Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stuff for this Weekend

This Friday, we're going to be doing a photo scavenger hunt around St. Catharines. Please meet at Scott St. at 7:00 pm and please be on time because we won't be waiting around for long. There are a few things that I need you to bring for our photo scavenger hunt...a camera (with the cables to hook it up to a tv), and $2 to help cover the gas costs. Each group needs a camera, so if you've got one at home then please bring it and MAKE SURE YOU BRING THE CABLES FOR IT.

Also, this Saturday is the VBS follow-up, so we've got a load of kids & parents coming to the church and we were asked to help run some of the games. If you're available to come out for this then please come to Scott St. at 4:00 pm on Saturday

And, last but not least (this weekend is a busy one) this Sunday is our Spaghetti Lunch fundraiser at Fairview. The money we raise at this lunch goes to cover the costs for our youth events, helps us keep the cost down for retreats and mission trips and basically helps us run a great youth program. I know that we all go to different churches, but as part of SSMAIRVIEW I'm asking you to come out and help with this.

Please meet me at Fairview MB Church (455 Geneva St.) on Sunday morning at 9:30. At that time we'll need to set up the tables & chairs, set tables, and make the salad & garlic bread...there's a lot that needs to be done, so please, please, please, come out and help.

Thanks for being so great!

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