Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Summer Picnic


We were originally going to have our end of the year Bible study picnic tonight, but the weather is a bit sketch and not super great picnic weather, and there is a mandatory VBS meeting tonight, so we're actually going to postpone the picnic until Thursday!

AT 6:00 PM ON THURSDAY WE'LL MEET AT RUSSELL AVE PARK (108 Russell Ave).  If you can, bring a salad or dessert.  I'll bring sandwich fixings, drinks, dishes, etc.  Bring a blanket & lawn chair, frisbee, soccer ball, etc.  There's also a splash pad at the park...so, that's sweet!  PLEASE COMMENT BELOW TO LET ME KNOW IF YOU'RE COMING...that way I know how many people to get sandwich stuff for.  IT'S GOING TO BE SUPER FUN!!!

Finally, because of the long weekend, we're NOT GOING TO HAVE YOUTH THIS FRIDAY!...feel free to talk amongst yourselves and still do something (maybe someone with a sweet yard or a good view of some fireworks can invite everyone over)

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