Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pool Party!!!


I have a very important message…this Friday we’re having a pool party!!!  We’ll me at 7pm at Nicole Wiens’ house (60 Cecil St).  They have a pool, a volleyball net, and pretty much the sweetest backyard ever.  If you want to go swimming then bring your swimsuit and towel (ladies, make sure you bring a dark tank top to wear over your bikini).  We’ll end the night off with a bonfire and s’mores (yum!).  Bring a sweater and bug spray for once the sun goes down.

Also, we still need at least 3 more volunteers to help with the VBS party & BBQ on Thursday.  VBS has been super fun already and all our NEMBY volunteers are doing awesome with the kids.  Don’t miss this chance to help out!  Let me know if you can help!

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