Tuesday, December 18, 2012

NEMBY Christmas Potluck

Well, we’ve been talking about it for weeks already and it’s finally here!  This week is our annual NEMBY Christmas Potluck!  I hope that by now you have talked to your parents about this...if not then please do so IMMEDIATELY!

We’ll be meeting at 6:30 pm on Friday at Fairview MB Church for a night of Christmas fun!  It’ll start with our potluck, then continue with some classic Christmas hymns, Christmas reflection, a re-gift exchange, and our annual ugly Christmas sweater competition.  Oh, I love Christmas!

Here’s a list of the things you need to bring:
  • a food dish to share for the potluck
  • a re-gift (this is NOT something new, but something you have at  home that you no longer use...one person’s junk is another person’s treasure...or so they say)
  • a Christmas sweater (or just look as festive as you can)...we have a real prize for the winner of the competition so trust me you’ll want a chance at it
  • perhaps be ready to share what you’ve been thinking about as you’ve prepared to celebrate the birth of Christ

Bible Study: Christmas Edition Part 2

Bible Study/Awesome Time is tonight at Fairview MB Church at 7 pm.  It's part 2 of our Christmas study so if you've got a chance (and really, who doesn't have 10 minutes to spare?) then read Luke 2:1-20 to prepare a bit for it.  See you tonight!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This message is brought to you by: Bobby B.

Listen up NEMBY!

On Friday we are having a few judges come. They are looking for the next big musical sensation.

They're looking for a band! But not any band, an AIR BAND.

So we are having a competition. We will be watching groups perform to a song of their choice and rock out using nothing but air instruments.

The group that the judges choose to be the winner will receive an award.

So start thinking of some songs (we will play them through the gym sound system so bring your iPod) and start thinking of some groups (groups will be confirmed and made on Friday. Max 5 people)

Scott St MB 7:00pm

See you there!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bible Study is for EVERYONE!!!

Bible Study/Awesome Time is tonight!!!! We'll meet at Scott St MB at 7 pm...and remember Bible Study is for EVERYONE so even if you've never come before maybe tonight is the night for you :)  

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Where's Waldo?


I'm back!!!  I had a great vacation and I can't wait to see you on Friday!  

This Friday we will NOT be meeting at any of our 3 churches and we will NOT be meeting at 7pm. We will be meeting at The Pen Center at 7:15pm. Why!? Well, I have been contacted by an evil Time Traveller who says that they have stolen all of the recipes we were going to use for our Christmas potluck! LUCKILY this time traveller enjoys games, puzzles, and riddles and has allowed us a chance to receive some, possibly all, of our recipes back by cracking the code and using some sort of device to summon them back to our place and time. It turns out that the Time Traveller has been following our group for a while and has recruited some of our own into their rank of minions. In order to crack the code we must collect numbers from the minions who have disguised themselves and hid themselves around the mall. So who's with me? WHO wants our recipes back? WHO DOESN'T WANT THE WORST CHRISTMAS POTLUCK EVER?

(well be meeting at the stairs by H&M @ 7:15, The stairs near H&M are clearly labelled on this maphttp://www.infoniagara.com/shopping/pencentre/images/mallmap.gif )

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Have a great week!

I'm going to be away this week enjoying some sun and time off.  If you have any questions about what's going on for youth then please check our NEMBY facebook page (if you're a member) or contact Mark Durksen at 905.937.6900.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Youth Worship Night

NEMBY!!!  This Friday we'll be having our monthly worship night. Our youth worship team has been practicing and praying for this night all month and I'm excited to worship God together as our youth community!  We'll be doing something a little different for this worship night...bringing it back old school, if you will...and doing a youth sharing time.  This will be a time for you to share something that God has been teaching you, something that has encouraged you, something that you've been struggling with...it's a time to share your life with the group.  You don't have to share if you don't want to, but I encourage you to think about ways that you've seen God move in your life during this past month and think about sharing it.

We'll be meeting on Friday at 7pm at Grantham MB.

Youth Worship Night

NEMBY!!!  This Friday we'll be having our monthly worship night. Our youth worship team has been practicing and praying for this night all month and I'm excited to worship God together as our youth community!  We'll be doing something a little different for this worship night...bringing it back old school, if you will...and doing a youth sharing time.  This will be a time for you to share something that God has been teaching you, something that has encouraged you, something that you've been struggling with...it's a time to share your life with the group.  You don't have to share if you don't want to, but I encourage you to think about ways that you've seen God move in your life during this past month and think about sharing it.

We'll be meeting on Friday at 7pm at Grantham MB.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Girls Night & Guys Night

Tomorrow night is Girls Night & Guys Night. Girls, we'll be meeting at my house (169 Lake St.) at 7pm and guys you'll be meeting at Scott St MB at 7pm. Yay for girls & guys night!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Gargon!!! That's right! This Friday we're meeting at Scott St MB Church at 7 pm and we'll be playing Gargon! It's not a problem if you are not familiar with the game...it's easy enough to learn. Just make sure you wear clothes you can run (and get sweaty in) and WEAR PROPER RUNNING SHOES!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I'm really sorry about this but Bible Study is going to be cancelled tonight.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bible Study

Bible Study/Awesome Time is tomorrow at 7pm at Fairview MB. We'll be taking a look at Mark chapter 4 so if you've got some time between now & then why not give it a read? Think about what's going on, who the characters are, what people would have been thinking & feeling throughout the story. See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Youth Room Games

Well, it's starting to get cold out there and you know what that means...it's time to play some youth room games!  We'll be meeting at 7 pm this Friday at Fairview MB for some good old, classic youth room games.  See you there!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2nd Annual Barn Party!!!

Dust off your cowboy boots because we're going to a square dance! That's right! This Friday is our 2nd annual barn dance hosted by our dear friends Cornerstone Youth. Don't worry if you've never been to a square dance before and have no idea what it means to "do-sa-do". There'll be a professional caller who'll tell us exactly what to do and how and even if you don't pick it up super quick, it's all part of the fun!

All the info is on the poster. We'll be meeting at the barn at 7:30pm so you're responsible for finding your own ride there. And make sure you bring $5...there will be people collecting money at the door.

And remember that TONIGHT we're meeting at GMB at 5:30pm for part 2 of the Community Care Food Drive...see Mark's post below for all the details.

Community Care Food Drive (Part 2)

This message is brought to you by: Mark D.


Tonight we will be collecting food for Community Care from the houses we gave bags to last week! Here's how it's gonna go down...

We'll meet at Grantham MB Church at 5:30 and eat delicious pizza. Then we'll collect the food even if it's raining (so wear appropriate gear/footware). Finally, we'll join other youth groups at Bethany Community Church and celebrate with them :D

Sabrina has also mentioned that if missing out on candy is a big deal for you, she will GIVE you candy if you come! Can you think of any reason not to help out with this wonderful project? I sure can't. Hope to see you there :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Worship Night

Youth tomorrow! Worship night at 7pm at Grantham MB followed by Mark Danger's mixtape release party at 9pm also at Grantham MB!!! Two super great things in one night!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This Thursday...

Tomorrow we're going to be meeting at Grantham MB at 3:15 pm to distribute the Community Care food drive bags! Please wear comfy shoes for walking, and weather appropriate outerwear. Remember that this counts as community service hours and it'll go super quick if we all come and help out.

I am able to come to Eden at 3pm to pick people up and I'm pretty sure that Mark & Josh are going to be coming to help so perhaps they'd be willing to pick people up as well if people need rides...i.e. if all the Secord people want to come and need a ride then comment on here and we'll see what we can do. Maybe there'll even be a treat for those who come...just saying :) We're aiming to be finished at 5pm.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bible Study: postponed until Thursday

Tonight was going to be our first youth bible study service event...distributing the Community Care food drive bags.  But...if you've looked outside it's gloomy, wet, and just not nice, so instead we're going to postpone youth bible study until Thursday after school when it's supposed to be beautiful and sunshiney outside!

So, just to be clear, we are NOT meeting tonight.  Instead we'll meet on Thursday from 3:15-5pm.  I'll post the info again on Thursday, but the key thing to remember here is to not come to the church tonight, but to plan on coming after school on Thursday.

Also, as you're making Halloween plans, make sure you plan on coming to youth to help with the food drive.  We'll be going around the community picking up the bags we distributed and then joining a ton of other youth groups for a worship night.  It'll be awesome!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Youth Bible Study

Youth bible study/awesome time is tonight!!!  We're going to be looking at Mark chapter 3 so make sure you take some time and read it today...it won't take much time out of your day and yet it will help prepare you for our discussion.  PLEASE TAKE NOTE that we are MEETING AT SCOTT ST MB tonight at 7pm instead of meeting at Fairview.  Pass this info on to others you know are coming.  See you tonight!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Worship Night

Youth this Friday!!! We're going to be meeting at Scott St at 7 pm (the actual service starts at 7:30, but we can hang out in the youth room before hand...MAKE SURE YOU ARE AT THE CHURCH BEFORE 7:30!) and we're going to be joining 2 of our churches for a night of worship. Mark & the youth worship team will be leading the singing and a well-known author and theologian will be speaking about what it looks like to live out nonviolence in todays culture & world. I'm really looking forward to it!

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Bible Study

Awesome Time/Bible Study is tonight at Fairview MB at 7 pm.  We're going to be looking at the 2nd chapter of the Gospel of Mark & I strongly encourage you to read the chapter.  It really won't take a lot of time to read it, but it'll help you come into the night understanding what we're going to talk about.  Also, make sure you bring your bible!  See you tonight!

Thursday, October 04, 2012


Tomorrow night we'll be meeting at Scott St. MB Church at 7 pm for some great games in the youth room!  See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Girl/Guy Bible Study

Ladies! Tonight is our Girls Night!!! We're going to meet at 7 pm at my house (169 Lake St.)...because it's cozier than meeting at the church. Even if you don't normally come out to our regular Bible Study/Awesome Time you're welcome to come out to our Girls Night. The night is going to involve being together, chatting, eating some great food, and perhaps even a little crafting...what the!? Seriously though, I'm really excited about it and I hope you can come!

*Note: there is some construction happening on Lake St...just have your parents drop you off in front of my house and come in the front door.

Guys! Tonight is your Guys Night!!! You're going to be meeting Sam & Josh at Scott St MB Church at 7 pm. I'm not really sure what they've got planned for you (because I'm not a guy :), but I'm sure it'll be good...perhaps even a little manly, but who can say :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Worship Night

Youth is tomorrow!!!  We'll be meeting at Grantham MB (469 Grantham Ave) at 7 pm for a worship night.  God is huge and yet he wants to be a part of our lives so let's get ready to sing praise to him and who knows, maybe we'll hear from him as well. See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bible Study Tonight!

It's Awesome Time!!! Tonight at Fairview MB at 7 pm we're going to meet for some sharing & bible study. We're starting out on our study of the Gospel of Mark so I highly recommend reading the first chapter of Mark before you come...it's not very long and will take very little time or effort and yet it will be hugely beneficial to the discussion if you're familiar with it...at the very least bring your Bible along tonight :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fun with Frisbees

This message is brought to you by Josh D.
‎"Tonight? What's happening tonight?" 
"You don't know?"
"No, I don't"
"Well you should get excited for fun!"
"Fun? What kind of fun? What will we be having fun with?"

"We will be having fun with FRISBEES"

Yes that's right folks tonight at 7PM at Grantham Church/the park beside it myself and Nigel Mortley will be leading you in some activities involving Frisbees. If you own one or more of these wonderful flying discs I suggest you bring them.


Because we'll be outside tonight please be prepared for being outdoors...sweaters, warm clothes, etc.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

No Bible Study

I'll be at Camp Crossroads for Eden's grade 10 retreat so there will be NO bible study this week.  See you on Friday and remember that bible study will be back in full force NEXT week!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

This just in!

This just in: youth tomorrow is going to be awesome! We're going to meet at 7 pm at Scott St. MB Church and we're going to be playing a new to NEMBY game called Stones. Some of you may be familiar with it, but we've never played it at NEMBY and it's going to be AMAZING! You'll want to wear running shoes & you'll want to be dressed for the outdoors...bring a sweater. See you tomorrow!

New Info: It's raining, but that doesn't stop us, so wear clothes you don't mind getting wet & dirty and bring a pair of dry clothes to change into after we're finished.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bible Study

It's Awesome Time!!! 

That's right Awesome Time/Bible Study is back! We'll be meeting tonight at 7 pm at Fairview MB Church. See you there!

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Ginormous Games!!!

A NEW YEAR OF YOUTH IS STARTING!!!  This Friday we're starting off a new year!  We'll be meeting at Fairview MB (455 Geneva St.) at 7 pm and we're going to be having a good old games night...with a twist!  The games are going to be ginormous!  It's going to be great!

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

End of Summer BBQ/Potluck

Another AMAZING year of youth is coming to end so this Friday we'll be celebrating with an end of the year BBQ potluck. We'll be meeting at my parents' house (1178 Concession 6) at 7 pm for supper & a sweet end of the summer hang out. I'll be providing all the stuff we need for the BBQ, but please bring something for the potluck. Some suggestions are:
• Potato Salad
• Pasta Salad

• Broccoli Salad
• Veggie Tray
• Fruit Tray
• Chips
• Pop
• Watermelon
• Brownies
• Cupcakes
Talk to your parents & bring something that you love to eat at a BBQ. PLEASE TALK TO YOUR PARENTS ASAP about having to bring something on Friday. Please post what you're bringing on here so that we don't end up having 5 potato salads.

Unfortunately the pool will NOT be open on Friday, but be prepared to be outside for the evening (warm clothes for if it gets cold, bug spray, etc.).

Let your parents know that you’ll need to picked up at around 10:30.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Youth this week...

Here's the info for youth this week. We will NOT be having bible study tonight because Mark's got a show & you're all invited! It's at Bella Rosa's in St. Catharines. The doors at 8:30 pm but he probably won't be on until around 9:30 pm. I'm planning on going so if anyone wants a ride then text or message me...I can fit 4 people in my car so the first 4 who talk to me can get a ride with me. It's a free show, but it's at a pizza place, so bring $5 if you can and maybe we can get a pizza.

On Friday we'll be meeting at 7 pm at Fairview MB for a worship night and to discuss the questions from the sleepover (we were going to do the question discussion on Thursday, but we're doing it Friday instead). It's going to be awesome!

Thursday, August 09, 2012



Here’s the info for Friday/Saturday:
You will meet at the new Kiwanis Aquatics Centre (425 Carlton St – the corner of Carlton & Niagara) at 6:45 pm.  BE ON TIME because the pool is only open until 8.  Bring your swimsuit & towel (obviously).  The cost for swimming is $2 if you’re 18 or under and $3 if you’re over 18. 
After swimming you’ll go to Fairview MB for games, movies, food, etc.  Make sure you bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and anything else you need for the night or the next morning.

We will be meeting at my parents’ house (1178 Concession 6, NOTL) at 7 pm.  Bring your swimsuit & towel if you want to go swimming (remember to bring a dark tank top to wear over bikinis).
We’ll be spending the night at my parent’s house so make sure you remember to bring your sleeping bag, pillow, and anything else you need for the night or the next morning.

We’ll all be going out for breakfast together on Saturday morning so make sure you bring some money along for breakfast.  $10 should be enough, but how much you need for this will depend on what you order.  We’ll meet at Angel’s Diner at 9 am so your parents can pick you up from Angel’s Diner (395 Ontario St.) between 10-10:30…you can text or call them once we’re finished.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Bible Study

I just came from GMB where the day camp our churches are running is going on & it was amazing! Thanks to all of you who are over there loving on kids right now! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

Tomorrow night is our bible study night so we'll be meeting at Damon & Dana's (although Dana is Camp Crossroads this week) at 7 pm and we'll be talking about John 10-12 so if you come then please make sure that you've read the chapters & are prepared with your questions & observations.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No Bible Study

Just a quick heads up that we aren't having bible study this week.  We'll be back at it next week though so feel free to get a head start on the chapters (10-12).  Stay tuned for info for Friday.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bible Study

Summer bible study is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7 pm at Damon & Dana's house. The chapters for the week are John 7-9. Make sure you read them at home and come with your questions & observations.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Capture le Flag

This message is brought to you by: Sam Willems

Wuddup NEMBY! 

Tomorrow we're going to be playing Capture le Flag (I like to pretend I'm french sometime) 
We'll be meeting at Scott Street MB at 7 pm to make the team flags before heading over to Happy Rolphs to play, afterwards were just gonna hang out there and play on the jungle gym or play with animals.

Be prepared to be outside & be prepared to have fun!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Bible Study

Tomorrow night we're going to be meeting for our Summer Bible Study. We'll meet at Damon & Dana's (8 Greenleaf Ct.) at 7 pm. The chapters for tomorrow are John 4-6. If you're planning (or hoping) to come tomorrow then make sure you take some time to read the chapters, write down any questions, note any cool or interesting observations, and be ready to discuss. See you tomorrow :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Mediocre Race


Tonight is the Mediocre Race! That's right!!  Expect things to be awesomely mediocre!
So here's the deal. Meet at 7 pm at the carousel in Port Dalhousie, bring shoes that are good for walking in, some money for ice cream, and a positive attitude:)
See ya'll then:)

This message is brought to you by: Carmen Mortley

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Summer Bible Study

There's been a date change for our summer bible study. WE'RE GOING TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT (instead of Tuesday night) at 7 pm at Damon & Dana's house (Damon, can you post the address?). Remember that we're going to be discussing the first 3 chapters of the Gospel of John so make sure you read those chapters before you come. We've go 3 days before we meet so perhaps you'll even have time to read the chapters more than once. Write down things you don't understand, things you do understand & think are good, etc.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Frolf & Worship

This message is brought to you by: Mark Durksen:

 Hey NEMBY!!!!

So we've proven that we can run around and throw frisbees like hooligans, but do you have the precision and patience to achieve at FROLF? It is truly a sport for the noble and refined.

We'll meet AT my house (1313 President Crt., St. Catharines) at 7:00 PM this Friday for a rousing game of Frolf followed by a campfire and an "unplugged" worship session.  If you have a frisbee then bring it & bring a lawn chair.

 Feel me?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Games & Swimming

This message is brought to you by: Bobby Braun
 Meet: AT Port Weller school. Near Lock One

When: Friday at 7:00.... :) regular time.

What: we are going to play some games in the park hang out. Enjoy the beautiful outdoors....

But what summer evening is complete without a nice swim! So afterwards we will be walking to Sam's house for a swim snacks and hangouts. This is where you will be picked up at the end of the night. Dress for outdoors...if you want to swim bring what you need for swimming (girls, bring a dark tank top for over your bikini) and see you all tomorrow night!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Awesome Time Picnic

To end off a great year of awesomeness/bible study we're going to have a picnic! You're invited to come whether you came to Awesome Time or not...the more the merrier, right? We'll meet at Russell Ave. Park (108 Russell Avenue) tonight at 6 pm. And remember that it's a picnic so don't eat supper! Please bring $2 to help contribute to the cost of the food. See you tonight!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


This Friday is going to be great and here's the info you need to know. Please bring $7.25 ($5.25 + a toonie). You'll need the toonie for the ridiculous part of the night, $5.25 (exact change for this part is not necessary) for the putting part of the night. There is also an ice cream place across the street from Super Putt so if you want ice cream then bring money along for it. Miniputt actually costs $7/person, but if you go to this website: http://www.valpak.com/coupons/display/SUPER-PUTT/Niagara+Falls/ON/1100775/1099023 then you can print off a coupon that will bring the cost for you and 1 other person down to $5.25. You can only print 1/person so please take initiative and print it off. We might end up with extras, but better to have more than not enough. We'll meet at Scott St. MB at 7 pm. Be prepared to be outside for the night. Until then, good luck with your exams and I'll see you Friday!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Youth Choir Practice

Last youth choir practice!!! 7 pm at Fairview MB! See you there!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Youth Choir: 2nd Performance

Remember to read the post about youth tonight. We're meeting at FMB at 6:45 pm and plan on being outside. On Sunday is our 2nd Youth Choir performance. We'll meet at Scott St. MB at 9:15 am to warm up & practice. PLEASE BE ON TIME FOR THIS! The service starts at 10:30 am so if you're not in the choir and want to come support us or if you're in the choir and your parents want to come hear us then be there for 10:30. Also, Ed Heinrichs (anyone from Eden knows who this is) and I will be preaching a sermon together and we'll be sharing about our trip to Thailand so it's sure to be a great service that you won't want to miss.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bands & Bonfire with St Ann's Youth

Here's the info for youth tomorrow. We're going to be joining St Ann's Youth for a great night of music and a CrAzY bonfire! I believe that Mark Danger along with another band are going to be providing some musical entertainment and then you're going to get to see the biggest bonfire EVER!!! It's going to be sweet! We're going to meet at Fairview MB at 6:45...NOTE THE TIME CHANGE! You have to be on time. St Ann's is quite the drive so we'll need to meet early in order to hopefully get there on time. Things to bring: bug spray, lawn chair, warm clothes. See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Choir Practice

NEMBY Youth Choir! We did great on Sunday, but let's make it even better for this coming Sunday! We'll have a practice tonight at 7 pm at Scott St MB. See you there!

Thursday, June 07, 2012

NEMBY vs. Cornerstone Youth...it's on!!!

Here's the info for Friday. The youth choir is going to be meeting at Grantham MB at 5 pm for our last practice before our first performance. That means that if you've ever come out to a practice and want to join us on Sunday then YOU HAVE TO BE AT THIS PRACTICE! Please plan on coming. It'll be so much nicer if we have a bigger group! The first performance is on Sunday at Grantham MB and we'll meet at the church at 10 am so that we can run through the songs a couple of times before we go on. Feel free to invite your parents to the service as well...the service starts at 10:30. After choir practice we've got our big game against Cornerstone Youth!!! You can either meet us at Grantham MB at 7 pm (you HAVE TO BE ON TIME!!!) or you can meet us in Virgil at the Centennial Arena (1565 Creek Rd) at 7:30 pm. Please wear running shoes and shorts you can run in. We're hoping to do the t-shirts this afternoon so if you've ordered a t-shirt then that should be ready for you. The cost of the shirts actually came to $7 so please bring that along to pay for your shirt. Win or lose, after the game we (NEMBY & CY) are going to my parents' house for a quick swim, snacks, a bonfire, and a bit of worship. Have your parents pick you up from my parents' house (1178 Concession 6, NOTL) at 11 pm. If you want to swim then bring a towel & swimsuit (girls, remember no bikinis or bring a dark tank top to wear over your bikini) and bring a lawn chair. Oh, and bring warm clothes to wear for after the game!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Hello NEMBY! As you know, I'm leaving tomorrow (May 24) for Thailand and I won't be back for 2 weeks. That means that this will not be updated for 2 weeks. If you have any questions about what's going on for NEMBY then check our Facebook group or call Mark Durksen at 905.937.6900. See you when I get back!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

No Choir Practice or Awesome Time

Just a quick heads up that there will be NO choir practice tonight. There is a membership meeting at Scott St. MB Church so all of the adult leaders who come out to the choir practices (Mark, Josh, and me) can't make it for a practice. If you normally attend church at Scott St MB then please come out the meeting. It's at Scott St at 7:30 pm...obviously it's not going to be super entertaining & fun, but the church is making some pretty big decisions in the nearish future and this meeting is starting some important conversations. As part of the church it's important to know what's going on and to participate in helping the church be what God intended it to be.

Friday, May 18, 2012

NEMBY goes to Toronto!!!

TORONTO!!! If you signed up for the trip then I'll see you in a few hours (12:30 pm at the bus stop at the back of the Fairview Mall). Make sure you bring your form & money (if you haven't already). Also, make sure you bring warm clothes for tonight...I feel like such a mom writing that, but without fail someone always forgets or just doesn't bring a sweater and they're really cold and we all feel bad for them. Be warned, if you do not bring warm clothes for tonight then I will not feel bad for you :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

NEMBY Choir Practice

Instead of having bible study/awesome time tonight we're going to be dedicating a bit more time to practicing our youth choir songs. We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church from 7-8:30 for this. It was great to see more people out last week and it would be sweet to see even more tonight! Come on out!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

For youth this Friday we'll be spending the evening outside enjoying some Frisbee & Kickball. We'll be meeting at 7 pm at Scott St MB Church and then heading across the street to Lincoln Centennial (if you come late & we're no longer at the church then just meet us at the school). You'll want to make sure to wear proper running shoes and dress appropriately for the weather.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Bible Study & Youth Choir

HELLO NEMBY!!!! Tonight is going to be NEMBY Youth Choir practice #2. That means that we'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church at 6 pm. If you are thinking of being in the choir then PLEASE COME TO FAIRVIEW MB TONIGHT AT 6! 8 of us came out last week and it sounded good (better than any of us thought) but we will need more people to actually make this good. Afterward you're welcome to stay for Bible Study/Awesome Time...you don't have to stay, but it is a pretty awesome time :). That will start at 7 pm at Fairview MB. See you tonight!

Friday, May 04, 2012

Air Bandz

AIR BANDZ. TONIGHT. BE THERE. So tonight @ Scott Street MB at 7pm Darren & Josh will be hosting a most rocking time, wherin you will be providing a most wondrous entertainment. What you need 1. a song 2. maybe some other people 3. the ability to make it apear as though you are performing said song while it is playing! SO bring your music and your friends and costumes are encouraged but not mandatory. And remember to keep it AWESOME because the best performance will get a PRIZE. AIR BANDZ

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Bible Study/Youth Choir

Bible Study/Awesome Time is tonight at Fairview MB at 7 pm...HOWEVER, the first NEMBY Youth Choir practice will be at Fairview MB at 6 pm. If you have not yet joined the youth choir, think about it. We have so much musical talent in our youth group and it would be sweet for us to work together for this choir...plus it would be an amazing way for us to bless our 3 churches. I don't have a great voice, but when I sing together with a whole choir of people it sounds amazing! So, come on our for the first practice tonight at 6 pm.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Comedy & Ice Cream

This Friday we'll be having a Comedy & Ice Cream night...yup, that is exactly what it sounds like, we'll be eating ice cream while enjoying the comedic work of someone great. There will also be an opportunity for you to make us laugh, so if you think you're pretty funny then prepare a little something for the open mic portion of the night. We'll laugh, we'll cry (hopefully because we're laughing so hard) and we'll have a great time. We'll meet at Fairview MB on Friday at 7 pm.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bible Study

Remember that we've got bible study/awesome time tonight at Fairview MB at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Youth Worship Night

We'll be having our monthly worship night this Friday at 7 pm at Grantham MB. Thanks Mark & the youth worship team for helping lead these! See you all this Friday!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bible Study

Bible Study/Awesome Time is tonight at 7 pm at Fairview. I think we'll be starting our new series so come on out!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gargon 2.0

NEMBY, take a look at this letter I just got.

The last time you captured the Gargon it was brought in for testing. As we had thought, the light of an ordinary flashlight had weakened the Gargon to a controllable state. But as the testing went on the effects of the light wore off and the Gargon actually became stronger than it had been before. 

We brought in new elements of light to test on the Gargon and it was discovered that 5 of these new elements would weaken the Gargon permanently. However the five light elements needed to be combined for the Gargon to be recaptured and we had made the discovery too late. The Gargon, with his new strength, had already escaped!

 Gargon 2.0 is on the loose and in new territory. We need YOUR help once again. Please meet us this Friday at SCOTT ST MB CHURCH at 7:00 pm! We will brief you on the Gargon 2.0's new abilities and how you can go about capturing it.

Looks like they need our help. Friday at Scott St MB at 7:00 pm!! Make sure you wear clothes that you can run & sweat in and WEAR PROPER RUNNING SHOES!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bible Study

Bible Study/Awesome Time is tonight at 7 pm at Fairview. See you there!

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Easter Stuff

I'm back!!! I hope you all had a great week. I can't wait to see all of you again! Here's all the info for our Easter events:

Friday at 10:30 am there will be a Good Friday service at Scott St MB Church (339 Scott St). It's a joint service so all 3 of our churches will be there (maybe they're learning from us how good it is to be together). There will be no youth on Friday night because it's Good Friday and a lot of us probably have family get togethers that night.

Sunday at 6:30 am we'll be meeting at Lock 1 on the Welland Canal for our annual Sunrise Service. I know that 6:30 is pretty early, but there's something great about getting up early on Easter Sunday to watch the sunrise and think about what Christ did for us. Mark will be leading some singing, we'll read some scripture, I'll do a short devotional and then we'll head to Perkins for breakfast. It looks like there is a small chance of rain on Sunday, so if it rains then we'll just meet at Perkins at 8:00 am for breakfast...unless it's raining though, we'll be at the canal at 6:30 am. Make sure you wear warm clothes and perhaps bring a blanket along...it gets pretty cold in the morning.

All of our churches also have Easter services happening on Sunday:
Grantham MB Church at 10:45 am
Scott St MB Church at 10:30 am
Fairview MB Church at 10:30 am

See you this weekend!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Youth Worship Night: Montreal Edition

YOUTH THIS FRIDAY!!!! Here's what you need to know. We'll be meeting on Friday at 7 pm at Grantham MB Church for a youth worship night. We'll sing songs of worship to God and the Montreal Mission Team will be sharing about their experience last week. It'll be AMAZING!!! See you there!

Monday, March 19, 2012

NO Awesome Time this week...

Hello NEMBY!!! I hope you all had a great March break. It feels like it's been so long since I've seen all of you...and unfortunately it'll be a bit longer because we won't be having any Awesome Time/Bible Study tomorrow night. Tomorrow night is going to be the last Montreal team meeting, so if you came to Montreal with us then you need to be at Cornerstone tomorrow night at 7 pm.

The good news is that we've got youth on Friday and we'll be meeting at Grantham MB for a worship night. We'll have the chance to worship God together and the Montreal team will be sharing some of their experiences with you...things they did & learned on the trip. It'll be good.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Youth Room Games

Awesome youth room games tomorrow night!!! We'll be meeting at Fairview MB at 7 pm and having a nice, relaxed (well, maybe not so relaxed depending on what games we play) night of games and fun.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

No Awesome Time Tonight

Just a reminder that we're not having awesome time tonight. The people going to Montreal next week will be having mission trip prep stuff instead.

Friday, March 02, 2012

The Drowsy Chaperone

Okay, the tickets have been purchased! Here's a list of people that I've got tickets for:
Joanna Albers
Amy Browett
Lucas Froese
Ryan Hines
Cam Klassen
Darren Klassen
Kristen Kort
Carmen Mortley
Nigel Mortley
Janelle Siemens
Emma Terrio
Sam Willems
Bobby Braun
Mark Durksen

We will meet AT Laura Secord at 7:00 pm. I'll be at the doors with your tickets. Please be on time so that we can get good seats. Make sure you bring $12 to pay me back for your ticket. I won't have a bunch of change to break bills so please bring exact change.

David & Quinn, we'll be cheering for you!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Info for Tonight & Friday

Just a reminder that there is NO Bible Study/Awesome Time tonight. Instead, everyone who's coming on the Montreal Mission Trip is going to be meeting at 7 pm at Fairview MB for some mission trip prep.

This Friday we are going to see The Drowsy Chaperone presented by Laura Secord Secondary School. Tickets are $12. Here's a list of people I'm buying tickets for:
Amy Browett
Lucas Froese
Ryan Hines
Cam Klassen
Kristen Kort
Nigel Mortley
Janelle Siemens
Emma Terrio
Sam Willems
Bobby Braun
Mark Durksen
If you want your name added to this list then let me know by midnight tonight. I'll be purchasing & picking the tickets up tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Coffee House/Talent Show

This Friday is your chance to show us what you've got! Music, poetry, drama, stand up comedy...if you've got a talent then we want to enjoy it and celebrate it! We'll meet at Scott St. MB at 7 pm.

Bring some cash along too because we're going to have some amazing drinks & treats available for a small cost...trust me it'll be good!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Awesome Time!

Awesome Time/Bible Study is tonight at 7 pm at Fairview. We had talked about starting later so we could go to Aaron's show, but since he's playing on Saturday as well, I'm just going to encourage you guys to go to that show instead. See you tonight!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Fun!!!

Here are the details for Friday...there are some really key things here so PLEASE READ THIS!!! Valentines Day has just passed & we're going to celebrate it NEMBY-style. What's more Valentinesy than cooking a romantic dinner & sharing it with the ones you love? It will be fun, perhaps a little awkward and delicious!

We'll meet at Fairview MB AT 7 pm...notice that I said WE'RE MEETING AT 7!!! It is essential that you are ON TIME this week. Also, there will be some amazing food being cooked and consumed, so eat a light supper before coming, but be ready to cook & eat some AMAZING FOOD!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Awesome Time!

Just a reminder that we're having Awesome Time/Bible Study tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 7 pm at Fairview MB. Since our group reflection time was cut out of the retreat, we're going to talk about what we heard in the chapel times and what we can do with it now that we're home. If you were on the retreat, but have never come to Bible study then that's okay...come out! Think about the weekend and let's be ready to talk about it tomorrow.

Thursday, February 09, 2012


Here's all the info you need for THE RETREAT!!!
1. We are meeting at Vineland MB Church (3970 Glendale Ave.) at 5 pm...BE ON TIME...perhaps even 5 minutes early, NOT half an hour early!
2. Tell your parents to pick you up on Sunday from the same location at 4 pm...if we'll be significantly later then we will give them a call, but we should be back around 4.
3. We will be stopping on the way to Camp Crossroads for a bathroom/supper break. If you want to have supper there then you need to bring some money along for it.
4. Although we have yet to see significant snow in the Niagara Region there is A LOT of snow up at Camp so bring your snow gear & warm clothes. If you want to play hockey then bring your skates & stick (you don't need full gear). Camp does have some skates & sticks, but likely you'll do better with your own.
5. Although we originally said that all the guys were going to be sleeping in the "bring it on" cabins, only one cabin of guys will actually have to...sorry guys. If you did not receive a separate message from me about this then that means you're in a regular cabin and can bring regular camp sleeping stuff. If you got a separate message from me then READ IT and bring what I suggested.
6. Woo hoo!!! Winter retreat!!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Awesome Time!

Bible Study/Awesome Time is tonight at 7 pm at Fairview MB. See you there!

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Worship Night

Worship Night this Friday at 7 pm at GRANTHAM MB. We've got something good planned for the sharing time. Encouragement...enough said.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Awesome Time!

Bible Study/Awesome Time is tonight at Fairview MB at 7 pm. See you there!

p.s. Awesome job at the Mission Trip Bake Sale yesterday!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bible Smugglers

HELP! Not everyone has access to the Word of God!

We need to bring Bibles to those people. But there are those among us that fail to see the importance and even wish to kill those that attempt this!

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to challenge the government. To go against all odds and live the life of passion for evangelism. You will smuggle Bibles to those who have ears but have not heard, to those who have eyes but have not seen, to those who have felt but have not lived.
... You will be joined by your team at 7:00pm on Friday, January 27th at SCOTT ST MB CHURCH.
This message will self-destruct in 5....4....3....2....1..............
Nevermind, this is an ongoing mission that will continue throughout generations. We have a mission to spread the Word everyday, but for Friday night, we'll have a bit of fun, building relationships with each other so we can go out everyday with the support of an awesome group!

Love Suz & Amy


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Awesome Time!!!

Bible Study/Awesome Time is tonight at Fairview at 7 pm!!! See you there!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Youth Worship Night

Tomorrow night is our monthly youth worship night! We're meeting at Grantham MB Church at 7:00 pm. We will be having a sharing time after we spend some time singing so be thinking about what God has been doing in your life and what you hope to see happen in the coming year.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bible Study

Bible study/Awesome Time is back on!!! We'll meet at Fairview MB Church at 7 pm tonight. See you there!