Thursday, August 14, 2014

Summer Fun


Tomorrow night we'll be meeting at 7pm at my parents' house (1178 Concession 6, NOTL) for some sweet summer fun!  We'll have various lawn games available (croquet, bocce ball, soccer, frisbee), we'll have a time of singing and sharing around the bonfire, and we've invited our young adults group (people who've graduated out of youth over the past few years) to join us for the fun!

Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit warmer than today, but make sure you bring cozy clothes (maybe even a blanket for around the fire), bug spray, and think about what God has done in your life this summer (during the mission trip, VBS, or just during your regular life) and be ready to share around the fire.

Have your ride ready to pick you up from my parents' house at 10pm.

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