The youth of Scott St and Fairview Mennonite Brethren Churches make up North End MB Youth (a.k.a. NEMBY). Here is where you can find out what's going on. Make comments on events. Ask questions. *We typically meet on Fridays at 7 pm at Fairview MB Church.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Bible Study
Tom & Charity's place at 7. Standard.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Concerning this Friday and your BUY participation therein.YOUR TICKETS NOW!
The Christmas Banquet is this Friday, but we have a bit of an issue: people haven't bought their tickets. As of right now there are nine who have. You can all tell that there are more people than that in our youth group. If you are among those with tickets; blessings eternal be upon thee and we'll see you on Friday. If you are not; get on it! Tickets are $10 and entitle you to food, entertainment, and tons of oppurtunity to flirt with cute boys from other youth groups. What more could you want? TO BUY TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY TICKETS YOU WANT TO
Oh, that's not quite true. Tickets now cost $13, tomorrow they will be $14, and on Friday you're gonna be shelling out fifteen bones to get your hands on a ticket. Savvy? BUY TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY
Also, decoration will be going up on Wednesday night at Vineland MB. Contact Tom to tell him you will be helping with said decoration. If we need to, Thursday night will also be a time of decorating, we will decorate instead of Bible Study if Wednesday night doesn't see all of it finished. TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY
Seriously folks, it'll be a blast. Be there!TICKETS YOU WANT TO BUY
Friday, December 15, 2006
Click here to listen to a great song!
I have taken a brief sabbatical from my endless chopping and slicing of paper in order to provide you with this message:
Where's Waldo will occur tonight.
Figure 1-A, a North American Waldo (Waldo Americanus) in it's natural environment.
"How?" and "Why?" are totally natural questions for yourselves to have at this point. THEY ARE ALSO QUESTIONS THAT WILL GO UNANSWERED.
The questions "When?" and "Where?" are totally natural questions as well; the answers to which are: "Seven Thirty" and "Meet at the church, then we'll go to the Pen Centre"
The most important (or not) questions is "What?" Curse you internally for that question! I must return to my cutting of bookmarks! I will humour you, however. Where's Waldo involves a number of Waldo's (People dressed and disguised) that will be hiding out in the Pen Center. We, in groups, will have to find said Waldo's and get them to sign a paper. The group with the most signatures wins, and consequently will not recieve any promised prize for at least a year.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Baking & Boardgames!!!
Well, Tom has given you a little sneak-preview but I'm here with the Down-Low, the Low-Down.
We will, as has been hinted at (and even said directly) be baking pizza, this is what pizza looks like:
Except that that pizza looks a bit gross, you'll be able to put only what YOU want on YOUR North-American, Consumerist, Individualist, Rainforest-Burning, Third World Exploiting Pizza. Mmmmmm...
This is what the fire that burns the rainforest looks like.
This is what the baby koalas in the rainforests that we burn down look like when fires hem them in on all sides:
How adorable!
In addition to and in synergy with said pizzas, there will be boardgame playing. Boardgames will be provided but it is essential that people bring boardgames that they enjoy and are willing to share with others to play.
So, in summary:
o Meeting will occur at regular time.
o Baking will occur, mmm Pizza! But only really snackish Pizza, not like a whole meal!
o Boardgames will occur.
o We will go to the Mason's for a rockin' good time!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Bible Study
To those who didn't make it out last Thursday we watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding and followed it up with some wonderful conversations on church and ethnic culture, how movies portray dating, relationships, sex, and our thoughts on those things (among other things). A good time was had by all. Stay tuned for the next movie and discussion night...
This Thursday, however, we'll be talking about the story of The Tower of Babel as we continue our trek through the Hebrew Scriptures (aka the Old(er) Testament). So come on out and join the conversation of how the Hebrew Scriptures speak into our lives today.
Stay tuned to hear from Robert about Friday...but we may be Baking some Pizza and playing board games, but I'll let him tell you about that!
Click here for some fun!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Friday Youth & Thursday Movie Night
Soo, come to Char and my house for 6pm and bring snacks and/or dinner if you need it. We'll watch a good movie together and then talk about it afterward...
PLUS, if there's time we can play some Warlords on the Atari 2600...also hooked up now are my old school Nintendo as well as a Sega Genesis which Charity has brought into my life!
So, come Thursday 6pm, Char and my house, movie, snacks (byos)discussion...good times...perhaps video games...more good times.
Friday Dec. 1
We are going to be going to see a band called New World Son click here to hear them. The show is absolutly FREE. The one thing is that it starts at 7pm at Southridge...sooo, we'll be meeting at Scott Street at 6:30pm and we'll be leaving shortly there after, so BE ON TIME or else you can go straight to Southridge.
We will hopefully be going to a house afterwards...stay tuned for that. If you would like to offer your place then contact Jordan Duerrstein ASAP.
Thanks for your wonderful attention.
P.S. Why not bring some money on Friday to get yourself a smart looking SSMBY hoodie or better yet to support the Noah's Ark kindergarten we're supporting through MCC as a group (I'll take an offering before we leave).
P.S.S. Had a meeting today to plan for the big Christmas's sounding good...think of inviting some friends the date is Fri. Dec. 22 and tickets will be $10 (available soonly)
Friday, November 24, 2006
An actual dialogue heard recently at the corner of Scott & Vine
CP: What?!? How can that be??? Don't you have one of these nifty ultra-cool SSMBY hoodies???
BCP: SSMBY Hoodies?!? NO WAY!!!!
CP: WAY!!!!
BCP: Wow, they're totally RAD!!!
CP: Yeah, and check out this cool feature, they have a genuine* kangaroo pouch!!!
BCP: NO WAY, a kangaroo pouch...I could keep all of my big league chew in there!!! That is so gnarly!
CP: Yeah, I'm more of a fan of bubble tape, but I hear ya!
BCP: But can anyone get those??? They must cost a fortune...I bet a stylish hoodie like that would go for like $200.
CP: Anyone can get don't even have to be cool, but if you got one it'd probably raise your cool level by 23 experience points...and as to how expensive they'd be...yeah I'm sure they'd go for AT LEAST $300 if you bought them in a store like Bargain Herolds or Bi-Way, but if you go to Pastor Tom he can hook-you up from his hoodie closet for the low-low cost of $35!
BCP: Wow, that's so cheap I can't afford not to get one!!
CP: You bet, but you better hurry because there's only a limited amount available...and once they're gone...they're gone!
BCP: Wow, I'm so stoaked, I gonna go crazy-go-nuts if I don't run out and get one RIGHT NOW!
CP=Cool Person
BCP=Budding Cool Person
*genuine kangaroo pouch not made from actual kangaroo' kangaroo's were hurt in the making of SSMBY hoodies.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Bible Study and Youth
Tom and Charity are married. iWas
among the witnesses of their sacred vows.
They live together now in a house.
We, that is, the youth are invited to their house for Bible study on Thursday.
Here is a map.
Friday will be Improv-Night.
Oh man, am I ever excited for it!
It's improv, so I cant really talk specifically about what we'll be doing or we wouldn't do it because it couldn't be improv if you knew what it would be in advance. This is, with little doubt, the funniest night that happens all year at youth. To miss out on this would be like skipping... your exams? Bad analogy, but you get my point. So be there! Bring your comical genius too, the more people involved the funnier it is.
P.S. Click here for a very clever Colbert speech.
P.P.S. There will not be rides available unless you arrange for them.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Most Urgent Of Notices!
Holy Cow! Youth Tonight Starts At 7!!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Thursday: Thats's today! Bible Study! Rob Mason and Josh Duerrstein are in charge tonight, come on out and see what the Bible has in store for us today!
Friday: That's tomorrow! Youth! I'm not sure who is in charge but it's gonna be an art coffee house! I'm sure there will be tea and other beverage for the weaker of our brothers! I'm very excited about the night!
That's all for now folks!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Make A Movie Night
Now, (as you are aware via Analytic Proposition) Youth will INVOLVE THE MAKING OF MOVIES! I just couldn't contain my excitement in regards to that, well, that and Caps Lock.
The making of movies will be followed by hanging out at someone's home. Of this I am certain. Whose home, for how long, and why are all currently beyond my Spectromancy to know.
This has been another successful blogging event by Almighty Photoquantum Megacommander Catratectus.
Post Scriptum: Click Here
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Friesen-Stephenson Wedding
So Charity and I are getting married THIS SUNDAY!!! Crazy, eh?
The ceremony is at 6pm at Scott St. MB and we would love to see everyone of you youth there supporting us (wether you serve at the reception or not)! Just thought I'd let you all know you are more than welcome to come to the ceremony, we really want you there! We value your support!
Anyways, this is also the last call for anyone who would like to serve. This is for those of you who would LIKE to serve and WANT to be at our wedding! You need to let me know ASAP!
For those who want, to serve at the reception, it will be imidiatly after the ceremony (officially starting at 8:30pm) at Orchard Park Community Church in Virgil and will probably go until 12am.
Please keep Charity and I in your prayers!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Thursday And Friday!
So, this here's a double-whammy; I'm gonna tell y'all about To-Nite and To-More-O-Nite!
Tonight, (That is, Thursday the 2nd of November) IS BIBLE STUDY!!! Come on out. Tonight all of you non-members-as-of-right-now are going to have an exclusive oppurtunity! We'll be sitting in on a membership meeting and afterward we'll likely head to Timmy's and talk about the meeting.
And tomorrow night is Friday (November the 3rd)and will be Get To Know Gary Night. I've just received confirmation that for Get To Know Gary Night. we will be learning about grapes. and the process of their growth and systematic harvest.
I don't know that there will actually be grapes on the vine anymore, as I believe they've already gone to make alcohol.
Be sure to dress warmly. We will be outside. You will regret not being warm: you will regret being cold. Verily!
Also, at Bible Study next Thursday -- that is to say November 9th -- Marg Janzen is going to be coming in and talking to us about MCC and some of the work that it's doing. We will also be helping to put together Sewing Kits for people in other countries. If you would like to make a contribution you are welcome to do so. The kits cost $21 to make, but a lot of people donate in increments of $20, so even so much as bringing a few dollars will sort of "top off" those twenties that others have brought in.
This is a great way to get involved (sort of like the "Pay it Forward" thing from last week) and to do something for people other than ourselves.
See you tonight!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Bible Night! Movie Study!
This Thursday (Oct. 26th) is not just any Bible Study however, instead, it is a movie-study-Bible-night-awesome! We will be meeting at 6, if you can't have eaten dinner by this time, bring some food to eat. If you like to snack when you watch movies, bring snacks! We'll be watching a movie and then talking about what it means and what we can learn from it.
I am certain, however, without a shadow of a doubt, that there will be gratuitous amounts of:
a) Blood.
b) Blood outside of bodies.
c) Explosions.
d) Communists with blood outside of their bodies.
That said, I think we'll be watching Rambo III, but you'll have to be there to find out!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Hay Ride
Baragon: “I make a spot check to see if there any dangerous creatures nearby. My Dwarven dark-vision prevents any negative effects that would otherwise arise from the darkness of night.”
DM: “Right you are, Baragon. Roll your D20”
Dice roll. 7. The DM confers with some papers, muttering some calculations to himself.
DM: “Success! You see a large humanoid crouching behind the grapes. He is unaware that you have spotted him. You also realize that the vineyard is not moving, rather, you are on some sort of wagon. What would you like to do next?”
Baragon: “I inform the party and tell them to prepare for battle. I also take this time to equip my +7 double critical Dragon-Axe.”
Edo'ran: "I will scout ahead to determine the source of the sounds of battle."
Perhaps you’ve often found yourself in similar situations to Baragon, the level 7 Dwarf Fighter and Edo'ran the level 6 Half-Elf Rogue. These are times filled with excitement and adventure, mystery and intrigue. But now you have the chance to experience a Hay Ride in real life!
This Friday (Oct. 27th) is the Hay Ride! For those who haven't been out to the Hayride before, it is a large youth event involving other youth groups and hay.
We are meeting at 7’o’clock here at the church. Bring a doubloon to cover the costs
Come in clothes that can be filled with Hay and that will keep you warm. Come ready to stuff people (of the same sex) with Hay! Come with your readiness to wrestle and tackle and have a good time!
I know Tom will be riding on the Escape from Russia Simulator Wagon AKA The Sissy Wagon. You may join him, if you’re sissy enough, heck, I might even join him!
Make sure you’re here at 7, not at regular time: Bring $2.
This has been another successful blogging event by Robert Mason.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Jason & Tammy Rock
So this Friday all your adult leaders are gone...we're taking the student leaders away to camp crossroads for the provincial leadership building weekend...
BUT don't fret, because there is still youth...and not just any ho-hum youth neither...we called up J(aka Butterball) & Tammy to take over youth for the night and I believe they should have something very good planned for you!
So, be here regular youth time (7:30pm)...regular youth room(as in upstairs)!
Also, for you ladies...if you want to go to the Beautiful Unique Girl event at Grantham, then I need to hear from you today!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Haute Couture au Gazette
This upcoming Friday (as you've probably guessed from my clever Blog Title) is going to the Newspaper Fashion Show. This has been tons of fun in the past and I know I'm just itching for another shot at designing newspaper clothing.
However, to ensure sufficient quantities of newspaper, we will need your assistance. This is fairly straightforward and merely involves you collecting newspapers and bringing them to the church on Friday. This does not mean that I want you going around stealing newspapers from your neighbours before they've even taken them inside. And this does not mean I want you to assault the paperboy (paperperson?) in order to loot their supply. All I want is for you to collect unwanted papers from your own home when your family is done with them.
Then, Friday night we'll design glorious fashion statements out of the newspaper!
This has been another successfl blogging event by Robert Mason.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Thanksgiving Friday!
This Friday is the Free Community Thanksgiving Dinner! It's been a ton of fun in the past, and I'm sure it will be again! I LOVE EXCLAMATION MARKS!!! Also, it's a great way to show the love of Christ to our community in the most practical way imaginable: feeding them.
So, what does this mean for you? It means there are a variety of ways for you to help out. Help will be needed for setup, takedown, serving, etc. But it also means you get to eat some spectacular food! Here are some things you can help with and who you can talk to for it.
Serving - James
Decorating - Kelly
Setup - Jordan
Also, if you're serving, be sure to wear a white shirt and black pants!
Also, if you have any disposable containers that you can bring to the church, do so! Things like margarine containers are what we're talking about here. They can be used to send out the leftovers in.
Also, the Friday after this one will be a Newspaper Fashion show! Please bring any newspapers that you may have.
Also, we can still use more desserts for the Thanksgiving Dinner. Anything thats easily served is good. For example: squares, brownies, tarts. Contact Tom if you are bringing something so he knows whether or not he has enough.
Also, we do not have a house for Friday! This isn't as exciting as having a house! IF YOU HAVE A HOUSE THAT CAN BE MADE AVAILABLE, MAKE IT SO!
PS: More of you need to make some guesses at the most recent eye, it's lonely.
This has been another successful blogging event by Robert Mason.
Bible Study
There are going to be snacks!
This is to remind you all that Bible Study will be starting up this Thursday in the Youth Room at 7!
There are going to be snacks!
Let me give you the details:
-Bible Study
-Thursday, 7pm
-Youth Room
There are going to be snacks!
And just to let me sum that up once more for everyone, Bible Study will be this Thursday at 7pm in our very own Youth Room!
There are going to be snacks!
I'd love to see everyone there, it should be awesome!
There are going to be snacks!
This has been another successful blogging event by Robert Mason
There are going to be snacks!
Beautiful Unique Girl
Whenever we have a guys/girls night the guys eat meat. It's delicious.
For some reason (it stumps me to this day) the girls tend to move in a bit of a different direction. Typically the girls host a sort of a "slumber party." They do things like paint their nails I think. Which brings us to "The WØRD" ...
Beautiful Unique Girl!
....Satin pillows, lavalamps, chocolate fondue, pizza, shag carpet, intimate concert session....
This relaxing non-intimidating enviroment is a great way to address the key issues that young women are facing and struggling with today.
It sounds like all of the stuff you girls talk about doing at the nights that you host yourselves. I think you'd all like this event a lot.
Please click here for informations pertaining to the event.
The cost was originally $35 but Tom feels the event is so worthy of your attendance that he is willing to pay $20 for each of you who wishes to attend. That means your cost is only $15. As an added bonus you'll be going along with Charity Stephenson and Sarah Campbell. What more could you possibly ask? Oh, yeah, I guess there is that. Sorry girls, I can't attend: no boys allowed.
Heck, I'd go if I could though, Granthams gonna be crammed full of babes!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Harvest Festivities
Harvest Missions Fest
That's as much as I've got in the way of Kurt Vonnegut-esque blogging. This Friday we, the youth, will be attending the "Harvest Missions Fest" here at Church. This fun-filled evening does not involve any actual harvesting, but will be an exciting night of listening to interesting speakers talking about things that are going on in other parts of this country, the world, and so on.
Also, I just received confirmation from Big P that the Bartley house will be available for us to all hang out at afterwards on Friday. That's right Patrick and Heidi, so you'd better clear your D&D Miniatures out of the rec-room before tomorrow night.
This has been another successful blogging event by Robert Mason.
Sarah's Run For The Cure
I'm blogging to inform you that our dear leader Sarah is going to be involved in a fundraiser run to raise money (and awareness) for breast cancer. If you want to support her in her endeavour please talk to her. It is a good cause
Click here for information
A Word From Our Friend Danny
The following is an email that Danny sent me and he asked me to email it to everyone, but instead I thought that I'd utilize our blog and post it up here!
Also, according to Bean (who says 'hi' to everyone) if you go to the Outtatown website ( then click on photos and site 1:guatemala. You can see pics from the group (of which Danny and Bean are both in). They'll have weekly updates and photos, so go often. I made the Outtatown site a link to this post (click on the title) and I'll also add it to our links section here.
Anyways, now on to a word from Danny
Greetings from beautiful Pinawa, Manitoba!
wow. how've you all been the past... week?? it feels a LOT LOT longer. it's been crazy. and even though i've only been with the 30 of them this week, it feels like i've known them for years; it's totally insane how fast we've bonded, especially after the canoe trip. oh! and the plane ride! that was amazing! zoooom---> man, it went so fast taking off, it was awesome. and then above the clouds! it was like another world! i can't even write complete sentences. what to say, what to say. so i stayed one night at CMU, that was fine. but i was put in a room with 2 other guys in different groups. oh well. so we got a bunch of books, even though our bags were already completely full and weighed a ton. and we got Blue Like Jazz! great read. read it. immediately. umm. so yeah, we first went off to Manitoba Pioneer Camp, located in beautiful Nortern Ontario, ironically. it's just so close to the Manitoban border i guess that they just call it that. it's not even a time difference either. so if you've ever been to camp crossroads, you'd know how it's going to compare with Pioneer Camp. well, let's just say Pioneer Camp is a little more rustic than Crossroads. where Crossroads seems like a Conference Centre, MPC seems like a.. a shack? i'd say that's a pretty accurate description. it's not THAT bad, but it's no Howard Johnson. anyways, we went on a 4-day canoe trip starting the 3rd day we were there. keep in mind, we're site 1 Guatemala, and we spent this time with Site 2 Guatemala, but sort of ignored them.. so. Site 1 split in two and I, being in site 1A, canoed with about 18 other people to Donna's Island. the area we were in was FILLED with islands everywhere. wherever you looked, it was an island, not mainland. but it was SO beautiful. i saw this GIANT bird fly off the first day of rowing, it was awesome. so we're at Donna's, and the area we put up tents in had really tall trees.. it'll take too long to explain. there's pictures, don't worry. so anyways, the 2nd day we planned to move onto another island and put up tent there, but it rained the night before and it started to get really cold out, so we didn't move on and decided to have a day trip. the trip was sweet. (oh yeah, and we cover like 9 km a day, with a few hours of paddling. actually, we didn't get to bring watches! it was crazy). but we travelled to an abandoned gold mine on one of the islands! it was sweet! we even found a new camping spot so we're naming it after our group, called the Trowel Team. the trowel, folks, is because we have to dig holes to take a poop in. be careful not to get any poop on the trowel. that's not good. anyways, we stay that night at Donna's and then move on the next day. that day was the coldest and windiest of them all, i think. the canoe ride was awesome though! we had all these huge waves pounding on our boat and it was totally intense. ok, i only have 15 minutes left before i have to get off the computer. so we were gonna stop at this one island to pick up some extra blankets for the night, but it ends up getting worse and we end up spending the night at this other small camp that they own that wasn't in use. that was the coldest night of all, but we made it and the next day we made the painful ride back to camp. don't take this the wrong way though-- i had an awesome time. i'm getting to know all these people and it's lots of fun. so i've been drawing a bunch of scenes at camp because my camera ran out of batteries and there's no where to charge them. it was awesome though. so ANYWAYS, we're now at some conference centre thingy in Pinawa, Manitoba. Pinawa was made in 1964 because the government set up a nuclear power plant here and so it's like one of those "built" towns. ....there are deers everywhere! it's so weird. just like in the middle of the street. i bet you if i looked out the window right now, there'd be one sitting there eating grass. so the place we're staying in, it's been said, was a research facility, so it's a weird atmosphere when you're walking through the halls. so yeah, we're gonna stay here for 10 days, which is awesome compared to camping, because we've got it good here. after that, it's off to the YWAM/Winnipeg Urban Punge, and then thanksgiving weekend at CMU.
DAH! longest email ever. Mom and Dad, please forward this to relatives. Tom, please forward this to youth. i'll hopefully put this up on my multiple blog sites. and please, you few others i've sent this to-- send it onto others! i'm running out of time to find all the emails!
talk to you later!!
Danny Fast
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
you know who is dis?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Bible Study
Word is that Bible Study will once again be starting up. I have it on very good authority that Bible Study will in fact be starting up on the 5th of the month of October.
This means that Bible Study is in fact going to be on Thursdays this year, not Tuesdays as it has been in the past. Bible Study will be occurring at 7:00PM Eastern Time. [Rob had put 7:30pm, it will in fact be 7pm so that there's time to go for coffee at Timmy's or the Donut Diner after or something]
Basketball will still be on Tuesdays, however, and we'd love to see people coming out on Tuesdays. Please make Thursdays and Tuesdays as much of a priority as Fridays, if not more.
This has been another successful blogging event by Robert Mason.
Ultimate Frisbee
Just kidding, it's Robert Mason, Co-Op Student blogging from SSMB.
This Friday, as you are rapidly becoming aware, is going to be Ultimate Frisbee.
This means you're going to need to wear running shoes and be ready to play.
This will be rain or shine. I'm not kidding. This is not a drill. Be there even if it rains, in the past rain has proven more fun. However, if it does rain make sure to dress appropriately.
This has been another successful blogging event by Robert Mason, Co-Op Student Extraordinaire.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Youth Kick-off??? I didn't know we stopped
Come find out who this years student leaders are and then see as we take them down a notch so as to not let the fact that we've allowed them to be leaders go to their heads. Us adult leaders have come up with what I think will be a very entertaining night for anyone who isn't a student leader...and for those who are, well, we'll all just have to make sure to let them know how appreciated they are so that they don't develop a complex from the night.
Come out and find out some of what's up for this year in youth. Invite all yer grade 9 friends (and siblings) to come out...let's start the new youth year off right and let's see all of you and your friends there in full effect!!!
In other news, if you are interested in getting baptized or becoming a member at Scott St. MB, talk to me or Pastor Pat as baptism and membership classes will be starting up.
In other news...for those of you who are members at Scott St. MB...there is a membership meeting this Thursday night, so come on out and show your support for our church.
Lastly all adult and student leaders for this year, remember there is a meeting this Sunday for lunch after church in the youth room!
Peace all...thanks for reading!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
? I ?
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Friday Night for youth we will be having a PARTY...note this will be a going away party of sorts for Mike and Lauren Klassen two stellar youth leaders who have served our group for a long time (a stunning 8 yrs. for Mike) and are finally graduating!
Youth is regular time (7:30pm) and there will be a whole bunch of fun idea's that your youth leaders have come up with to honour Mike and Lauren and give them a great come on out and feel free to invite friends as it should be a great ton o' fun!
Saturday Night There is going to be ANOTHER going away party and this one is going to be for Danny Fast who will be going to CMU on their outatown program and travelling to Guatamalla. It will be at Danny's place at 7:30pm. Everyone is invited, so be sure to go and wish Danny a great trip! Danny we'll all be looking forward to hearing great stories from you when you get back (or when you email us).
So let's PARTY PARTY PARTY and do it in a hardy like fashion
P.S. We'd like to support Danny as a group financially (and I hope with our prayers as well) and give a small token of our appreciation to Mike and Lauren so if you would like to donate toward those things make sure you bring money on Friday as I'll take an offering.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Try This!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Youth-Friday Sept. 1-Rediciput
So, Bring about $10 for the mini-put and maybe a snacky.
Also bring some money to give towards our global mission project...Grumpy will take an offering for that.
Make sure you all spread the word!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
More Swimming!!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Friday-Youth-Pavement Chalk Murals and Swim
We'll be meeting at the church at usual time 7:30pm (but hey you can come early if you want and chillax in the youth room for a while)...But for youth we will be doing some pavement chalk murals at the church. So bring your creativity for that and have fun with it. I'm going to connect our wonderous art with the "Summer Fest" our church is doing so our pavement murals will serve a greater end than just an outlet for our creativity!
Then, Hannah Willems has been so kind as to invite the group to her house for some swimming! So bring your swimwear as well. We'll head there around 9ish and hopefully the weather will be good for it!
Tom out...
Josh Duerrstein's Baptism!!!
Feel free to continue to let others know as you see then here from Josh is "The Deal" (T.D.)
SO heres the deal, I Josh Duerrstein am geting baptized ont the 27th of August, and you people are invited to come. It will take place durring the 11AM service [at Southridge Church] and there will be a kind of party thing after [at the Duerrstein's] in which you can indulge yourselves in food (probably pizza and beef on a bun) and swimming and trampolining (the act of bouncing on a trampoline). There may also be a volley ball ball net set up for volleying and balling. Oh and i live at 1515 5th street if directions are needed [either to Southridge or my place] u know how to contact me...I hope.
Finally one of the most crucial parts of an invite. the R.S.V.P which if you were wondering is a fancy french acronym* that stand for reponde sil vous pait (spelling may or may not be correct and may have violated copywrite laws in 38 or more States of America). As you can probably tell im bored, but i would like all of you to follow through with this R.S.V.P thing as so the amount of food purchased will be enough for the attendees to consume. Any further questions and you can reach me here or at the phone 905 687 1708. I will be at camp next week so it would be preferable if i were to be contacted before Sunday morning.[Josh out...]
*nota bena: we all know how Southridge members can't get through any conversation/email without the use of at least one acronym, so I guess now Josh has proven to the wider community that he's ready to join Southridge!
You know I'm just playing Josh I [Tom] am extremly excited that Josh is getting baptized and with the risk of emptying our pews I encourage you all to go and support him! I myself WISH I could be there but seeing as I've missed a bunch of Sunday's at Scott St. this summer and will be missing this coming Sunday to be at camp, I just can't do it (I am a paid christian after all ;) )...I hope to be at the lunch though...I never turn down a free lunch.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Aids. Care Now.

Hey all, I'm not sure how many of you got my email or not, but either way I want to draw your attention to a new link in our links section. It is for a new MCC website that is trying to cast light on the work they are involved in for the aids crisis affecting our world (esp. Africa). You can also get to the site by clicking on the heading of this post or go to:
I just came back from a leadership summit where one of the sessions was an interview between Bill Hybels and Bono and it again drove home for me the urgency of the need for Christians to take action to work to stop this crisis!
I would be EXTREMELY interested to hear any suggestions and idea's how our youth group or church could engage this issue in any way shape or form...please, pray, think and if you can, GIVE.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
This Friday Youth will be at REGULAR time [7:30pm]...but that's about all that will be regular about it!
I can't give you any details about the night other than that I've put it into the hands of master mind Grumpy Phil Klassen and anyone else he choses to involve AND that the night is going to be Super-Awesome-Fun*.
So come on out, bring your friends...7:30pm Scott St. Mennonite Brethren Church, SSMBY super-awesome-fun-night!!!
Tom out...
*That is provided you all come with a good attitude and help to make it such!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Talent Show/Guys & Girls Night

Hey all, yep so this Friday is our youth group Talent Show so come one come all and bring your talents! You don't have to perform a talent to come, you could just watch, but I warn you that wouldn't be as fun! Do me it will be a lot more fun. Go ahead think outside of the gymnastics...balance a broom on your nose...whatever...I know our youth has a TON of talent!
We're having a guys and girls night...that's right...the ladies will be hanging out with the girl adult leaders for an all nighter (so bring whatever you need for an all nighter). They'll be doing what girls namely do at all nighters...i.e. talk about us boys!
As to the guys, we will be going to Gar Wiens place also for an all nighter...bring whatever you need for the night and bring your swim trunks if you like, the pool will be open until 10pm so lets not dilly dally and lets go straight there after the talent show. We'll be celebrating Gar's return to Canada and to being an adult leader in our group and giving a big final hurah to Mike as he's retiring as adult leader. For this we'll be doing what guys do at all nighters...namely eat meat and talk about barbecuing meat! We'll also talk about some other stuff probably, but mmm the meat. It's bring your own and don't hurt Gar's feelings by bringing something silly (unless it's for health or ethical reasons). I suggest a nice steak!

Friday, July 21, 2006
NO YOUTH--re: mission trip 2006
Youth will be back and in full effect the following Friday (August 4th) ...which is the Tallent Show, so get practicing your tallents!
Tonight-YOUTH-Karaoke lounge!

Alrighty, so tonight our youth is going karaoke. It's gonna be like a straight up Karaoke lounge. So you can come on out, lounge about and if the spirit of song takes a hold of you, then by all means feel free to, entertain the rest of us! You don't have to sing, but one you get a couple hot chocolates into you, I'm sure you will!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Here we are!

So, here we are... we've learned how to be tool safe thanks to Mr. Kasper, and we'll be on our way to Cherokee Cove this Saturday. For those of you who aren't coming on the trip, please pray for us while we're away.
Here's who's going...
Heidi, Kelly, Alina, Nathan, Paul, Robert, Josh, Phil, Jordan, James, Tom, Vic, Kevin, Sabrina, and Charity
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Things You MUST Remember for "The Trip"
- bring ID to cross the border. either a passport, or your birth certificate and a piece of photo ID (drivers license, student card etc.)
- bring one set of chruch clothes. boys - no jeans, no shorts, collered shirt. girls - skirt (knee length or longer), no tank tops
- bring american spending money, enough for 6 or 7 meals, snacks, and other things ($100 should do the trick)
- pack no more than a mid sized duffle bag, and a carry along bag. bring it to the church friday nite, so we can pack it into the vans
- be at the church at 6am sharp saturday morning
this is not an exhaustive list, but is a list of some of the important things that you may be inclined to forget
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
World Marble Championships

Phil " Grumpy" Klassen as he shoots for the win in the World Marble Championships held last friday night at Lincoln Centennial
Public School. It was a tight match but, "Grumpy" as his fans call him, just squeezed into the leadership positions with this amazing ten yard shot. When asked how he did it, he modestly replied " It was nothing, I just put the marble in the hole." Mark Durksen finished a close second.
Retreat Weekend
Alright now that we have that ugliness out of the way, for all of you who are coming...we're meeting at the church at 5pm. If you have a tent that we can use, bring it and let Pastor Tom know. Bring cutlery for yourself...if you're not sure what else to's on the retreat form...if you're still not sure, just ask Pastor Tom or even comment on this blog and I'll respond here.
See you all on Friday...pray that I (Tom) am feeling better by the weekend (I'm still battling quite the cold) and pray that we have an awesome weekend!

We should be back on Sunday between 4 and 5pm.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Tonight: Schoolyard Games!


Need Your Help!

Hey Everyone, this Saturday (July 8th) we're having a car wash and we need ALL OF YOU to help! Come to the church for 8am so that we can hopefully be going full steam by 9am. The proceeds go to support our mission team, so this is a good chance for you to in a way be a part of the ministry that we'll be doing in North Carolina/Tennessee. We really need your help to make this a success and are depending on it for the trip.
Thanks, Pastor Tom out...
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Mike Moments
Now then you [yes you!] are to write a story about him the comment section. Feel free to tell any sort of memories or comments you would like about Mike. Well, get cracking!
*Tom Moments are archived May4 if you'd still like to put in a punch there.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
More eyes
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Guess who!
Friday Fireworks

Hey everyone, tomorrow (Friday June 30th) we are going to be meeting at The Durksen's (Bill & Gita's--Mark's Parents) place.
There is a map linked to the title of this blog, so if you click on will get a map!
You need to bring (if you can because it will make the night a lot better!):
Frisbee's (we'll play some Frolf on the Durksen Frolf course until it get's dark)
Snacks (if you want...there will most likely be a bon fire so if you bring smores stuff or marshmallows, that's fun)
Lastly, take note that you can now link our Furum via the links section of this site.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Retreat Forms & Money Due July 7!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
School is winding down. Exams may or may not be stressing you out. Either way, this Friday is a Friday to relax (my absolute favourite thing to do).
Come out at regular time (7:30) ready to chill will friends, listen to music, play games, have good conversation, and a great time!!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
New SSMBY Hoodies Are In!!!
That is correct, our hoodies are finally in!
They will be $35 each.
The hoodies themselves are manufactured in Canada and screen printed here in St. Catharines (designed by yours trully with help from you all!)
There is a limited suply:
10 small
5 medium
5 large
Once those are gone I'll have to order more and I have no idea how long that will take. I won't hold any...if you want one, it's first come (avec payola) first serve.
So stop on by the office and get yours.
Tom out...
Friday, June 09, 2006
Progressive Supper June 15th @ 6:30pm
If you know a dad or grandfather (opa, gramps, pop), yours or otherwise, why not ask them to host a few youth next Friday for a progressive supper?
Cooking skill is appreciated, but not required (pizza is always appreciated, or the skills of another cook in the household).
- Youth are meeting at the church for 6:30, so will begin arriving at your homes at about 7:00pm
- groups of 3-5 youth, 1 course
- You will feed 3-4 groups
- Contact Tom by Thursday the 14th at lunchtime - email or call the office.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Friday is Capture The Flag Day!


Hey all,
So this week we're playing capture the flag with our good friends at Grantham MB Youth

*Note: We're meeting at Grantham! at regular time (7:30pm)
We may go for some Iced Cream after, so you might want to bring some bling!
*If you don't know how to get to Grantham, then just click on the title of this blog and it will link you to a very good map via google maps.
See you all Friday @ Grantham...make sure your game is on...and please, don't forget to bring your 'A' game because your

Wednesday, May 31, 2006
BBQ; B-Ball; Be-There
Yep so Thursday (tommorrow as I write this) is a BBQ for the Basketball drop-in. It's gonna be at Grantham MB at 6:30pm. It'd be really cool if you could make it out!
Friday June 2nd
I hope though that it will not curtail (take away) posts from this site...I really do wanna see your comments. Here's an idea, after a youth event comment on what you thought of it here!
Anyway, to get to the forum Robert made, just click on the word Forum (i.e. the heading of this post).
Friday, May 26, 2006
June Calandar
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Video Cameras