Saturday, March 31, 2007

MCC Relief Kits for Iraq

We are on the HOME STRETCH for finishing 2 relief kits for displaced Iraqis. by now you should know that MCC is in need of relief kits.

We are curently on track to make 2 kits...bellow you'll see what is needed yet to fill them. Please feel free to donate any amount of the items, don't feel you need to get as many as it says there as every bit counts! However, please do think about giving something as I'm sure if you were ever in a horrible situation where you depended on the generosity of others it would mean a lot to you!

Items in green have been donated (thank-you to all who have given). Items in Red are still needed.

If you'd like to give money, you can do that as well and I'll go purchase items with it.

Here's what's needed for 2 kits.

  • 8 bars of soap
  • 2 squeeze tube toothpaste minimum 130 ml/6oz
  • 8 adult size toothbrushes leave in package
  • 2 boxes adhesive bandages minimum 40, assorted
  • 2 plastic bottles Shampoo 450-830 ml/13-24oz; place in plastic bag
  • 2 packages sanitary pads 18-24 thin maxi or ultra thin
  • 2 Hairbrushes
  • 2 Wide tooth combs
  • 2 finger nail clippers
  • 20 cups powdered Laundry detergent double bag in 4 litre re-sealable plastic bag
  • 8 NEW bath towels med. weight, not white

The kits will be going to Iraq. Close to 500,000 Iraquis have fled their homes for other areas and internal displacement is continuing at a rate of 50,000 people per month.

Let's help them as we're able!

Friday, March 30, 2007

SSMBY Idol...Hooked on a Feeling!

Yes Folks, it's finally's the battle of the Air Bandz!!! So bring out your albums and moves and lets see who will be this years SSMBY Idol!

Just like on that confernal rip-off show American Idol the decision of who will be crowned this years SSMBY Idol will be left up to you the audience! Immediatly after* tonights show you will be able to vote here as to who this years SSMB Idol will be. Polls will be open until 12noon the following Friday (April 7). At that time whoever is leading the polls will be the peoples choice and will be crowned 2007's SSMBY Idol!!! [There will be a prize!]

So stay tuned to this blogsite and keep checking in to see who's in the lead!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Irresistible Bible Study

Alright, so I just recently finished reading this book and it was crazy!!! It made me re-think faith, church and the gospel a lot! So, I want to look at this book together with people! I want to look at it with some peers in a small group sometime and I especially want to look at it with my youth!

So, starting May 1st our Thursday Nite Bible Study is going to start looking at this book and talking about it. I want all those going on our Montreal Mission Trip and anyone interested to be a student leader next year (and of course all current student leaders) to consider this mandatory. On top of that I'd like many more of you to join in on the discussion.

I am willing to purchase a copy of the book for anyone who commits to being part of this conversations...that means coming regularly on Thursday's and reading the section we're talking about before hand. Don't worry, it won't be difficult...I read the entire book in a couple days.

What I need to know is how many books to either comment here that you want to be part of the study or else let me know some other way.

I hope all of you join will change you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Girl/Guy Night (a proud part of our heritage)

If you'll look closely at this picture you'll notice that the men are on one side and the women are on another...well, that may be alright for adults in a regular worship service, but I just don't think it's good enough for our young and impressionable youth!

So, we're going to full out seperate you all this Friday...

That's Right, This Friday is

Guys n' Girls Night!

Yep right the guys will be at the Church and The Girls will be at Charity and Tom's house (sans Tom as he's a guy and will be with the guys!)

So bring what ya need to stay the night...yer blankets, Jammy-Jams, teddy bears, steak...

Well that last one might just be for the guys. That's right guys, we will have a BBQ so if you want some midnight meat, make sure to bring something for it!

Also, bring your's not every night we get a chance to be together like this! I hope it'll be a special night for us all!

To Recap Girls will be at Charity and my place [2A Water St.] at 7:30pm...bring stuff to stay the night and bring questions and stuff you might like to do!

Guysmeet at the church at 7:30pm. Bring MEAT to BBQ for midnight meat as well as whatever else you'll need for the night. We got plenty planned for us to do so bring a good attitude or you'll break your adult leaders hearts!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This Friday, in accordance with our religious beliefs, we will be celebrating the Feast Day of St. Patrick.

Brief Lesson in Historica:

It is not certain that St. Patrick is in fact Irish, all that can be confirmed is that he was taken to Ireland to be a slave, escaped, joined the church, and came back to teach them about Jesus. St Patrick it seems, was never actually canonized by a pope, and is not really a saint. March 17th is claimed as the date of his death, although no record exists to confirm it. He is the patron saint of Ireland.

And because we can't celebrate in the tradition manner (imbibing copious amounts of alcohol) we are going to celebrate in a very similar manner: wearing green, eating green, and playing board games! I know I took part in a very exciting game of risk this past Sunday and I'm all geared up for more board games.
If there are any games you have (Risk, Monopoly, Stock Ticker, Diplomacy, Ultimatum, Candyland, etc.) that you want to play on Friday bring them with you. Additionally, do not forget to festively dress all in green, which must have been dear old St Patty's favorite colour.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Counter Reset and FRESH NEW JAMS!

Hey Everyone,

If you haven't noticed then I've royally wasted my time...but I've spruced up this here SSMBY blog a bit. Hopefully it looks as good on your computer as it does on mine. I've tried to work out some kinks and give some fresh flair at the same time.

So, make sure you Rock the Vote over on the side bar, come regularly to see what's going on and let's get that counter to 5000 in no time (it was at four thousand and something when I started to flair things up).

Also, go to the Ontario MB Conf. Link over there on the side bar. I'm in charge of the Youth section of the site there. I'd love to get feed back from you all as to what you think of it.

Next up:

B.S. That's right tonight is Bibile Study! Char and Tom's place (click the cookie for a map). Start time is 7pm end time is whenever the Atari or I get tired.

Friday we're meeting early for youth this week in celebration of Daylight Savings Time kicking in this weekend and also because we need to be at Southridge for 7:30pm. So either meet at Scott St. at 7pm or you can go straight to Southridge for 7:30pm. At Southridge we're going to be watching a movie called Invisible Children (click the cookie to see the trailer). I've not been told of any cost, so I don't believe there is any.

Stay tuned to this site to be finding out what exciting things your Student Leaders have planned for you!

Hope you also enjoy this weeks cookies. Also, why not use the comment section here more often. I'd love to hear feedback.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Show Support/Support Show

Hello everyone I just got this from a good friend of mine. If you're free go on out for a good show and to support Jared.

On March 17 Fairview MB (on Geneva) will be hosting a CD Release Party/Coffee House to raise money for Jared Wohlgemut. Jared is a student at Guelph planning on working in Niger this summer with SIM at a local hospital. Click on the poster bellow for the general info:

Thursday, March 01, 2007

March Movie Madness!

Today is officially March. Tomorrow is also March.

But Robert, what has that got to do with movie madness?

I'm glad you asked. This allows for a brief etymology lesson: March is the third month is the Gregorian calendar. In Rome, the name for March was Martius. The month was named this after Mars, the god we typically know as the Roman god of war.

And tomorrow (That is, March the 2nd) we are watching a movie.

But what of the madness?

Exactly... exactly.

I had been waiting for the word from James as to any tidbits of information we might like to see here, but he's been a really busy guy with the Sears drama. (Which I saw and which was quite entertaining) So he hasn't gotten the word to me. I know however, that the movie will be awesome. Bring snacks if you want them, but there will be ICECREAM.