Wednesday, November 06, 2013

3rd Annual Youth Square Dance


This Friday is our 3rd Annual Youth Square Dance!!!!  Here's all the info, straight from the source (Jeff Martens):

Come one, come all to the 3rd Annual Niagara Youth Square Dance! We have a professional caller coming to lead us in a night of square dancing and there will be a plethora of pies and beverages! Knowing how to square dance is NOT a requirement.

Here's some details:

LOCATION: Froese Family Farm (280, Niven Road, Niagara-On-The-Lake) -> take the driveway past the house to the back barn.

TIME: 7:00pm - 10:00pm

COST: $5 at the door

BRING: Your finest country attire and a few friends

Don't forget...Square dancing is good clean fun! Partners switch throughout the night and you don't  even need to dance with the opposite gender.

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