Thursday, June 07, 2012

NEMBY vs. Cornerstone's on!!!

Here's the info for Friday. The youth choir is going to be meeting at Grantham MB at 5 pm for our last practice before our first performance. That means that if you've ever come out to a practice and want to join us on Sunday then YOU HAVE TO BE AT THIS PRACTICE! Please plan on coming. It'll be so much nicer if we have a bigger group! The first performance is on Sunday at Grantham MB and we'll meet at the church at 10 am so that we can run through the songs a couple of times before we go on. Feel free to invite your parents to the service as well...the service starts at 10:30. After choir practice we've got our big game against Cornerstone Youth!!! You can either meet us at Grantham MB at 7 pm (you HAVE TO BE ON TIME!!!) or you can meet us in Virgil at the Centennial Arena (1565 Creek Rd) at 7:30 pm. Please wear running shoes and shorts you can run in. We're hoping to do the t-shirts this afternoon so if you've ordered a t-shirt then that should be ready for you. The cost of the shirts actually came to $7 so please bring that along to pay for your shirt. Win or lose, after the game we (NEMBY & CY) are going to my parents' house for a quick swim, snacks, a bonfire, and a bit of worship. Have your parents pick you up from my parents' house (1178 Concession 6, NOTL) at 11 pm. If you want to swim then bring a towel & swimsuit (girls, remember no bikinis or bring a dark tank top to wear over your bikini) and bring a lawn chair. Oh, and bring warm clothes to wear for after the game!!!

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