Friday, June 09, 2006

Progressive Supper June 15th @ 6:30pm

Father's Day Progressive Supper - Friday June 15th 6:30pm
looking for dads or grandads to host (of youth or otherwise)

If you know a dad or grandfather (opa, gramps, pop), yours or otherwise, why not ask them to host a few youth next Friday for a progressive supper?

Cooking skill is appreciated, but not required (pizza is always appreciated, or the skills of another cook in the household).

Here are the details you need to give to our potential hosts:

- Youth are meeting at the church for 6:30, so will begin arriving at your homes at about 7:00pm
- groups of 3-5 youth, 1 course
- You will feed 3-4 groups
- Contact Tom by Thursday the 14th at lunchtime - email or call the office.


Charity said...

I think Lauren means June 16th. Youth is still on Friday :)

Anonymous said...

I know it's a little late but I thought I'd let yoou Know that I'm coming to youth tonight.