Thursday, August 09, 2012



Here’s the info for Friday/Saturday:
You will meet at the new Kiwanis Aquatics Centre (425 Carlton St – the corner of Carlton & Niagara) at 6:45 pm.  BE ON TIME because the pool is only open until 8.  Bring your swimsuit & towel (obviously).  The cost for swimming is $2 if you’re 18 or under and $3 if you’re over 18. 
After swimming you’ll go to Fairview MB for games, movies, food, etc.  Make sure you bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and anything else you need for the night or the next morning.

We will be meeting at my parents’ house (1178 Concession 6, NOTL) at 7 pm.  Bring your swimsuit & towel if you want to go swimming (remember to bring a dark tank top to wear over bikinis).
We’ll be spending the night at my parent’s house so make sure you remember to bring your sleeping bag, pillow, and anything else you need for the night or the next morning.

We’ll all be going out for breakfast together on Saturday morning so make sure you bring some money along for breakfast.  $10 should be enough, but how much you need for this will depend on what you order.  We’ll meet at Angel’s Diner at 9 am so your parents can pick you up from Angel’s Diner (395 Ontario St.) between 10-10:30…you can text or call them once we’re finished.

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