you're not on the list and not coming to Waterloo with us then I guess we'll see you next week.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Yup, you heard me right. We're going to be playing Gargon tonight. We'll be meeting at Fairview MB at 7:00 pm and then the fun will begin. Please, please, please wear proper running shoes...bad things happen when people don't and be ready to run around and get sweaty.

Next week, we're going to be going to Waterloo for the Ontario MB Conference Youth Night. It's going to be a worship night with other youth groups from all over Ontario. There are going to be some speakers from a few different mission organizations and it's going to be good. I'm going to have a sign-up list for it tonight and I need to know how many people are coming so that I can make sure we have enough rides. We'll be leaving at 5:30 next Friday. Please talk to your parents/think about whether or not you want to come to this and be ready to sign up tonight. Oh and there is no cost for this. If you can't make it tonight but want to come then just message me and I'll add your name to the list.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Bible Study at Fairview

Just a reminder that we've got Bible study tonight. We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church NOT at Jesslyn's house. Meet me there at 7:00 pm.

Also, if you want to come on the retreat but haven't handed in your form or money then please bring it along to Bible study or at least message me to let me know you still want to come. I made a list of people I know are coming and am going to start working on transportation, rooming lists, etc. so I NEED TO KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE COMING.

See you tonight!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Worship Night

We were originally going to be playing Gargon for youth this week, but since there will be another group at the church on Friday we're going to postpone Gargon until next week.

Instead, we're going to be having a low-key worship night. Tim will be leading some singing, I'll be talking a bit, and we'll have a time of sharing. Typically, the few sharing times we've had over the past few months have been a bit awkward and hardly anyone has actually said anything. Last week's worship night at Southridge was really good and challenged us to bring God into every part of our lives, including our schools. In our Bible study we've been talking about how to be the person God created us to be...again, living our whole lives for Him. We're going to be talking a bit more about that tomorrow, so think about it and about what God's been doing in your life in relation to these things and think about whether or not you have something to share with the group about it.

After the worship time we'll be hanging out in the youth room and perhaps playing a few youth room games...the animal game, 4 on a couch, the bowl game = awesome!

We'll be meeting at Fairview MB at 7:00 pm tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Bible Study

Happy first day of a new semester!

Just writing to remind you that we've got Bible study tonight. 7:00 pm at Jesslyn's house.

It's not supposed to really start snowing until late tonight, but drive safely anyhow and if it looks like it's snowing really hard then stay tuned...I'll cancel it if the roads look horrible.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hooray!!! Exams are over!!! Freedom is least for a few days!!!

Here's what's happening in NEMBY this week:

1. We will be having an unofficial youth night this Friday. We'll be having a "Toy Story" movie marathon! Wear cozy clothes and bring cozy blankets. We'll be starting "Toy Story 1" at 6:00 pm and working our way through...taking breaks as needed. We'll be ordering pizza at some point so if you want pizza then bring $5 along.

2. The reason Friday night is unofficial is because our official youth event is happening on Saturday at 7:00 pm at Southridge Community Church (201 Glenridge Ave.). We'll be joining a bunch of youth groups from all over the Niagara Region for a night of worship and prayer. I'm really looking forward to it and I hope you come out and join us for it. Let me know if you need a ride.

3. Fill out your retreat form and bring it to me!!! Our winter retreat is at the end of February (25-27) and the deadline for the forms is February 4th...but early forms are definitely welcome and encouraged.

See you soon!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Exam Week Stuff

Hello NEMBY!!!

I hope all of you are surviving your exams! I'm just writing to remind you that we are NOT having Bible study tonight. Hang in there exams are almost finished!

If you're a member of Grantham MB Church then know that I'm going to be sharing a bit about NEMBY at the membership meeting tonight and the church is going to have an official vote on it. If at all possible, study ahead and come out to give support to NEMBY...I get that your in the midst of exams though. The meeting is at Grantham MB Church at 7:00 pm.

We don't have anything official planned for youth this Friday since our youth event is the joint worship night on Saturday, but if you're interested then come to Fairview MB at 6:00 pm for a Toy Story movie marathon!!! That's right, we are going to enjoy Pixar's best back to'll be awesome and it'll be a test of endurance!

We'll be ordering pizza somewhere in the mix, so bring $5 along if you want some.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Exam Lounge Night

Well, if you're head is not full yet, then it will be soon, eh. Exams are starting tomorrow!!!

Come on out tomorrow night for a night of relaxing and NO THINKING!

We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church at 7:00 pm. There will be games, video games, movies, food, hanging out, and fun.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bible Study

Just a reminder that we're going to be meeting tonight at 7:00 pm at Jesslyn's house (1515 5th St.). We're doing Session 2 of our new study and I've got the books for everyone who asked me to get one for them...if that's you then please bring $10 to help cover the cost of your book.

See you tonight!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Change of Plans...Tobogganing!!!

I'm not sure if you've looked outside recently, but there's snow outside!!! And lots of it! So, we're going to take advantage of it and go tobogganing tomorrow night!!!

We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church at 7:00 pm and then we'll be heading to Lock 4. Wear warm clothes...snow pants, winter coat, scarf, toque, mittens, boots, etc. because we'll be outside all night...or until we're sufficiently exhausted. Oh, and bring a sled, crazy carpet, toboggan, etc. if you've got one.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bible Study

Hey Guys!

Just a reminder that we've got youth Bible study tonight! 7:00 pm at Jesslyn's house (1515 5th St.).

We're going to be starting a new Bible study series, so if you've never come before then maybe this is a good time to start!

See you there!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Cheesy Christmas Potluck

So, here are the details for our Cheesy Christmas Potluck on Friday. First off, WE'RE GOING TO MEET AT 6:30 PM at Fairview MB Church where we'll be having a night of classic Christmas fun. This Christmas fun may include (but should not be limited to) a potluck supper, an ugly Christmas sweater competition, Christmas stories with Uncle Gary, a re-gift exchange, and watching a classicly horrible Christmas movie.

The things to bring are:
1. A food item to contribute to our potluck (and a huge appetite since there will be a ton of food for us to enjoy)
2. An ugly Christmas sweater (or just any festive-wear)
3. A gift for the re-gift exchange (the emphasis being on the RE...please do not go out and buy something for this, just wrap up something you've got at home that you no longer use)

Here are some suggestions for the potluck, but really you can bring anything that you love to eat. Please do not just make your mom make your dish for least help her out and make sure you tell her about this asap so that she doesn't find out about it on Friday and get stressed about having to make something quickly.
• Veggie platter
• Fruit platter
• Meatballs
• Pasta or potato salad
• Some sort of casserole
• Stew
• Chili
• Perogies
• Soup
• Crackers & dip or cheese
• Garlic bread
• Dinner rolls
• Salad of any kind
• Dessert
• Anything that you like to eat

Let me know if you've got any questions.