Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Potluck...take 2

Okay, let's try this again.  This Friday we're going to have our Christmas potluck/cheesy Christmas party.  We're going to meet at 6:00 pm at the church and we're going to have supper together potluck-style.  That means that each person needs to bring a dish to share with the group.  Here's a list of suggestions, but you can really bring anything that you want to, so if you have a favourite dish then feel free to bring it.

- veggie platter
- fruit platter
- meatballs
- pasta or potato salad
- some sort of casserole
- stew
- chili
- perogies
- soup
- crackers & dips or cheese
- garlic bread
- dinner rolls
- salad of any kind
- dessert

Again, if you want to make something that's not on the list then go ahead and make it.  Please post what you are going to make so that everyone can see...that way they won't make the same thing as you.

After dinner we're going to have some Christmas festivities, so please wear your Christmas sweaters, if you have one.  We're also going to do the re-gift exchange, so find something that you already own, but don't use, wrap it up and bring it along.

See you Friday!  

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tim is getting baptized...

Tim is getting baptized this Sunday (the 28th) at Southridge Community Church and I thought I'd let everyone know, so you can figure out if you can make it. I'll be going and I can definitely give some people a ride. The service starts at 11:00, so let me know if you want a ride and we can figure that out. I probably won't have internet access before then, so give me a call or talk to me at the Christmas Eve service.

Friday, December 19, 2008


I am writing with a very sad heart because I am writing to say that I am canceling youth tonight. The roads are terrible right now and they will just be getting worse as the day/night goes on. I was super pumped about the Christmas potluck tonight, but I know that I would feel terrible if any of you got in an accident on the way to church tonight and I think this will put your parents at ease as well.

The good news is that we're still going to do our Christmas potluck/tacky Christmas party, but I'm rescheduling it for January 2nd...our first youth in the new year. And seriously, it kind of goes with the theme of the party because it once again does not get much tackier than having a Christmas party so far after Christmas.

So, halt all potluck prep. I really hope this doesn't put you out too much. And if you haven't thought of what to make yet then you've got another two weeks to think about it!

Also, PASS THIS MESSAGE ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS!  I want to make sure that everyone gets the message that we are not meeting tonight.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tacky Christmas...

Christmas time is here and we’re going to celebrate it SSMBY style! We’re going to meet at 6:00 pm on Friday and we’re going to have a potluck supper, so that means that each person needs to bring something to share with group. Here’s a list of ideas, but you can really bring anything, so if you’ve got a specialty then feel free to bring it or if your mom makes a super awesome dish that you love then ask her for the recipe and make it.

- fruit platter
- veggie platter
- meatballs
- hashbrown casserole (or some other sort of casserole)
- nacho dip
- cheese and crackers
- dips
- rice
- chicken wings
- cooked veggies
- soup
- chilli
- salad (green salad, Caesar salad, Greek salad, fruit salad)
- garlic bread
- desserts

We’re also going to enjoy some Christmas festivities after supper and the theme of the festivities is going to be “Tacky Christmas”, so everyone needs to find a tacky Christmas sweater (whatever that means to you) and we’re going to do a gift exchange game, but think tacky…it doesn’t get tackier than re-gifting, so instead of going out and buying something for the gift exchange you need to bring something that you already own, but don’t use and have either never used or haven’t used in a long time…I’m talking dig deep into your closet and dust off whatever you find, wrap it up and give it away. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure, right?

Since we’re not spending money on the presents, I’m going to suggest that you bring $5 along and we’re going to donate the money somewhere.

There you have it. I’m pumped and think this Friday is going to be awesome! Once you’ve decided what you want to bring for the potluck please post it so that people don’t bring the same things.

See you Friday!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Volunteering at Salvation Army...

We're volunteering at the Salvation Army again tonight.  We'll meet at the church at 7:00 pm and then head over there.  I haven't been able to get a hold of them yet, so please come to the church because it's likely that we'll go straight to the warehouse, but I'm not sure yet.  

Friday, December 12, 2008

German Choir Concert...

Remember that we're going to the German service on Sunday instead of Sunday school because they are doing their German Choir Christmas Concert.  It starts at 9:30 and it's important that you're on time because unlike youth Sunday school they will not wait for late comers and it will be quite embarrassing to show up late.  Mr. Eitzen assured me that they will speak some English to make us feel included, but remember that it is the German service so a lot of it will be in German and all the songs will probably be in German.  This is just one more way that we can show that we are a part of the church and care about what is going on, plus it'll be really good to hear the choir sing.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

SSMBY Christmas Babysitting

For the past while we’ve been trying to find ways to connect with the church and the games night with seniors that we had a while ago was a huge hit and loads of fun! Well, this week we’ve invited children ages 3-10 to join us in order to give their parents a break or a chance to do any last minute Christmas shopping.

We (members of SSMBY) are going to meet at the church at 6:00 pm in order to get things ready for the night and then the kids are going to be coming at 6:30 pm. We’ve got some different activities planned for the night and it’s going to be great!

We are going to be at the church until approx. 10:00 pm because I've asked parents to pick their children up by 9:30 and then we will have to clean up, so I am not going to find a house for afterwards.  If you want to offer your house or want to find one then let me know.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Bible Study...

There seems to be a bit of confusion regarding Bible study tonight.  We're  having regular Bible study tonight at 7:00 pm at my house and we're volunteering at the Salvation Army next week.  

Also, if you've looked at your SSMBY calendar for December you'll notice that on Sunday we won't be having Sunday school, but you should still come at 9:30 because the German choir is going to be doing a Christmas concert, so we're going to the German service to join them for that. 

See you tonight.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Ice Dogs Game...

This Friday we are going to an Ice Dogs game! They will be playing Sarnia and the arena is packed out, so there will be excitement and adrenalin in the air! They will be doing a “teddy bear toss” at the game for underprivileged children, so bring a new or gently-used teddy bear along, if you can, and when the first goal is scored everyone will throw their teddy bear onto the ice.

We’re going to be meeting at the church at 6:45 to make sure we get there on time, so please be at the church on time and make sure that all you’re friends know that we’re meeting early.

The tickets are $14 and if you haven’t paid yet then make sure you bring the money on Friday.

On an entirely different note, Southridge is hosting a Ten Thousand Villages Sale and tonight (Wednesday) is the last night. It’s at Southridge church and it’s from 6:30-9:00 pm.  Ten Thousand Villages works with people around the world to promote fair trade and community development.  They help people in underdeveloped countries learn to make different artisan crafts and then sell them at a fair wage in developed countries.  This sale would be a great place to find Christmas presents.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Guy/Girl Bible Study...

It's the first Tuesday of the month and you should know the drill by now...girls come to my house at 7:00 pm and guys meet Mark at the church at 7:00 pm.

Also, remember that if you haven't paid me for your Ice Dogs ticket then bring $14 along with you.  Tim will be collecting money from the guys, so please remember!  I've already ordered the tickets and I ordered 6 extra, so if you want to go, but have not told me then let me know a.s.a.p. so you can get one.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gas Money

When I told you about the progressive dinner I forgot to ask everyone to bring $2 to give to your driver. When you don't drive your own car, it's easy to forget that gas costs $ and easy to take a ride home for granted, so I'm asking everyone to bring $ for their driver tomorrow because we're going to be driving for a portion of the youth event, but think about slipping the person who drives you home after youth a few $ every once in a while...we don't mind driving you home, but we also appreciate help in covering the cost.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Progressive Dinner...

You’d better be hungry when you come to youth this Friday because we’re having a progressive dinner. Basically that means that we’ll be having dinner together, but there’s a twist, each course will be at a different house and the courses might not be in the usual order.

We’ll be meeting at the church at 6:30 and then we’ll head out for supper. DO NOT EAT SUPPER BEFORE YOU COME!!! Trust me, you’ll regret it if you do!

Next week we're going to an Ice Dogs game (they're playing Sarnia).  Tickets are $14 and if you want to go then I'll need the money by Sunday.  Let me know if you're planning on coming as soon as you can so that I can get a good estimate of how many people want to come.  Please bring me correct change because I won't have change to break a bunch of $20s.  

See you on Friday!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bible Study...

It's been a while since we've had regular Bible study.  It's going to be on Tuesday at 7:00 pm at my house.  

Friday, November 21, 2008

An exciting day!!!

This Sunday is going to be an exciting day...5 members of SSMBY are getting baptized!!!  2 are also becoming members of our church!!!  So, even if you don't come to Scott St. MB Church regularly on Sunday mornings come this Sunday if you can!  The service starts at 10:45 am and we're going to have a lunch after the service, so plan on staying for it.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


There’s been a slight change in our schedule. The progressive dinner is going to be next week and tomorrow we’re going to be playing Gargon! Now, I’ve never played this game before, but I hear that it’s pretty intense.

We’ll meet at the church at the regular time (7:00 pm) and you will have to eat supper before coming. Pass this info on to every SSMBY member you see.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Volunteering at Salvation Army...

We're going to be volunteering at the Salvation Army again tonight.  I'm not entirely sure what we'll be doing, but I think we're going to help them organize the warehouse we cleaned last time, so wear warm clothes and come ready to do some work!  We'll be meeting at the church at 7:00 and then heading over there...if you know you're going to be late then let me know so I can tell you where to meet us.  

See you tonight!

Wear clothes you won't mind getting paint on!  I just talked to Caroline and we're going to be painting.  Pass this message on to anyone you know is coming!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Coffee House

This Friday is going to be a great night of good drinks, good talent and good fun. We will be providing the drinks and snack, but you’re going to have to provide that talent and fun. There is going to be an open-mic time and you have the opportunity to show us what you’ve got! This doesn’t mean that I’m asking people to come sing…although, if you sing then that’s great and I’d love for you to sing, but you could really do anything you want…sing, play an instrument, do a dance number, do a skit, rap/beatbox, read something you’ve written, do a humorous monologue…really it could be anything! So, start thinking about what you can do and get ready to enjoy the talents of SSMBY and Gateway.

We’ve invited Gateway youth to join us, so make sure that you actually welcome them to our youth and make an effort to get to know them and mingle with them. Let’s show them that we care!

Also, make sure that you bring some change along* because the drinks and snacks are going to cost 25-50 cents and they are going to be good, so you’ll want to make sure you get some! If we end up making money on this then the extra money will go to supporting our MCC Global Family Project.

See you tomorrow!

* Please bring change or small bills rather than $20 bills…I will not have enough $ to break a bunch of $20s

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Come over for supper...

Bible study, Tuesday at 7:00...I hope that's ingrained into your head by now, but this week I'm inviting everyone over for supper before Bible study. So, this Tuesday you're invited to come over at 6:00 for supper and then we'll be having Bible study after we eat.

See you then!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

SSMBY + seniors + games = AWESOME!!!!

This Friday is our first ever games night with seniors!  We've invited people from our church who are 60+ to join us for a games night and they're going to be bringing some of their favourites, so get ready for some rousing rounds of 11-heraus, skipbo, dominoes and crokinole...don't worry, I don't know how to play some of those either.  It's going to be a great opportunity for us to get to know some of the older people in our church and have fun while we're at it.

We (the members of SSMBY) are going to be meeting at the church at 7:00 pm to set up the gym for the night and for some quick announcements and then the seniors will be joining us at 7:30.  Feel free to invite your grandparents (even if they don't go to Scott St.).

Oh, and we're hoping to have some squares and cookies to serve throughout the night, so let me know if you can bring something.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Girl/Guy Bible Study

It's the first Tuesday of the month and we all know what that means...it's girl/guy Bible study night!!!  So, Mark will be meeting all the guys at the church tonight at 7:00 and I'll be meeting all the girls at my house at 7:00.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fall Lounge Night...

It's time to get your carve on...hmmm...I'm not entirely sure what that means, but this Friday we're going to be doing some fall lounging.  There will be some candy to eat, pumpkins to carve and perhaps even a little friendly competition.  Since it is Halloween on Friday you are welcome to dress up if you want to...it's definitely not required, but hey, why not?  It might be fun.  We'll meet at the church at 7:00 and then head over to Mark's house for the rest of the night.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Volunteering at Salvation Army...

Instead of having Bible study tonight we're going to be helping out at the Salvation Army.  Christmas is less than two months away and they are busy getting ready for their Christmas hamper and Christmas toy drive.  We're going to be helping them clean the warehouse where they'll be storing the toys and food as well as helping them transport the food to the warehouse.  

They really need our help, so we'll be meeting at the church tonight at 7:00 and then we'll head over there.  Please don't be late because we really aren't going to be waiting around the church for long.  Let me know if you think you will be late, so I can let you know where to meet us or so that I know to wait for you.

Also since we'll be doing a lot of cleaning make sure you wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty.  And if you still need community service hours then bring your sheet and I can sign for them.

See you tonight!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

This just in...

*** I forgot to tell you to bring $2.00 to cover some of the costs of the night!!!  Please pass this info on to every SSMBY member you see or talk to.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

SSMBY is going to the country!

Fall is here and that means it’s time for our annual hayride! This Friday we’re going to be meeting at the church at 7:00 and then driving to Niagara-on-the-Lake where we’ll be joining Cornerstone youth for a time of worship after which we’ll be going on a hayride!

If you’re not sure what a hayride is, it’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like…a tractor pulling a trailer of hay will drive us around some local farms. There will be three trailers with differing levels of intensity, so if you’ve got a lot of aggression you want to get out of your system there will be a wagon to accommodate that, but there will also be a trailer for people who would rather just enjoy the ride.

Make sure you dress warm…seriously, I’m talking winter coats, mittens, toques and scarves. It’s cold outside and we’re going to be outside all night. Also, since we’ll be sitting on hay and possibly throwing some hay around, you might want to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.

IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ARE ON TIME because we won’t be waiting around the church for very long since we need to get to Niagara by 7:30. Let me know if you are going to be late, so we either make sure to wait for you, or so I can give you directions to where we’ll be.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Bible Study...

Bible study this week...well, next week...on the 21st, is going to be AT THE CHURCH with Mark. It'll still be starting at 7:00, but it will be at the church, NOT AT MY HOUSE.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Youth Extravanganza with Robert and Phil...

You are in for a treat this week! Tomorrow night, Robert Mason and Phil Klassen are going to be running youth! To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what they've got planned, but it could very well include some aspect of making a movie...sounds exciting, eh. So, we'll be meeting at the church at 7:00 and then once the movie-making fun is over we'll be heading over to the Mason's to hang out.

You may notice that there will be a few people missing on Friday. I'm going to be at Camp Crossroads with my fellow adult leaders and the student leaders for the Ontario MB Conference Youth Leadership Building Weekend. Have fun with Rob and Phil!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We did it!

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped out with our Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit nervous going into it because it's pretty huge thinking about serving turkey dinner to a over a hundred people, but we did it and it was awesome! We served Thanksgiving Dinner to over 130 people!!! And we finished the clean-up and were out of there before 8:00... unheard of!!! I was so proud of all of you!

You may have noticed our very own photographer snapping shots while we were getting ready, well, here are some of the photos that were taken. Enjoy!

My mom showing Aaron the secret to smooth gravy
Aaron stirring the gravy
Jordan making sure the servers know what's going on
What are you thankful for?
The servers waiting for the action to start
Mark and Jesslyn doing some last minute kitchen prep
and we're open for business
Ben getting the coffee ready
The kitchen set up for action
People starting to arrive

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bible Study...

Bible study will be at the usual time (tonight at 7:00) at the usual place (my house - 169 Lake St). I hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Community Thanksgiving Dinner...

You’ve been hearing about it for weeks and it’s finally here…THE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER!!! This is a free dinner that SSMBY has been hosting for the past 12 years (I don’t even think we were called SSMBY yet when we started this) and you have the opportunity to be a part of it.

Here are the details that you should take note of. Some of the times and information are different from what I announced last week, so please read this and take note of the times that you should try to be here for.

When: come to the church at 3:30 (if you can’t make it at 3:30 then come when you can…the dinner starts at 6:00)

What to expect:
3:30 - we will start cooking and doing set-up, so be prepared to step-up and help out. The jobs will include: decorating, setting up tables & chairs, setting tables, cooking, and more. Please come with a good attitude and be willing to help.
6:00 – We start serving dinner. That’s right, we will be serving the meal, so please wear black (or dark) pants and a white shirt.
8:00 – The dinner is over and we will be able to eat supper and then start clean-up. This is usually when everyone is tired and sort of wants to be finished, but if we all help with this then it will take no time at all.
9:00 – Community Thanksgiving Dinner #13 is officially finished!!! We’re going to Averil’s house after everything is cleaned up.

So there you have it. This is a SSMBY event and it will take everyone’s participation to help it run smoothly. Also, if you’re short on community hours then this can definitely count for that.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

p.s. click on the title to see a thanksgiving clip...let's all hope that our dinner tastes better than that!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Girl/Guy Bible Study

Just a reminder that this Tuesday is the first Tuesday of the month and we all know what that means...girly guy Bible time!!! Um...or rather girl/guy Bible study. So, girls meet me at my house at 7:00 and guys meet Mark at the church at 7:00.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bible Study and More...

Bible study tonight will be at the usual time (7:00 pm) and at the usual place (my house, 169 Lake Street). I've been really excited about the conversations that we've been having at Bible study and I know that it's really challenged my own thinking regarding who God is and what it means for me to live my life in relationship with him. I hope that those of you who have been coming out have enjoyed it as well and I'm excited to see what discussions we're going to have tonight.

I'm also going to give you the info for Friday night right now!!!

This weekend is the Harvest/Mission Fest at our church (Scott St MB Church), so we're going to be joining the church for it. Some friends of mine, Doug and Deanna Hiebert, are going to be speaking for it and they're going to be talking their experience in Burundi, Africa.

Last Friday I told you that it starts at 7:00 and I stressed that you need to be on time for it, but it actually starts at 7:30, so we'll be meeting at our usual time (7:00) in the youth room and then we can head down together.

I'm really excited for the weekend and if you're free then come on Saturday too. It'll be starting at 7:00 on Saturday. Doug and Deanna's topic title for Saturday is Report: Rewanda 14 years later? and they're going to be showing pictures and telling stories from their time out there. I'm excited to hear what they have to say. If you've seen the movie Hotel Rawanda or heard about the terrible things that happened there then I think you'll want to be here.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

SSMBY Amazing Race!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is HOT off the press,
This friday, at SSMBY, is THE AMAZING RACE!
That's right folks, a night with fun filled adventure racing across the vast and wonderful area of southern Ontario. You won't want to miss this event.
Now, realize youth starts at 7 o'clock, and the RACE will begin at 7:30, so get ready for some fun.

Now, onto some practical things that you should bring...
Clothes - Possibly warm, be flexible in, and run around in
Shoes - Running
Small Flashlight? Yes, it will be dark, so if a few people bring small flashlights that won't hinder gameplay, that would be good.
A Good Attitude - ALWAYS!
A Competitive Attitude - Just this event...

Signing off,
Jordan Duerrstein

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bible Study...

Bible study is tonight at my house (169 Lake St) at 7:00pm Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

SSMBY Records!!!

This Friday you have the opportunity to become a part of a very prestigious group...the SSMBY Record holders. This opportunity only comes once a year, so mark it on your calendars and start practicing. There will be judges and stop-watches and we're counting on you making your way into the SSMBY Book of Records which will be coming out later this Fall.

Just to get your imagination going I've come up with a short list of record setting options. Do not feel limited to this list, but if you're having a hard time coming up with a record to set or break then feel free to go for one of these records or modify them to come up with your own. I'd really like to see everyone participating, so try to come up with something.

• most people on one couch
• most words said in a minute
• most words texted in 30 sec.
• longest time hanging from a beam
• most books balanced on head
• lowest limbo
• longest head stand
• most consecutive cartwheels
• most consecutive summersaults
• longest monologue
• most cans of pop drunken in a minute
• longest spin before falling
• tallest member of SSMBY
• shortest member of SSMBY
• fastest time to eat a can of spam (or any other gross food)
• longest slide across the floor in socks
• fastest time to eat an apple
• biggest head
• smallest head
• fastest time to drink 5 glasses of chocolate milk

Make sure that you let me know the record that you want to break and if I'm going to need to get any supplies in order for you to do it. You can either write a comment on this blog entry or if you want it to be a bit more secretive then email me at sabrinawiens@bellnet.ca

One record that I came across is the greatest distance moon-walked in an hour, so use your imagination and as long as your record can be measured and judged you've got a shot at become a SSMBY Record-holder!

p.s. click on the title of this post to see a record being broken.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bible Study...

Bible Study is going to be back at my house (169 Lake St.) tonight. I'll see you at 7:00!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where's Waldo?

What: Where's Waldo?
Where: Meet at the church
When: Friday, September 12th at 7:00 pm*

*Call me at the church (905.937.6900) and let me know if you're going to be late so that you don't have to miss out on the fun...and seriously, you don't want to miss out on the fun!


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Volunteering at Salvation Army...

Tuesday nights are usually Bible Study nights, but tonight we're going to be doing something a bit different... we're going to be volunteering at the Salvation Army. We'll be meeting at the church at 7:00 pm and then heading over there. We'll be sorting food (something that is much needed!) and probably doing some cleaning, but I'm not entirely sure what they'll need us to do, so wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty.

See you tonight!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Photos from the girls sleepover...

SSMBY girls are hard-core!!!

Rachel, Christina, Hannah and Heidi looking cute in their hair-nets

Christina and Rachel tearing up the track... in their family go-cart?

Sleeping at a sleep-over?

It's a new year people!!!

Well, I hope you've all had a great first week of school and are ready to start off a new year of SSMBY! We're going to be meeting at church at the usual time (7:00pm) for a night of games and humiliation (only for a few and you know who you are). So, come out and have fun.

If you can, please remember our Serbian Kindergarten class and bring any change that you can spare.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Girls? Guys?

I hope your questions are in because tonight is your chance to better understand the opposite sex! We're going to be meeting at the church tonight (not my house) at 7:00 and we'll have a chance to answer and discuss the questions that we came up with on Friday. See you tonight!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Girl/Guy Sleep-over...

I hope you've looked at your handy-dandy SSMBY calendar lately because tomorrow night is the girl/guy sleep-over...just to clarify that means that the girls will be sleeping in one location and the guys will be sleeping in another. So get ready for some great gender specific fun...um...I'm not really sure what that means, but it's going to be great. We'll all be meeting at the church at 7:00 and then heading on our gender specific way.

You will be spending the night at Gary's house and I've been instructed to tell you to bring some meat and your bathing suit...I have no idea what you could possibly be doing... Also make sure you bring sleeping stuff, as in, a sleeping bag, pillow, etc.

You will be spending the night at my house and all you need to bring is a bit of cash. Gone are the days where girls sit around doing nothing, but wishing the guys were here. Make sure you also bring a sleeping bag, pillow and pj's, etc.

We'll be meeting up for breakfast on Saturday morning, so please bring a bit of cash for that as well. We should be able to drop all of you off at home on Saturday, but see if your parents can be available to pick you up at around 10:00ish.

And last, but not least, this Tuesday is going to be our girl/guy Q&A, so please be ready to write some questions down to put in the questions box.

See you tomorrow, Bean

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Did you get that? We will not be meeting for Bible Study tonight. Unfortunately I did something to my back on Sunday and haven't been able to walk straight or sit comfortably since then. I'm feeling a bit better than I was yesterday, but I'm still in quite a bit of pain. Yeah, so no Bible study tonight. Please feel free to pass this message on to others.

Thanks, Bean

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Port Dalhousie...

For youth this week we're going to be going to Port Dalhousie to walk the pier, hang out on the beach and eat ice cream! We'll be meeting at the church at the usual time (7:00) and then leaving from there. Let me know if you're going to be late, so that I can tell you where to find us...although Port isn't really that big, so I'm sure we'll be easy enough to find...anyway... Also bring a few $ if you want to get some ice cream.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Become an instant star...

Tonight is make-a-movie night and seriously, who's to say that you won't uncover some sweet hidden talent tonight!?! It should be good...or at least humorous. We'll be meeting at the church at the usual time (7:00). Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bible Study...

Bible study. Tonight. 7:00. My house. Hope you can make it!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Summer Retreat!!!!

Okay, so I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a huge fan of sleeping in tents, but for the past few days I've been getting stuff ready for the retreat and I getting really excited for this weekend!!! Seriously, it is going to be good!

So, here are the details:

Be at the church and ready to go at 4:00pm on Friday. If you have not given me the permission form and money then make sure that you bring it on Friday because I'm sorry to say that if I do not have your permission form then you will not be coming.

Let you're parents know that we are expecting to be back around 3ish, but we will try to make phone calls to the parents once we get close on Sunday so they don't have to wait around at the church forever.

Things to bring that are surprisingly easy to forget:
* a tent if you have one...please let me know if you do
* sleeping bag and pillow
* mess kit (plate, bowl, cup, cutlery)
* bathing suit and towel...girls remember to bring a dark tank top to wear over your bikini
* sunscreen
* bug spray
* flashlight
* Bible, notebook, pen

I think that's it, so I'll see you on Friday!


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Girl/Guy Bible Study

Yay for the first Tuesday of the month! That's right, it's girl/guy bs tonight...otherwise known as girlyguy bs. So, girls meet me at my house at 7:00 and guys meet Mark at the church at 7:00. Rumour has it that the guys are going to stop by my place after they're finished...

Friday, August 01, 2008

Photo Scavenger Hunt Extravaganza...

Tonight we'll be doing our annual Photo Scavenger Hunt with a twist... You'll have to come out to find out what that twist is, but trust me it will be good. So, 7:00 at the church. And we'll be going to Nathan and Rachel's house afterwards. Hope to see you there.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Capture the Flag...

‘Capture the Flag’ is a big game for two teams of players. Both teams have a flag and the aim of the game is to capture the other team’s flag and defend your own.

Tomorrow we'll be meeting at the usual time (7:00 pm) in the usual place (Scott St MB Church) and then we'll be heading to Queenston Heights for a few games of Capture the Flag! We'll be at the church for a bit, but we'll be spending most of the evening outside so be prepared for that... i.e. bring bug spray, a sweater, proper footwear. It's going to be a lot of fun!

p.s. I've noticed that there is a lot of hugging going on at youth and I love it, but thought it might be a bit unnerving for new comers, so I've added a video to this post (click on the title to see it) that will explain how to give the perfect man hug. Seriously, men can hug and SSMBY is making that known!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bible Study at Church...

Just reminder that Bible study tonight is going to be at the church. Mark will be leading it so meet him there at 7:00 tonight.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I've heard it said that SSMBY isn't very athletic...well, we'll just have to see about that won't we! This week we're going to be playing ultimate. It's going to be a lot of fun and even if you aren't athletic and don't really like the thought of running around and catching a frisbee, come out anyhow to hang out and cheer.

We'll be meeting at the church at the usual time (7:00) and then heading over to the park across the street from Laura Secord.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bible study...

Man, one week away and I really miss you guys. I hope that you all had a great time at Jay & Tammy's on Friday and I can't wait to hear about it.

Bible study is tonight at 7:00 pm at my house (169 Lake St.) I really hope to see all of you there.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Pool Party!!

This week we're going to be having a pool party at Jay and Tammy's house. You can thank all of the youth Sunday school class...it's because of their sweet Bible memory skills that Jay and Tammy have offered to host this. So we'll be meeting at the church at 7:00 and then heading over to their house. Bring your bathing suits (girls remember that if you only have bikinis then bring a dark tank top to wear over top) and make sure to remember to bring towels. We'll be outside for the evening and if you remember last week, it does get cold once the sun goes down, so please make sure to bring warm clothes and possibly a blanket. Also, if you've got UNO or any fun games to play then bring those along too. There'll be a fire and hotdogs and marshmellows and it really will be a great time. If you're going to be late then just meet us there. Jay and Tammy live at 42 Old Coach Rd.


Oh, and I've finally figured out how to add video links, so click on the title and take a look!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Guys & Girls Night


That's right...it's me, Tom Friesen posting!!!

Tonight is guy/girl night and Char and I are coming out of hiding for it!

So...guys, come to the church for 7pm and girls go to Beans for 7pm. I hope you all come (and maybe some new faces too). Char and I are missing our peops and we're looking forward to seeing you all!!!

So see you tonight!


Friday, July 04, 2008

Outdoor Fun...

I hope that you're all able to make it out tonight, because it is going to be good!!! We're going to spend the evening playing various lawn games (who said bocce ball is for old people?) and then once it gets dark we're going to have our very own drive-in theatre...well, sort of. We're going to watch a movie outside. Yeah, it's going to be good. So, here are the details:

Where: meet at the church

When: 7:00pm (regular time) - if you're going to be late then please let me know, so I can tell you where to meet us

What to bring: warm clothes (it gets pretty cold once the sun goes down) and a lawn chair or blanket to sit on

Movie: it's a surprise! All I'll tell you is that in my books it's a classic and it involves adventure, romance and so much more.

Hope to see you tonight.


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Canada Day!!!

Just a quick reminder that there is no Bible study tonight. I hope you're enjoying the beautiful day and that you see some crazy fireworks tonight.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Church picnic...

If you've looked at your June SSMBY calendar recently, you'll notice that this Sunday is our church picnic at Burgoyne Woods and you are all invited to come.

One of the things that we do at the church picnic is have an actual picnic lunch. Usually people eat with their families which if you don't actually have family attending Scott St. it can be a bit awkward (don't worry, I'm in the same situation). So, last night at Bible study Pat mentioned this to me and he suggested we do a potluck or try to figure something out for lunch. Are you interested in this? If so, then please get back to me as soon as possible to let me know so I can start working on something for it. And if you know of other SSMBY members who will probably be coming to the picnic and might want in on this, but don't have facebook can you please call them (or text them) and then let me know. I need to know numbers.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bible Study!!!

Just a quick reminder that there's Bible study at 7:00 pm tonight at my house (169 Lake St). We're going through the gospel of John right now and we'll be looking at John 13:18-38. It should be good and I hope to see you there.


Oh, and if you live near someone else who comes to SSMBY then why not give them a call and see if you can car pool?

Friday, June 20, 2008

End of Exams!!!

Congratulations!!!! You're finished your exams!!!! After a week of cramming information into your head we are going to spend the night relaxing and unwinding. We will be meeting at the regular time (7:00pm) in the youth room. There will be games (Wii and GH) set up and snacks. It is going to be great!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Take a break...

How're your exams going? I realize that you are probably a little bit stressed right now and have been busy cramming as much information into your brain as you can, so I'm going to go out on a limb and make a suggestion...come to Bible study tonight. Take a short break and come hang out with other people who totally get what you're going through. I've decided that because you're probably sick of learning or have just had too much of it recently, we will not actually be studying the Bible tonight, but rather just having fun and relaxing together. We'll still take a bit of time to pray for each other at the begining, but after that we are just going to be.

If you're planning on coming then can you please email or call me to let me know, so that I'm not waiting around if no one is actually coming? My email address is: swiens25@hotmail.com or you can call me at the church (905) 937-6900

Hope to see you tonight, Bean

***Remember that we're meeting at my house tonight...169 Lake St....DO NOT GO TO THE CHURCH!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


This week at SSMBY...


As always at 7pm we'll be meeting at Scott Street for a night of a fun filled, high speed, and the best Pine Car derby you ever did see.

Be ready for these racers to have a full pit crew, and loud cheering, as they compete for the "ultimate speed" trophy, and "best looking" car plaque.

(If you have not yet made a car, and wish to enter a car, get working on it very quickly.)
(For those I haven’t spoken with, let me know if your building a car.)


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tonight, Bible study!

Tonight, at 7. Bible study at SSMBC (scott street mb church), in the youth room.
Be ready for a good discussion, and studying the bible :)

This is beans first night leading the bible study, so lets make her feel welcome.

(this is sent out by the short term co-op student, jordan)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

614 St.Jamestown

Hello SSMBY!!!!

This weekend is our mission/service trip/retreat (it sounds a bit oonfusing, but I'm not really sure what to call the weekend) in Toronto with 614 St.Jamestown. There are only 7 of you going, but trust me those 7 are in for a treat and it's really too bad that more of you couldn't make it.

Anyhow, here are the details for the people going on the trip/retreat: Be at the church on Friday (tomorrow) at 4:00pm with all of your stuff (clothes, toiletries, sleeping bag, pillow, Bible, etc.). Tom will meet you at the church and then you'll head out for an awesome weekend.

Details for those of you not going on the trip/retreat: DO NOT COME TO THE CHURCH ON FRIDAY. The trip/retreat is what we have planned for the week, so there won't be anything going on at the church since we're going to be in Toronto. Please pass this on to others if you know that they won't be reading this...that way their parents don't have to drive them to church just to take them home again and so they aren't disappointed when they arrive and find out nothing is happening.

Oh, and if you actually read this then can you please take the few seconds it will take to write a comment to let me know that you use this to find out about youth. I'm trying to figure out the most effective way to pass the info on, so if people aren't actually reading this then...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tonight Let the Frisbee's Fly!

Hey everyone,

It's Frolf tonight at the Durksen's place. Bring your frisbees along if you got some. I think we'll have enough, but bring em' just to be sure!
(We're meeting at the Church 7pm and then heading over there)
Afterwards we'll just chillax at the Durksen's.

So, see you all in a couple hours!

Oh and don't forget about your forms for our trip to Toronto in June. It should be an awesome and eye opening experience that you won't want to miss!


"I live to Frolf" Andy Bernard

Thursday, May 08, 2008

This Friday and a Video

Hello Everyone,

So if you didn't read it on the Facebook group, here it is:

This Friday is going to be a Games Night with a twist...to find out what that is, you'll have to come on Friday!

So, bring games you'd like to play!
Bring snacks you'd like to eat (I'll get some with the youth fund, but not too much)

Alright, now then...

Check out this video, make sure to watch it to the end, it's really powerful!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Tonight There's Gonna Be a Jail Break

Well, not really...but tonight there is gonna be

Graffiti and Breakdancing

One of those could land you in real jail and one could traditionally land you in a Menno Jail. I'll let you figure out which is which.

But, yeah, we're going to our sister church Fairview MB just around the corner from us (Geneva St.) [click for directions] to see Graffiti & Breakdance artist Jeff Gorring.

Bring $5
Meet @ Fairview MB @7pm

Kub Cars:
Also, don't forget that if you want Kev Klassen to cut out your kub car design to bring your block with you to youth TONIGHT!

And now here's a little Flavour of some of what I grew up with:

Peace out and see ya'll tonight!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tommorrow! AKA Friday Youth Night

Well for whatever reason the blogger machina isn't letting me add a picture...so please imagine a graphic of a camera of sorts or someone taking a picture...are you imagining it? Is it really cool looking? Don't read on until you can imagine something REALLY cool looking!


That's right folks, this week is Interpretive Photo Night!

Don't know what that is?!? Well then you should come out, because quite frankly, it's genious!

Regular youth time (7pm)
Regular youth meeting place (youth room)
Regular amount of youth fun (loads)

See you all there!

Oh and for your viewing enjoyment here is a video I could add:

I get misty eyed when I think that there's only a short while before this presidency is over and entertainment like this will be over.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Free Ticket Give Away & Friday Reminder

Alright, I promised a free ticket give away and a free ticket give away we shall have. Read on to find out how to win your free ticket...

Just before that, let me remind everyone that Friday we are at Calvary Gospel Church (just up the road from Scott St. MB-89 Scott St.). The concert starts at 7pm and all proceeds go to support Niagara Life Centre.

If you don't win this free ticket then remember they are $10 in advance (you can get them at Eden apparently or call me) and $12 at the door!

Alright, now the moment you've all been waiting for.

To have a chance* for a free ticket, go to our SSMBY facebook group site and reply to one of the discussion topics there or start a new one. Every time you write something reasonable/thoughtful** you will have another entry into a draw for a free ticket.

*Tommorrow morning I will write down the names of everyone who posts for every time they post, I will then put those names into a container and then draw out one name...the winner will be anounced here on this blog!

**I claim the sole right to decide upon what is considered to be reasonable/thoughtful

Alright, you all got that?

Good luck to you all and happy posting!

Tom out...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Bill Cosby & Ice Cream

Hey, hey, hey Everybody,

It's Bill Cosby!


Iced Cream

That's right, this Friday 2 of the greatest things come together for our youth night. Namely Bill Cosby and his genious brand of sit down comedy that Charity and I got to witness live last Saturday.


Iced Cream.

Just look at the picture...even Bill himself can't resist Iced Cream!

So to re-cap,

Youth 7pm as always.

Meet in the Youth Room.

Special guest: Bill Cosby.

Special Treat: Iced Cream!
Certainly better than going to The Dentist!

Video Worth Watching

Hey all,

This is one of the winning video submissions in a contest for 20 year olds called "u @ 50"
I think it's amazing...make sure you watch it to the end though!

Friday, March 28, 2008



Hopefully anyone I don't talk to at Edenport today will cheque this blog of get the facebook note I sent or hear from someone or have seen this in the Scott St. MB Church bulletin or...

and this is the most crazy one...will have listened to me last week!

But tonight we're meeting at 6:30pm

Don't eat, because we're having a progressive supper!


So, to recap:
6:30pm tonight
food to be had
see you then!

Pastor Tom

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Week (Youth Events for Thursday, Friday & Sunday)

Alright everyone,

This is the week that we in the Christian community comemorate the last events of Jesus' life and his death.

Tonight (in lieu of Bible Study this week) we are meeting at Charity and my place (2A Water St. click for map) at 6:30pm sharp!
We will then be going to Grace Anglican Church just down the road from my place to join them for their Maundy Thursday service. A service that remembers Jesus' last supper with his disciples and how he taught them what it is to follow him by washing their feet.

Grace is a small elderly congregation where I've gotten to know their pastor as a friend. We went last year and apparently the congregation still talks about it and are looking forward to our return!

Then tommorow morning at 10:45am we are at Scott St. MB for our Good Friday Service. Good Friday is the day when the church remember the crucifixtion and death of Jesus. Our former youth leader Mike Klassen will be preaching the sermon for this service and Matt Klassen (who shared with us a couple weeks ago) is the worship leader. You won't want to miss this service!

Then tommorow night for our youth event, back by popular demand, we will be going to St. Barnabas for their Tenebre service.
We'll meet at Scott St. at 7:30pm to go their.

The service is marked by the extinguishing of candles one by one after various readings from the Bible. The last candle is is taken out of sigh (not extinguished), leaving the sanctuary in total darkness. Then there's a loud noise symbolizing the earthquake that followed Christ's death. Following the noise everyone bangs on their pew until the candle is returned. This candle sybolizes Jesus death and when it's returned signifies the return of Christ to the world with the resurrection. All in all it's a really different and cool worship time!

Then on Sunday we are joining Grantham and Cornerstone for a sunrise service! We will rise early in the morning just like the ladies did 2000+ years ago, but not with sadness, with joy knowing that Jesus is alive!

We're meeting at Scott St. at 6:30am for rides and then heading to the gazebo in NOTL and well worship together starting at 7am to watch the sun rise.

Then we're going to go out for breakfast together (so bring some monies).

Lastly we're back at Scott St. that same morning at 10:45am for our Worship Service. There's going to be a special Easter choir and it's going to be great.

This is the most sacred time for Christians and I look forward to it every year. I am excited to worship with you all over the next couple days!

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Je joeu a L'hockey! Et more!

Hey Everyone,

As you know, Friday we're going to Missisauga to see the Ice Dogs play!

We're meeting at the church at 5:30pm!

If you don't have a ticket, YOU CAN'T COME!

Right now I have some tickets left, but I'm going to make sure that they're all spoken for by Friday night, so don't think that you'll just show up and come...YOU WON'T!

So if you want a ticket, get ahold of me ASAP!

Tickets are $20 and that includes the cost of transportation.

We're the away team, so we get to jeer the home team and that's always a lot of fun in sports!

See you all on Friday!

Also, here is an email that I got about an opportunity for the summer:

There are still 2-3 spaces available for the Enlace program, a 1-month service and learning opportunity for 16-19 year olds in Guatemala...and we want to fill these spots. We are especially looking for males...

Enlace is a Spanish word meaning "to weave together." The Enlace program is about providing an opportunity to grow in faith as global Christians by living in community and working alongside Guatemalan partners.

Enlace's Goals
  • encourage faith formation
  • engage in cross-cultural learning
  • foster global awareness and an ethic of service
  • develop transformative relationships & leadership skills

Please check out www.mcc.org/ontario/enlace for more info. It says that the deadline has passed for applying online, but we are looking to fill these remaining spots, so we are extending the deadline...

There you have it...let me know if that's something that you're interested in looking into. I'd love to know. It sounds like a great opportunity.


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Don't Be Shy Now

This time it IS happening for sure!

Read this blog "nice & slow like", "don't be shy now"...i want you to "take it 'nice n' easy!"

That's right, this Friday Brent Nickel will be with us...I've placed the event in his hands, so you'll have to come out to see what it'll be...but hey, it's Brent, so it'll for sure be good!

Oh, and for some added entertainment, just to say thanks for being so faithful in coming to the blog, here's a video that some of my friends (Vic Fast & Frank Pearson) and I made of us dancing for you all.

Peace out,

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Friday: Taco House @ Cornerstone

Hey Everyone,

Well it has been far too long since I've posted on here.

As for a recap...last weekend was the Retreat (feel free to coment on this post or our facebook group what you thought about it) and the Friday before that we attended the Ontario MB Convention here at Scott St.

In bible study we've been having a great conversation about prayer for the last two weeks and this coming week will be guy/girl night.

Now then as to this Friday...as the picture and tittle suggest, we'll be eating Taco's!

We are going to visit our friends at Cornerstone Community Church in Virgil for a Taco House that they're putting on to raise funds for a mission trip. Be sure to bring $5 and a healthy appetitie.

Meet at Scott St. at 6:30pm (we'll leave soon after that so be on time)
Meet us at Cornerstone at 7pm

If you need to know anything else, just ask!

Now then for those of you who think, "I could just go to Taco Bell". Well, just watch this video and I assure you our friends at Cornerstone's Taco House will be a lot better than Taco Bell!

Friday, February 01, 2008



That's Right...


So, meet at the church at 7pm (as usual). Bring various sledding devices (i.e. GT Snowracer, Crazy Carpet, Snow Saucers, Runner Sled, Cardboard box, etc.) and prepare to have fun!

Afterwards we'll likely go Hank & Selma's to warm up...perhaps for some hot cocoa...mmm.

*Note...if the weather gets stupid (i.e. snow turns to rain, the sun comes out today rather than tomorrow) then we may have to change things up last minute and play some Gargon instead, however come ready to toboggan!


See ya then!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lounge Night!

Alright everyone,

Find your favorite lounging chair (see photo for example), bring your favourite board games (click here for example) and come prepared to relax and have a great night.

It's exam time, it's stressfull and we want you to be able to kick back and relax...

So that's right it's lounge night!

(click on the pic for some real live lounging)

There will likely be a fooseball tournament, various video game machines, whatever board games you bring (provided you bring board games)...
all the regular lounge night stuff.

It'll be good!

Also, my friend Brian Garden is going to come and share with us a little and I'll be handing out forms for our winter retreat, so be excited!

See ya tomorrow!
