Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bible Study

Hey everyone, it's Robert Mason again.

Word is that Bible Study will once again be starting up. I have it on very good authority that Bible Study will in fact be starting up on the 5th of the month of October.

This means that Bible Study is in fact going to be on Thursdays this year, not Tuesdays as it has been in the past. Bible Study will be occurring at 7:00PM Eastern Time. [Rob had put 7:30pm, it will in fact be 7pm so that there's time to go for coffee at Timmy's or the Donut Diner after or something]

Basketball will still be on Tuesdays, however, and we'd love to see people coming out on Tuesdays. Please make Thursdays and Tuesdays as much of a priority as Fridays, if not more.

This has been another successful blogging event by Robert Mason.


Tom (Youth Leader Emeritus) said...

You may notice that this blog read that bible study would start Sept. 28 before...however, as it turns out I (Pastor Tom) am needed at a church board meeting that night so we will be starting one week later on October 5th!

Pastor Tom out...

Anonymous said...

lol, easter eggs.