Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We did it!

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped out with our Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit nervous going into it because it's pretty huge thinking about serving turkey dinner to a over a hundred people, but we did it and it was awesome! We served Thanksgiving Dinner to over 130 people!!! And we finished the clean-up and were out of there before 8:00... unheard of!!! I was so proud of all of you!

You may have noticed our very own photographer snapping shots while we were getting ready, well, here are some of the photos that were taken. Enjoy!

My mom showing Aaron the secret to smooth gravy
Aaron stirring the gravy
Jordan making sure the servers know what's going on
What are you thankful for?
The servers waiting for the action to start
Mark and Jesslyn doing some last minute kitchen prep
and we're open for business
Ben getting the coffee ready
The kitchen set up for action
People starting to arrive

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