Tuesday, January 05, 2010

This Week

I wrote last week that we’d be having regular youth Bible study at my house tonight, but I lied. We’re actually going to be joining the church (Scott St.) for the last night of the New Year’s prayer meetings. I’ve been out to the last two and it’s a small group of people from the church that’s been attending them, but it’s been great to think about what God is calling us to as a church and then pray for different aspects of that, so tonight we can do that regarding youth. Why not start the new year out in prayer?

Tonight’s prayer meeting will be at Scott St. at 7:30. If you’re planning on coming then make sure you are on time because it will start at 7:30 (perhaps plan on coming 5 minutes early). It’ll probably be over by 8:30, so if you guys want to, we can go to Tim Hortons afterward. And text all your youth friend to make sure they know that we’ll be at the church, not at my house.

This Friday, as you will of course remember from last weeks message, is our Ugly Christmas Sweater Potluck. The holidays are finally over and you might be sick of Christmas already, but in youth we like to beat a dead horse (is that really a saying? Ugh.) and keep the festivities going.

We’ll be meeting at Scott St. at 6:30 and everyone has to bring their favourite dish to share with the group. In case you’re having a hard time coming up with something, here is a list of suggestions:
• Veggie platter
• Fruit platter
• Meatballs
• Pasta or potato salad
• Some sort of casserole
• Stew
• Chili
• Perogies
• Soup
• Crackers & dip or cheese
• Garlic bread
• Dinner rolls
• Salad of any kind
• Dessert
• Anything that you like to eat
Now, in order to keep your parents from stressing out about this either plan on making your dish yourself or tell them about this A.S.A.P.!!!

If it’s still snowy out on Friday then perhaps we can go tobogganing after youth is finished. I’ll make sure to message you guys again if that’s the plan so that you can bring your winter gear and whatnot.

See you soon!

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